

A Study on Rural Highway Passenger Transport Development under the Orientation of Balancing Urban and Rural Development

【作者】 张丰焰

【导师】 周伟;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 增强城乡之间尤其是农村内部的客运联系,有利于生产要素的自由流动,促进城乡统筹。论文针对农村尤其是乡(镇)以下级别的公路客运服务水平低、城乡道路客运基本服务差异大的现状,将农村公路客运模式选择、客运秩序、客运线路布设、客运安全、客运站点设置、客运许可证制度、客运补贴政策、客运如何引导农村发展等纳入分析范围,对在城乡统筹导向下如何构建可持续的、可承担的、可达的、充分可靠的和具有可引导性的农村公路客运服务体系进行了深入研究。以便为如何提高农村客运服务水平、选择农村客运发展方向提供思路和理论基础。论文的主要创新性研究成果、主要工作和形成的主要结论如下:1、论文建立了道路客运与城乡发展互动关系的分析理论、城乡道路客运基本公共服务均等化程度评价指标体系及模型,构建了城乡统筹导向下农村公路客运协调发展理论方法体系。①运用系统基模理论研究了农村与农村客运、城市与城市客运、城乡发展与道路客运发展之间的互动关系,明晰了城乡统筹中重视客运发展的意义。系统基模理论能从整体上把握好城乡各子系统之间的互动关系。②利用递阶模糊综合评价法,从城乡道路客运公共属性和基本服务水平两个方面,建立了评价指标体系及模型,对我国城乡道路客运基本公共服务均等化程度进行了定量评价,指出我国目前城乡道路客运基本服务存在的显著差异。提出了城乡统筹导向下的农村公路发展的目标,并确定了它的实现途径。2、论文基于出行者需求建立了农村公路客运模式结构分析理论。按照效用最大化、出行费用可承担性原则,利用随机效用理论,采用基于个体出行行为分析的非集计模型,建立了基于出行者需求的农村居民出行模式选择行为模型,并对农村居民6种典型出行模式进行了案例分析。研究结果表明,出行费用和距离是影响农村公路客运模式结构的主要因素。因此,较好的政策选择应是农村客运近期容许低端低廉的三轮车合法存在,随着出行者需求慢慢由功能性转向舒适性,三轮车会逐步由四轮车代替,从而实现农村客运市场的升级。3、论文建立农村公路客运秩序改善模型。利用熵和耗散结构理论建立起了农村公路客运系统熵变模型和农村公路客运秩序演变模型,进行了农村公路客运系统的熵变分析和秩序演变过程分析,并运用这两个模型分别对秩序改善方案进行了案例分析和验证。一致认为逐步取缔非正规客运车辆比直接完全取缔非正规客运车辆而带来秩序改善效果好、矛盾少、可实施性强、可持续性好。4、建立了城乡统筹导向下的农村公路客运服务体系优化方法理论。①为提高客运服务的可达性和可承担性,基于紧凑度理论和经营成本分析建立了农村公路客运线路优化方法,并结合算例进行了验证;紧凑度是从通达性角度衡量区域内节点交通联系便利程度的指数,能很好反应线路的可达情况;研究表明,循环线模式在三种模式中交通紧凑度最高,且运营成本最低。②为提高客运服务的可靠性,设计了农村公路客运安全审计(RBSA)模式,与其它领域安全审计所不同的是RBSA明确了安全审计的重点是人。③为提高客运服务的可持续性,提出了在五级客运站之下,再增设一种新型的能满足农村客运最低要求的六级客运站,并设计了六级站的布局和规模;探索了一套适合于农村的新型的客运经营许可与管理制度,以提高经营的灵活性。④为提高客运服务的可承担性,基于经济学原理,从农村公路客运服务的产品属性和外部经济效益等角度,研究了农村公路客运公共财政补贴的必要性和补贴模式,提出了在当前公共财力不够充裕的情况下交叉补贴是最佳补贴模式。5、建立了农村公路客运引导农村发展理论。为了提高农村公路客运的可引导性,基于经济势理论提出了以农村公路客运为导向的农村发展模式(即RBOD),借鉴TOD理论和基于提高可达性设计了以农村公路客运站点为中心的农村单元(村庄)建设模式和基于RBOD的村镇体系发展模式。以公共交通为导向的发展模式已在城市有很好的实践,农村公路客运同样可以使分散的村庄集聚起来,依托良好的交通条件形成强势点,引导农村发展。实证分析表明,RBOD模式能更好的推动新农村建设与乡村街镇化,提高基本公共服务的均等化水平,是实现城乡统筹发展和解决“三农”问题的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Increasing the contact between urban and rural passenger transport systems, especially within the rural area, is conductive to enable the free flow of elements of production and promote urban-rural coordination. For the low service level of rural area especially in rural township (town) and the great difference between urban and rural passenger transport, the paper takes mode choice, order, line and station arrangement, safety, license permit system, subsidy policy of passenger transport and how it guides rural development into consideration. In order to offer a conception and theoretic basis to the enhancement of rural passenger transport service level and choice of the transport development orientation, the author made a in-depth research of how to build a sustainable, affordable, accessible, adequate and reliable and conductive passenger transport service system under the idea of urban-rural coordination. The paper’s main jobs, innovations and conclusions are as follow:1. The paper establishes the interaction analysis theory between road passenger transport and urban-rural development, and evaluation indices system and model of urban and rural highway passenger transport (RHPT) basic public services equalization as well. The theory and methodology of coordinated development of rural road passenger under the guide of ideas of urban-rural coordination is also established. Details are as follow:①The paper researches the interactions of rural and rural passenger transport, urban and urban passenger transport, urban-rural development and highway passenger transport by systems archetypes theory; and makes a clear emphasis on passenger transport in urban and rural development. Systems archetypes theory can capture the overall urban and rural interaction between the various subsystems.