

Research on Marketing Model and Marketing Strategy of Mobile Commerce Based on WAP

【作者】 翁苏湘

【导师】 金永生;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究借鉴国内外已有的研究成果,在中国的社会和文化背景下,研究与WAP移动商务营销模式和营销策略有关的问题。本研究主要研究思路是从梳理国内外相关理论研究的现状入手,逐渐明晰有关WAP移动商务营销模式概念的内涵和外延,提出以客户关系管理为核心的WAP移动商务营销模式的层次概念并逐层展开讨论,最终构建WAP移动商务营销策略影响因素理论模型,并进行了量化分析,得到主要结论如下:界定了WAP移动商务营销模式的研究体系范畴。本研究认为,营销模式是一种体系,而不仅仅一种手段或方式。根据目前公认营销模式从构筑方式上划分的两大主流,即通过企业管理体系细分延伸归纳出的市场细分法营销模式和以客户整合法,通过建立客户价值核心,整合企业各环节资源的整合营销模式的观点。本文认为有四个方面的内容组成关于移动商务营销模式的研究体系,它们之间相辅相成,共同构建WAP移动商务的营销模式系统。这四个方面分别为:移动商务企业的客户关系管理(CRM)、移动商务企业如何提升自身的竞争优势、不同移动商务模式的业务流程、移动商务企业的营销策略组合。构建并证实了WAP移动商务营销策略影响因素模型。本研究在充分研究了移动电子商务营销策略的基础上,提出了本研究界定的营销模式系统内的营销策略,包括7P策略、服务营销、体验营销及数据库营销,并以此为基础构造待检验的营销策略影响因素研究模型。作者认为,企业营销策略的选择和制定,应该以吸纳更多的消费者产生购买意图并形成最终的实际购买行为为最终目的,这也是评价营销策略的唯一标尺,因此模型以“购买意图”和“实际购买”作为结果变量。作者认为,“购买意图”直接决定“实际购买”。考虑WAP移动商务的特征,影响消费者形成购买意图的因素主要包括“产品内在因素”、“消费者对产品的感知”以及“消费者对服务的感知”三部分组成。当然,在消费者选择和决策的过程中,人口统计特征会起到重要的调节作用。以消费者购买行为为基础,定量研究了不同营销策略对购买行为的影响因子。营销策略组合是市场营销学的重要组成部分,随着研究的不断深入,针对不同行业的、不同商务模式的和不同消费者群体的营销策略理论层出不穷。但是,纵观国内有关营销策略的研究,均停留在理论研究基础上,本文将营销策略通过一些测量变量进行观测,并利用社会统计学方法进行分析和汇总,定量研究了不同营销策略对形成消费者最终的购买行为的影响因子大小,并依据研究结果,提出对运营商有指导意义的营销组合建议。

【Abstract】 This paper uses some research harvests both in home and overseas for reference, based on Chinese society and culture background, studies the marketing model and strategy of M-Commerce based on WAP. The main clew of this paper begins from the correlative studies both in home and overseas, gradually makes some concepts clearly, including the marketing model of M-Commerce based on WAP, the connotation and extension of the concept. Finally, establishes an academic research model of M-Commerce based on WAP. In this paper, the author uses empirical research method to analyze and validate the model, then establishes a multiple linear regression model. The main innovations and conclusions can be concluded as:It attempts to clearly definite the conception and category of marketing model of M-Commerce based on WAP. In this paper, marketing model is regards as a system not only a pure method. There are two mainstreams of marketing model, one is based on market fractionizing and the other is based on the customers, which regards the customers’values as the core. Here, the paper regards four aspects are included in the definition of M-Commerce marketing model:Customer Relationship Management (CRM), M-business advancing competition advantage, Operation flow and developing strategy of different commerce model, Marketing strategy of M-business.Establishing and validating the research model of M-Commerce marketing system, which brings the customers final purchasing behavior. Marketing strategy of M-Commerce is fully studies in this paper. Mean while, marketing strategies are promoted here, including 7P marketing strategy, service marketing, experience marketing and database marketing.The author figures that the purpose of choosing and setting down the marketing strategy in a business is to attract more customers’buying behavior, which is the only staff guage to estimate marketing strategy. The author considers intention of buying deciding fact buying behavior directly. Considering the characteristic of M-Commerce based on WAP, there are three parts influencing buying intention, including production factor, apperceiving to production and apperceiving to service. Of course, vital statistics has important accommodating effect.Empirical Study of influence factor in different stragegies towards buying behavior based on theory of consumer’s behavior.The mix marketing strategy is the important composing parts of marketing science. There are lots of marketing theories towards different trade, different business model, different customers, but most of this researches stop at academic layer. In this paper, marketing strategies are observed by some measurable variables, at the same time, analyzed and collected by statistics methods. Empirical research on marketing strategy influenced factor is to put forward the most influencing strategies as 7P marketing strategy, experienced marketing, service marketing and database marketing based on CRM.

【关键词】 WAP移动电子商务营销模式营销策略
【Key words】 WAPM-Commercemarketing modelmarketing strategy
  • 【分类号】F274;F713.36
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】4158
  • 攻读期成果

