

Study on the Value-added of Freight Multimode Transportation

【作者】 朱文英

【导师】 马天山;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 纵观人类发展的历史,交通运输与人类的生存和发展息息相关,其发展是人类文明发展的主要分支。多式联运作为交通运输新的组织方式,在最大程度上整合了不同运输方式的经济、技术特性,在最大程度上实现了交通运输资源的合理配置和高效应用,在最大程度上保障了交通运输的快速、可持续发展。在科技、文化、理论加速发展的当今应该如何推进货物多式联运自身的发展以更好地同社会、经济的发展相适应、相促进是货运发展中的重要议题。价值作为人类文明史上的重要概念一直伴随着,甚至左右着人类生产和生活的诸多方面。关于价值的理论研究也不胜枚举,其在不同领域的应用为促进全人类的发展起着不尽相同的重要作用。价值工程理论作为一种新型的管理技术,具有广泛的研究领域和应用范畴,在社会经济生活的各个领域发挥着重要作用,也为解决货物多式联运的发展问题提供了崭新的研究视角。基于以上研究背景,论文站在经济分析的视角,通过分析货物多式联运理论,以价值工程为理论基础阐述了货运价值和货运价值增值的内涵,分析研究了货物多式联运价值增值问题。论文以系统的理论分析为基础,应用系统性的思想、价值分析的方法、价值增值的基本理念,借鉴数学、经济学、管理学、运筹学、博弈论等学科的分析方法,和信息技术、数据库管理技术等,以货物多式联运为集中点综合多学科管理思想和计算方法,从货物多式联运的宏观发展层面分析了追求价值增值的重要意义;从理论分析的角度以现有理论为基础详细阐述了货物多式联运的价值、价值增值的涵义;从微观分析的角度阐述了货物多式联运价值增值的主体,以及增值动力、增值动力的作用机制;在理论与实践相结合的指导思想下提出了货物多式联运价值增值策略及其应用;并就典型的货物多式联运流程进行价值分析,结合具体实例分析了货物多式联运价值的增值过程。论文期望从价值的角度和深度入手解决货物多式联运中低效运作等问题,从而提高货物多式联运的整体效益,并为其发展提供新的理论基础和研究视角。

【Abstract】 Throughout the history of human development, transportation and human survival & development is closely related, it is a major branch of human civilization development. As a new organizational mode, multimode transportation integrates the economic and technical characteristics of different modes of transportation. It achieves the rational allocation and efficient application of transport resources, rapid and sustainable development of transport to the maximum degree. However, with the accelerated development of science and technology, culture, theory, how to advance the development of intermodal freight transportation in order to adapt and accelerate the development of society and economics becomes an importation issue. As an important concept in the history of human civilization, value has been accompanied, even affected many aspects of human production and life. There are too many theoretical studies which regard to the Value. And the applications of value in different fields, has plays an important role in promoting the development of mankind. As a kind of new management techniques, Value Engineering theory has a wide range of research fields and application areas, and plays its remarkable charm in many fields of human economic life. In the same time, the Value Engineering theory gives us the new method of resolving the issue about freight intermodal transportation.The paper researches the theory of freight intermodal transportation based on the above research background and the economic analysis perspective, meanwhile, this paper expounded the content of shipping value and shipping value-added, and the issue of the value-added of freight multimode transportation based on the Value Engineering theory. This paper is based on a systematic theoretical analysis, adhere to the study thought of "combine theoretical analysis and actual practice", and through information collection and analysis combination, theoretical research and case study combination, qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation combined research ideas.The paper apply systemic thinking, value analysis method, the basic concept of value-added, drawing on mathematics, economics, management science, operations research, statistics, game theory and other disciplines of science-based analysis, and information technology, database management and technology, together with other subject of management ideas and calculation methods, focuses on the issue of freight multimode transportation. This paper studies the important meaning of pursuing value-added from the macro-analysis development dimension of freight multimode transportation, studies the meaning of shipping value and shipping value-added based on the existing theory from the perspective of theoretical analysis, studies the main body of shipping value-added of multimode transportation, as well as the power and dynamic mechanism of value-added. At the same time, the paper gets some strategies and their application of value-added in combining theory and practice. And then, researches the typical process of freight multimode transportation based on the Value Engineering theory, and studies the process of value-added combined with specific case. Finally, the paper drawing on the theoretical development of value engineering perspective to the process of addressing the inefficient operation of the multimodal transport of goods and other issues in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the multimodal transport of goods for its development as the goal to provide a new theoretical basis and research perspectives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】U11
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】578

