

Research on Competition, Compatability and Policy of ICT Standardization

【作者】 罗明伟

【导师】 赵厚麟; 舒华英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术标准与知识产权越来越紧密的联系,使得掌握信息技术标准可能成为获取巨大市场利益的新型手段,也成为知识产权竞争的高级形式。同时信息技术革命与经济全球化的相互作用,使信息技术标准成为跨国公司竞争全球市场的重要制高点,并延伸成为一种国家间经济竞争热点和技术贸易壁垒形式。本世纪初以来,随着我国信息产品市场规模急剧扩大和信息技术快速发展,我国在信息领域积极稳步推进以自主创新为特色的标准化战略,推出了TD-SCDMA、WAPI、GoTa、AVS、IGRS、地面数字电视、手机电视、高清光盘等一系列创新的信息技术标准,引起全球广泛关注,取得了可喜成就,同时也积累了不少经验教训。如何理解和认识信息技术标准竞争的特点和内在机制,如何结合我国实际和国际现状,使我国能够从政策和战略层面谋求信息技术标准国际化竞争优势和利益,是当前非常值得我国学者深入研究的问题,也是本论文希望分析和探讨的内容。本论文重点讨论了信息技术标准化竞争、国家政策与战略等相关内容,主要在以下几个方面尝试进行一定的创新研究:(一)对信息技术标准化及竞争特点进行的较为系统归纳、总结。本文尝试在一般性标准和标准化理论的基础上,结合信息技术领域的一些典型标准化案例,专门分析了信息技术标准化及竞争特点,同时对这些特点给信息技术准化带来的影响等进行较为系统的总结。(二)关于网络效应下标准竞争和兼容策略的数理模型研究。本文在基于Hotelling静态博弈模型的基础上,应用动态博弈模型讨论标准化差异战略,并探讨了标准的可变成本和不变成本因素对标准竞争的影响,讨论了存在技术先导者和不存在技术先导者及考虑生产者技术辐射效应条件下标准兼容策略。研究具有一定对应场景和现实意义。(三)关于信息技术标准化政策框架与国家战略模式的系统分析和归纳。通过对比分析美、欧、日等国家在信息技术领域的标准化政策与战略,并结合部分案例讨论,提炼和归纳了标准化的公共政策基本框架和作用机制,同时对标准化的市场失灵、管制失灵现象进行了概括分析和总结。(四)对我国信息技术标准化案例和战略进行深入分析。笔者结合多年在信息通信行业从事监管政策研究工作经验和专业知识背景,对TD-SCDMA、WAPI、手机电视、地面数字电视、数字集群等信息技术标准制定中政策进行了较为深入、客观地剖析,分析了我国当前信息技术标准化机制中存在的问题,并进一步提出了较为适合我国国情的标准竞争战略和政策。

【Abstract】 Now in the field of information and Communications Technology (ICT),standards demostrate close relationship with intellectual property rights(IPR) as great profit can be obtained by controlling ICT standards and related IPRs. As the Information Technology Revolution is interacted with economy globalization, ICT standards become a commanding point for global market competition especially among transnational corporations,as well as a key tool for international economic competition and to some extent a kind of technical barriers in international trade.Under this situation, this dissertation mainly focuses research on ICT standards competition mechanism, public policy and national strategies and concerned content, in order to push forward related theory study and problem solving.Since the beginning of 21 Century, with the rapid expansion of ICT market and the rapid development of ICT technology, China has been actively and steadily pushing forward the innovative strategies for ICT standardization. Such innovative ICT technology standards s TD-SCDMA, WAPI, GoTa, AVS,IGRS,terrestrial digital TV, mobile TV, High-Definition Optical Disc System,etc.,are introduced into market which has got great concern in the world.Though China has made encouraging achievements, some drawbacks are still experienced.How to get awareness of the inherent characteristics and competitive mechanisms of ICT technology standardization, and how to seek competitive advantage and international interests based on the reality of China and other contoury with regard to the policies and strategies system for ICT technology standardization, are both worth to in-depth study for China’s scholars, as this paper tend to give analysis and discussion on these questions.The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows.(1)Analysis on the characteristics in standardization of ICT technology contestBased on the general theory of standardization and some typical cases in ICT field, the properties in ICT standardization comtest are analyzed, and the impact on the standardization brought forward by these properties is detailed summarized in the dissertation.(2) Analysis on the game model and strategy of competition & cooperation under network effectBased on the Hotelling static game model, a dynamic game model is devised to analyzed the differentiated strategy of ICT standardization, and such factors as fixed cost and variable cost are discussed concerned about ICT standards competition. Game strategies of ICT standardization under Some secene including technology pioneering, patent constraints and technology diffusion phenomena are analyzed.Most of these studies may correspond with the reality scene and are worthy of in-depth study.(3) Sysmatic summary of policy framework and national strategy model in ICT standards warCombined with case discussion, the national policy and strategy model of United States,Europe and Japan are compared and analyzed as for ICT standardization.Basic framework and mechism of national strategy concerned about ICT standardization are researched and summarized,while market failure, regulatory failure phenomenon related to standardization is studied.(4) In-depth analysis on strategy and cases of ICT standardization in ChinaRich experience and technology background in ICT field favor the author to make in-depth and objective analysis on some typical case of ICT standardization in China such as TD-SCDMA,WAPI,Mobile TV, terrestrial digital television, digital trunking and other standard-setting case.Standardization mechanism including existing problemes is well analyzed, and suggestion on the strategy and policies of China’s ICT standardization are put forward.

【关键词】 标准竞争兼容政策
【Key words】 StandardCompetitionCompatibilityPolicy
  • 【分类号】F224;F49
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】509

