

Study on Institution Improvement of Subcontracting Governance in Road Building Industry

【作者】 向寿生

【导师】 周国光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 公路建设领域中的违法分包问题已严重影响了公路工程建设的质量、安全;造成公路建设资金的损失;扰乱了公路建设秩序;导致公路建设领域中商业贿赂频发等问题。本文以公路建设领域的分包管理法律、法规为基础,分析探讨了公路建设领域的违法分包界定问题;分析违法分包的成因;分析违法分包形成的制度成因;分析治理违法分包所需完善的制度;分析现行分包治理制度存在的缺陷;提出措施完善分包管理制度以建立违法分包治理的长效机制。公路建设领域分包法律约束中分包界定的制度缺陷及其完善。公路建设领域关于合法、违法分包界定的法律、法规比较多,首先归纳对公路建设中分包活动有约束的所有相关法律、法规,同时,根据法律、法规之间的关系将法律、法规体系化;然后,将各法律、法规中关于合法、违法分包界定的条款内容进行归类、对比;通过分析发现各法律、法规在分包和违法分包界定方面存在着矛盾性、模糊性和差异性等问题;进一步分析发现,导致这些问题的主要原因是:行业差异性;没有对分包进行分类界定;法律、法规没有跟上行业(承发包)发展的步伐;针对这些问题,提出应根据行业特点设立专门的工程分包法律、法规约束文件;按分包类型分别进行分包与违法分包界定;最后,对公路建设领域中的合法、违法分包进行了重新界定。公路建设领域违法分包形成的博弈分析与治理思路。根据违法分包的界定,将违法分包分成违法分项总承包、违法施工专业分包和违法劳务分包三类;根据公路建设的实际,分析确定各类违法分包下的可能违法分包主体,并将所有的潜在违法分包主体归纳为:建设单位、施工承包商、分包商以及其他主体等形式;建立模型分析各潜在违法分包主体进行违法分包决策的前提;通过建设单位、施工承包商、分包商以及其他潜在违法分包主体形成违法分包的博弈关系分析各违法分包发生的前提;对各潜在主体形成违法分包的原因进行归类,提出通过完善承包商选择制度(选择机制)、违法分包监督(发现机制)、惩罚制度(惩罚机制)来建立治理公路建设领域违法分包的长效机制。完善公路建设项目承包商的选择机制。从招标信息公开制度、资格预审制度、招标文件编制和评标方法四个方面分析现行公路建设承包商选择制度存在的制度缺陷;针对承包商选择制度的缺陷提出了完善措施。主要措施包括:在招标信息公开制度方面建立招标信息公开+主动投送系统和招标条件审查制度;在资格预审方面制定、制定颁布《公路建设工程施工招标资格预审标准文件》,并根据该文件所规定的资格预审内容规定资格预审资料更新内容,同时,建立资格预审信息真实性保障制度;在招标文件编制方面确立(或明确)二级以下公路的招标文件编制依据和格式;评标方法方面应确立保障合理低价法中控制价范围和评标基准价合理的制度措施。完善公路建设领域违法分包的监督惩罚制度。通过建立模型分析监督主体实施违法分包监督的前提;分析指出监督主体实施违法分包监督制度的缺陷、惩罚机制的缺陷;提出通过向监理、施工承包商等违法分包相关主体下放违法分包监督权力;建立违法分包预警机制和分离政府监督主体和项目法人等措施提高违法分包被发现可能性。惩罚机制方面提出通过扩大惩罚范围、惩罚规范更明确、提高处罚金额、增加处罚后效性以及强调施工总承包商对分包的管理等方面来完善违法分包的惩罚制度。

【Abstract】 Subcontraction has been in field of constraction for several years, but the illgal subcontractions have been affecting the quality and safty of road building; making the finance of road building lost; perturbing the market of road building industry; caused the commercial bribery in the road building industry. The paper probes how to use institution improvement to prevent the illegal subcontraction happen in road building industry.The subcontruction activities of general contractor are constrainted by the laws related with subcontruction. The paper collections all the laws related with subcontruction, and then compare the items related subcontruction in each law. Some differences are being found in the items in different law about the same things. And differences may conclude conflicted outcome that can not be permitted. The paper tries to correct these fault in these laws. The reasons caused these differences are being analysied, and find that the followed three reasons are the key, that is the laws do not concedern the industry differences in different building industry, such as civil engineering, traffic building. And the subconstructions are not being categorized. And the laws are too old to follow the development of the mode of contraction. The paper corrects these faults using road engeneering as an example.According to the categories of illegal sub contraction, the paper analysis the potential body of illegal sub contraction of different categories. They are owner, contractor, subcontractor and others. A decision model is built to analysis the condition of potential body of illegal sub contraction to do illegal sub contraction. And that how the owner, contractor, subcontractor and others make the illegal sub contraction happen is analysed. The reasons that make the illegal sub contraction happen is been catgoried into three aspects:contractor selection institution, supervision and punishment institution.The improvement of contractor selection institution includes four aspects:information openning system, prequalification system, preparation of bid files and bidding methods. The paper analysis the faults of the existing contractor selection institution in road build industry. And put forward some better measures to contractor selection institution more effective. They are active sending system of bidding information, and standard file of prequalification for road construction bidding, and support system for authenticity of prequalification information, and building basis for bidding file preparation for non-important road, and some measures to guarantee the rationality of control price and evaluation basis price in reasonable low-cost method.The paper points out the faults of the existing supervision and punishement institution. And put forward decentralization and warning system should be built in supervision institution of road build industry. Punishement institution should be clearer. And the measures of how to do it are putt forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