②Using the hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the author develops an evaluation indices system and model from two dimensions- public property and basic service level; And based on the evaluation method, he makes a quantitative evaluation of urban-rural highway passenger transport equalization of basic public services. It is found in the evaluation result that there is a significant difference of the passenger transport service level between urban and rural area. Therefore, the author establishes the goal of rural highway passenger transport development under urban-rural coordination orientation.2. The paper establishes the analysis theory of passenger transport mode structure based on the needs of passengers. According to utility maximization and travel costs affordable theory; and using random utility theory, it builds a mode choice behavior model of rural passengers based on the disaggregated individual travel behavior model and passenger needs, with which the author makes six typical case study of rural passengers’trip model. The results show that travel cost and distance are two key factors the affect the structure of rural road passenger transport mode. For this reason, to allow low-end and low-cost tricycles legally used in rural passenger transport is a better policy. And with travel demands slowly transfer from function to comfort, tricycles will be gradually replaced by four-wheel vehicles so as to upgrade achieve rural passenger transport market upgrade.3. The paper establishes a rural highway passenger transport order improvement model. Based on the theories of entropy and dissipative structure, the paper creates an entropy model of rural passenger transport system and a evolution model of RHPT order; and analyzes the entropy and order evolution of the rural passenger transport system separately; the paper also dose a case study and verification of order improvement plan using the two models respectively. Both results agree that the gradual phasing of non-formal vehicles is better than the direct way. The former is more effective in order improvements, is less conflict and easier to implement. And it is sustainable as well.4. The paper establishes an optimization theory of RHPT service system based on urban-rural orientation.①In order to improve the accessibility and affordable nature of passenger services, a method for RHPT route optimization is established based on the compactness theory and operating costs analysis, and examples are verified. Compactness is a index which measures the traffic convenience of link nodes within the region from accessibility aspect, and can reflect the accessibilities of routes very well; Studies have shown that a circular route has the highest compact lowest operating costs among the three modes (radial, regional and circular).②To enhance the reliability of passenger service, the author designs Rural Bus Safety Audit (RBSA) mode. The difference between RBSA and safety audits in other fields is that the former makes clear that key point of the safety audit is people.③So as to enhance the sustainability of passenger service, the author proposes a new additional station, which is call classⅥand can meet the minimum requirements of RHPT, following the five classification of passenger transport station, together with its scale and layout; a new system of license permit and management is also established to improve operation flexibility.④To improve affordable nature of passenger service, the author studies the necessity and modes of RHPT public financial subsidy based on principles of economics, from the aspects of product attributes and external economic benefit of rural road passenger transport services. He proposes that cross-subsidy mode is the best in current situation where there are insufficient financial resources.5. A theory that rural passenger transport guides rural development is established. In order to build a more guidable RHPT system, based on economic potential theory, rural bus-oriented development model (RBOD) is proposed; using TOD theory and based on accessibility the author designs rural area units (village) construction mode and the village development system based on RBOD. TOD (Public Transport-Oriented Development) model has already been proved a very good practice in urban cities, so similarly the rural passenger transport can also draw the scattered villages together, and relying on good traffic conditions to format of strong points, to guide rural development. Empirical analysis shows, RBOD model can promote the building of new countryside and rural urbanization primly; and it is of great help to raise the equalization of basic public services; it is an effective way to balance urban and rural development and settle the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

