

Research on Organizational Ecology of Creative Industrial District

【作者】 张白玉

【导师】 孙启明;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 创意产业园区在我国一些城市正在蓬勃兴起,但对该类型园区的研究还处于起步阶段。组织生态理论将生物学基本原理应用到对产业园区成长、企业行为的分析中,运用组织生态理论分析创意产业,能够从一个新的视角对创意产业的成长、演进进行深入分析,通过构建适宜的生态环境来培育或激发创意产业的创新能力。本文从组织生态学的角度探讨创意产业园区的发展规律,分析了创意产业园区的系统构成、生态环境、企业间竞合关系等方面,从生态系统学角度研究创意产业园区发展模式,为制定创意产业园区发展政策提供科学依据。创意产业园区组织生态系统体现出许多独特的自身特性,表现为以下几点:市场需求环境的高度不确定性;组织“生态链”中价值的非消耗性;系统的开放性。创意产业园区组织生态系统分为三个层次:内部是核心层,包括创意产业价值链上下游组织间和水平组织之间的竞合关系;第二层为紧密层环境,即各种公共服务机构和体系。包括:(1)园区的各种供给要素,如人力资本、技术资本、金融资本、社会资本等;(2)辅助服务机构,如地方政府、中介机构、大学及研究机构、金融机构;第三层为松散层环境,包括经济环境、文化环境、法律环境、融资环境、信息环境、政策环境等。该生态系统中的各主体处于一种持续不断的相互联系与作用之中,正是这种联系与作用推进了组织生态系统的演化,整个系统的能力与绩效不仅取决于组织个体利用环境中其他组织个体的程度,而且也取决于企业本身被其他个体利用的程度。创意产业生成、发展所依赖的外在经济、社会、文化等因素构成了产业生态环境。创意产业园区具有明显的复杂性和不确定性。创意园区的不确定性分解为如下几个方面:(1)政治、社会、经济和技术等宏观环境的快速变化;(2)市场环境、激烈的市场竞争、产品生命周期的缩短和顾客的多样化及个性化需求的快速变化;(3)创意产业园区企业运作环境的快速变化;(4)企业外部运作环境的快速变化加速了企业组织内部变化的不确定性。在创意产业园区组织生态系统中,创意企业之间的关系可以是竞争的,也可以是非竞争的,可以是有利的,也可以是有害的。企业间可能出现的相互关系包括:竞争、合作共生、捕食、寄生、偏利、偏害、中性等等。本文将针对创意企业种群的特点,对经典的Logistic模型和Lotka-Volterra模型进行扩展,引入了创新因子,考察了个体创意能力对创意企业间交互关系及稳定均衡状态的影响。虽然我们仅仅考虑了两个企业的组织生态关系,但文中构建的模型可以推广到多个企业之间的组织生态关系研究。此外,该模型还可以用于研究创意产业集群之间的组织生态关系。宏观上看,创意产业园区的运行机制包括自组织机制、复制机制、变异机制和重组机制,演化机制主要包括:集聚效应与外部经济、弹性专业化效应、竞合效应与差异竞争、创新效应与学习型区域、声誉效应等。从微观上看,创意产业园区中企业会发生协同进化的现象,创意产业园区中企业协同进化是指园区中多个企业在互动交易过程中,正相互作用得以加强,有利于双方的趋势得以加强,导致双方获利,企业之间负相互作用减弱即不良的竞争方式减弱,而使各方都能够最大程度地得到发展与壮大。创意产业园区中,企业的相互关系慢慢改变,不良的竞争关系、偏利偏害的关系改变为互利关系。5.以北京市798创意产业园区为例,分析了798创意产业园区的组织生态系统,包括其生态系统构成、系统内互动关系分析、系统演化过程。结合我国目前创意产业发展的特定阶段,提出适合我国创意产业发展的总体方向、发展模式、生态环境培育,竞争力评价体系以及生态系统的竞争和协同战略。

【Abstract】 Creative industrial district in some cities are booming, but the relative research is still in the initial stage. Using the theory of organizational to detect creative industries can get in-depth analysis of the evolution of creative industries from a new perspective. We explore the development laws, system structure, ecological environment; business relations between enterprises of creative industrial district and build an evaluation index system competitive on creative industry districts. All the conclusions are important for the development of creative industry districts.1. Organizational ecosystem of creative industry embodies many unique features, which are showed as the following: high uncertainty of market demand environment, non-expendable value in the "ecological chain" and open system. Organizational ecosystem of creative industry is divided into three levels:it including upstream and downstream value chain of creative industries and the level of inter-organizational relations between organizations competing within the core layer; second layer for the close environment of the various public service agencies and system; The third layer is loose layer of the environment, including economic environment, cultural environment, legal environment, financial environment, information environment, policy environment.2. Creative industry district has obvious complexity and uncertainty.The uncertainty is divided into the following aspects:(1) rapid changes of political, social, economic and technological environment in the macro-environment; (2) rapid changes of market conditions, intense competition, shortening of product life cycles and the changes of customer diversity and the individual; (3) rapid changes of business operation environment in creative industry district; (4) rapid changes of enterprise external operating environment accelerate the changing of business uncertainty within the organization.3. The ecological relationships between creative enterprises including competition, mutualism, and predator-prey and so on are explored based on niche theory from the perspective of the ecological organization. According to the characteristics of creative enterprises, we extend classical Logistic model and Lotka-Volterra model. Creation factor are introduced in the model. Although the model just considered the ecological relationships between two enterprises, it can be extended to the situation of a number of enterprises. In addition, the model also can be used to research the ecological relationships between creative enterprise clusters.4. We explored the operating and evolution mechanisms of organizational ecosystem in creative industry district.The operating From mechanism include the self-organizing; duplication; heteromorphosis; recombination a macro perspective the evolution mechanism of creative industry district include:Agglomeration effect and the external economy; flexible specialization effect; competing effect; innovation and learning effects of the region; reputation effect. From the microscopic point of view, the phenomenon of co-evolution will occur and which can lead to the changing of the relationships between creative enterprises.5. We take the 798 creative industrial district as an example, analyse its organizational ecology such as the structure, ecological relationships and evolution mechanisms.6. Finally, we present some suggestions according to the situation of creative industry district in China such as the overall policy direction, developing model, ecologyenvironment breeding, competition evaluation system and the competition and cooperation strategy.

  • 【分类号】F224;F719;F205
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1644
  • 攻读期成果

