

Research on Several Key Technologies on Radiated Emission Testing in GTEM Cell

【作者】 李吉

【导师】 李书芳;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 GTEM小室作为一种电磁兼容测试场地,以其造价低廉、工作频带宽、测试效率高、对环境要求低等特点被国际电磁兼容界所关注。随着近年来与GTEM小室相关的基础理论及应用研究的逐渐深入,GTEM小室的应用领域已经从原有的电磁兼容测试,逐渐扩展到天线测试、RFID测试、RCS测试、系统兼容性测试等领域,GTEM小室已经成为开阔试验场和电波暗室的主要替代场地之一。论文以GTEM小室对辐射特性的影响及补偿方法的研究(项目编号:60971069);国家863计划:射频识别应用中的通信测试技术的研究(项目编号:2006AA04A106)为依托,对GTEM小室应用过程中存在的若干关键技术问题进行了深入的研究,解决了若干限制GTEM小室实际应用推广的瓶颈问题,为GTEM小室在新领域的应用和推广提供了理论依据。本论文采用理论分析、仿真验证、实验测量相结合的研究方法,研究内容涵盖:应用GTEM小室进行辐射总功率测试的研究,应用GTEM小室进行RFID标签方向性测试的研究,GTEM小室辐射发射仿真建模的研究,GTEM小室相关自动测试系统的建立。本论文的主要创新点如下:(1)创新性的提出了使用GTEM小室进行辐射总功率测试的方法,为GTEM小室的应用扩展了新的领域。并且针对GTEM小室对非小尺寸辐射体辐射发射产生影响的情况,提出了|S11|参数补偿方法,进一步提高了辐射总功率测试的测量精度,扩展了GTEM小室辐射总功率测试的应用范围。相关实验结果证明本测试方法和补偿方法是正确有效的,可以应用于实际的测试之中。本方法不但为GTEM小室提出了新的应用领域,而且|S11|参数补偿方法可以对测试结果进行有效的补偿,同时本方法及补偿方法也可应用于使用GTEM小室进行天线测试的情况。(2)为了满足目前RFID标签测试的需要,提出使用GTEM小室进行RFID标签方向性测试,首次给出了RFID标签在辐射发射情况下的GTEM小室端口输出表达式,为使用GTEM小室做RFID标签相关测试提供了理论依据。本方法满足了RFID厂家对RFID相关性能的测试需要,为GTEM小室提供了一种新的应用领域。(3)为了进一步研究辐射体在GTEM小室中的辐射发射情况和GTEM小室及测试附件对辐射发射测试结果的影响,针对实际的GTEM小室中辐射体发射情况进行了仿真建模,并通过理论计算和实际实验比对的方法验证了本仿真模型的有效性。利用本GTEM小室模型对GTEM小室中转台对辐射体辐射发射测试的影响问题和辐射体GTEM小室端口输出功率公式的应用性问题进行了仿真分析,通过对仿真结果的分析,得到了相关指导性结论。(4)基于使用GTEM小室进行辐射总功率测试的方法,组建了2008年北京奥运会无线电设备自动检测平台。本自动检测平台首次将GTEM小室做辐射总功率的方法应用于在用无线电设备的检测工作中,并成功应用于在用无线电设备检测的工作中,圆满的完成了2008年奥运会在用无线电设备的检测任务。本自动检测平台充分发挥了GTEM小室做辐射体辐射发射测试的特点和自动测试系统的优势,解决了实际测试中对在用设备进行射频性能检测难题,为GTEM小室提出了一个崭新的应用领域。本论文研究了GTEM小室实际应用过程中面临的若干关键问题,为GTEM小室的实际使用和新应用的探索提供了相应的研究成果。

【Abstract】 As a kind of EMC test sites, with the characteristics of low cost and wide frequency band and high testing efficiency and low demands of environment, GTEM cell has aroused a lot of concern by the international electromagnetic community. In the recent years, the research of basic theory and application of GTEM cell has been gradually developed, the application of GTEM cell has been expanded to some fields as antenna testing and RFID testing and RCS testing and system compatibility testing from the original field of electromagnetic compatibility testing. GTEM cell has become one of the mainly sites that can replace the anechoic chamber and open test aria. This paper depends on the following projects:the research of EUT’s radiation characteristic and its compensation method (project Number:60971069); National 863 program:The research of RFID applications in the technology of communication testing (Project Number:2006AA04A106), and studies deeply in some critical problems existing in the processes of GTEM cell’s applications, solves a numbered of problems that restrict the practical uses of GTEM cell. Finally this paper provides a theoretical basis for the new filed application of GTEM cell and its promotion.This paper uses the method of theoretical analysis, simulation modeling and experimental testing. The content covers the following aspects:the research on the TRP test using GTEM Cell, research on the directivity test of RFID tag in GTEM cell, the establishment of the relevant automatic test systems of GTEM cell, the simulation research on EUT radiation in GTEM cellThe main innovations of this paper are as follows:(1) It creatively proposes a method of testing a EUT’s total radiated power using a GTEM cell, and develops a new field in the application of GTEM cell. As to the situation of the impact that GTEM cell has on the non-small-size EUT’s radiated emission. It proposes the method of |S11| parameter compensation, further improves the testing precision of EUT’s total power, expands the field of GTEM cell’s application in radiated emission test. The related experimental result testifies the accuracy and efficiency of the testing method and parameter compensation, and can be used in practical test. This method makes a new field for GTEM cell’s use, and |S11| parameter compensation method can effectively compensate the testing results, improves the aria of testing a EUT’s total radiated power using a GTEM cell. At the same time, the method can also be used in the test of an antenna in GTEM cell.(2) In order to meet the current needs of RFID tag’s test, this paper proposes a method of using GTEM cell doing the directional test of RFID tags. The expression of output power of GTEM cell is firstly given under the situation of RFID tag’s radiated emission test. It provides a theoretical basis for the associated tests of RFID tags using GTEM cell. This method satisfies the needs of doing some RFID-related performance testing for the domestic manufacturers, also proposes a new application field for GTEM cell.(3) In order to further study the situation of EUT radiation emission in GTEM and the impact of GTEM cell and its test sites on the radiated emission testing result, the simulation model of the practical GTEM cell has been made. It shows the validity of the GTEM cell simulation model through a series of theoretical calculations and practical experiments. With the GTEM cell simulation model, some simulation analysis are made about the effects of the turntable in GTEM cell has on the EUT radiated emission testing and of the application of GTEM cell’s output power formula. Some constructive conclusions have been made through the analysis of the simulation results.(4) Based on the method of the TRP test using GTEM Cell, an automatic test platform is set up for the RF testing of radio equipments in use in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. It firstly put the method of using GTEM cell doing TRP test in the detection work of radio equipment in use, and was successfully applied in the detection work. It was applied to the testing work of radio equipments test in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and achieved good effects. The automatic test platform is fully played the testing characteristics of GTEM cell in TRP test and the advantages of automatic test system, and solves the problem of testing the RF performance of EUT in use and proposes a new application field for GTEM cell.The paper does a deep research in some critical problems that GTEM cell has in its practical uses, also it provides some related research results for GTEM cell’s practical use and its new application field.


