

Study on the Theory and Policy of Completing the Highway Agency System of Construction

【作者】 朱伽林

【导师】 周国光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 政府投资公路项目代建制在试点探索的进程中取得可喜的进展,但仍存在一定程度的政府行政干预、代建单位的法律地位不明确、代建签约双方的权利、义务和职责落实不到位、规章制度不健全等亟待解决的问题。有必要在深入研究的基础上对代建制作出科学界定,根据公路建设的特点将经营性公路建设纳入代建制的范畴,并将公路代建制划分为政府直接投资代建制、BOT代建制和BT代建制三种类型,进一步明确公路代建签约双方各自的权利、责任和义务,合理确定和规范代建管理费,促进代建制为提高公路建设的投资效益发挥更大的作用。推行公路建设代建制的理论基础是社会主义市场经济理论、委托代理理论以及有关公路属性的理论。按照市场理论的指导,应当将公路建设推向市场;依据委托代理理论,公路代建制需要科学规范委托代理双方之间的责权利关系;根据公路属性讨论的结果,政府是公路的唯一投资主体;有必要将所有的公路建设项目,包括政府直接投资公路建设项目、BT建设项目和BOT建设项目全部纳入待建制的范畴。在市场经济条件下,公路代建服务属于一种市场经营行为。承担公路代建任务的行为主体应当是有能力履行代建职责并承担代建风险的法人企业;非企业法人由于缺乏承担代建风险的能力,不应当成为公路建设代建的行为主体。政府部门不应当成为公路代建的委托方,这是为了使政府能够更好地履行对公路代建的市场监管职责。公路代建的委托方应当是政府依法设立或者委托承担公路建设职责的项目法人,包括公路管理局、高速公路管理局、高速公路建设指挥部以及其他形式的项目法人。承担公路建设筹融资职责的国有企业,也可以作为公路代建的委托方。这意味着,政府、项目法人、代建企业是推行公路建设代建制所涉及的三个行为主体;一个完善的公路代建制度需要明确各行为主体在公路代建过程中各自的权利、义务和责任。伴随着公路建设代建制度的建立和实施,政府部门应当通过进一步解放思想,转变观念,加强法规制度建设,将传统的家长式的直接行政管理转变为市场经济条件下的依法间接市场监管,真正做到市场监管到位、不缺位、不越位、不错位。本文研究取的了有创新性的研究成果,但还需要进一步深化对公路建设推行代建制的理论研究;还需要进一步加强对国外项目管理的理论与实证研究;对公路代建合同签约双方权利、义务和责任的研究还需要在实践中进一步完善。还需要进一步深入有关公路建设代建制的理论研究,为进一步健全与完善代建制提供理论依据;还需要进一步探索公路代建制的行业特色,为进一步健全对公路代建制的行业管理提供政策依据;还需要进一步深入探讨在公路代建中各级政府部门职能的科学定位,以利于其更好地履行权责,促进公路建设协调、可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Great success has been achieved in the process of testing of agent system for government investment in highway project, but some problems have been remained in some extent. There are administrative interferes by the government to the highway construction, the unsure legal position for the agent company; unworkable rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties who sign the agent agreement, and the incomplete regulations which are needed urgently to be solved. It is necessary to give the scientific definition for agent system on the basis of further studies. The operating toll highway construction should be included in the agent system according to the characteristics of the highway construction. Thus the highway agent system can be classified into three types:the agent system for highway project invested by the government, the agent system for BOT highway project and the agent system for BT highway project. It is necessary to made sure the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties who sign the agent agreement, and determine reasonably and regulate the agent service charge which will be vary useful to get more investment benefits of the highway construction under the highway construction agent system.The theoretical basis for carrying out the highway construction agent system includes the theory of market economy of socialism, the theory of agency and the theory about the characteristics of the highway. Directed by the theory of market economy, the highway construction should be by the market force. Based on the theory of agency, the highway construction agent system should be operated on the basis of regulating scientifically the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the agent parties. The study results about the characteristics of the highway have made sure that government is the only entity who invest and own the highway. It is necessary that the entire highway projects including the highway project invested by the government, the BOT highway project and the BT highway project should be put into the agent system. Under the market economy, the highway construction agent service provided be the company is one of the profit-earning activities. The entity who is carrying out the highway construction as a agency should be a legal company who have the ability to do its duty of the construction as a agency and to take the construction risks other than a non profit earning entity who is unable to take the construction risk. The governmental department can not be the trustor of the highway construction in which the governmental department will perform better the responsibility of the market supervision to the agent highway construction. The trustor of of the agent highway construction should be the project legal person who is established or trusted by the government and take the responsibility of highway construction including the local highway administration, highway construction department and other forms of the project legal person. The state-owned company which perform the duty of raising funds for the highway construction, may also be the trustor. That means three parties including the governmental department; the project legal person and the agent company are involving in the agent highway construction system. A complete agent highway construction system needs to make sure the right, obligations and responsibilities of the three parties in the process of the agent highway constructionWith the eatablishment and practice of the agent highway construction system, the government should strengthen the raletive rules and regulations by liberating the thoughts and transferring the mentality, and change the traditional direct administration into the indirect market supervision under the market economy, and do his duty pefectly.The studies in this paper have got the exellent results but in some areas further more studies still are necessary. The theoretical study on highway agent construction system needs to be further more; the study on the project management overseas needs to be got more; the study on the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties who sign the agenthighway construction agreement should be further completed in practice. It is needed to study further in theory the agent highway construction system which will give the theoretical basis for the further completing of the agent system. It is needed to discover the service characteristics of the agent highway construction system which will provide the policy basis for the further completing the highway industrial administration of the agent system. It is needed to research deeply the functions of different levels of governmental department in the administration of the agent service of the highway construction which will benefical to the government who will do their duties better and to promote the coordinate and strainable development of the highway construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

