

Formation Mechanism and Management Strategy of Dynamic Capability for Logistics Enterprise

【作者】 陈建校

【导师】 周国光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化趋势和科学技术的迅速发展,物流企业的外部环境发生了巨大变化。客户需求日益多样化和个性化,物流技术日新月异,物流管理方式不断推陈出新,政府管制不断放松,物流市场竞争日益激烈,物流企业的商业生态系统充满变化和不确定性,企业竞争优势和经济租金正在以不断加快的速度被创造出来和侵蚀消散,对物流企业提出了严峻挑战。如何在复杂动荡的环境中形成和提升物流企业的动态能力,不断更新企业能力体系,形成企业的动态竞争力与可持续竞争优势,是一个具有理论价值和实践意义的重要课题。运用企业战略管理、物流管理、演化经济学等理论和方法,按照物流企业动态能力“总体研究设计——理论基础——分析框架与理论假设——形成机理与作用机制分析——培育与提升策略”的研究思路,在述评物流企业动态能力相关研究成果的基础上,探讨物流企业动态能力的内涵、本质与构成要素,构建了基于动态战略管理视角的物流企业动态能力研究S-LCP分析模型,探讨物流企业动态能力的形成机理与作用机制,研究物流企业运营能力动态演化与跃迁的机理和过程,分析物流企业动态能力形成的微观基础和影响因素,并为培育和提升物流企业动态能力提出相关管理策略。构建了物流企业动态能力研究框架——“S-LCP”分析模型,从形成企业持续竞争优势的动态战略管理视角,深入分析了组织学习、动态能力与企业绩效之间的关联机理,并就物流企业动态能力的形成与作用机制提出若干观点和理论假设。认为动态能力的形成是企业通过组织学习与知识管理活动,在动态环境中形成敏捷高效的“环境感知—柔性战略决策—动态战略执行”三种战略管理能力的过程,强调动态能力的作用机制就是运用这些能力要素,实现企业的知识、资源、能力、战略、产品与环境变化之间的动态匹配与协同演变,通过创造一系列暂时竞争优势,从而在整体上形成企业长期持续竞争优势。S-LCP分析模型拓展了物流企业动态能力研究的思路和方法,为物流企业动态能力研究提供了基本理论分析平台。基于物流企业战略定位的动态柔性本质,结合国内外物流企业战略演变及其影响因素分析,建立了物流企业柔性战略定位模型,认为物流企业通过感知外部环境变化,根据企业资源与能力现状及潜力,通过前瞻性创新活动,发现、利用和把握环境变化中存在的战略机会,做出恰当的战略定位与转换决策,优化物流企业的主导产业定位、区域定位、客户定位与产品定位等方面内容,指导并推动物流企业资源重构与能力跃迁,实现物流企业内部结构与外部环境变化要求的动态契合,不断形成企业新的竞争优势。在分析物流企业柔性战略实施的能力跃迁本质基础上,构建了物流企业能力动态规划与跃迁模型,提出物流企业的柔性战略执行过程,就是在企业柔性战略定位指导下,进行能力需求预测与缺口识别分析,基于产业成功关键因素与相关能力的客户价值创造分析,系统规划能力培育重点、发展模式、培育途径与获取策略,化解能力跃迁过程悖论,构建新的能力体系,形成新的竞争优势,并通过对能力演化的实时监控和动态管理,确保企业动态竞争力的形成与演变,实现企业的长期绩效改善与成长发展。探讨物流企业动态能力的微观基础与影响因素,认为物流企业可以通过构建有效的企业动力机制、组织机制、学习机制和匹配机制,以增强企业的环境感知能力、柔性战略决策能力与战略执行能力,从而形成和提升物流企业的动态能力,构建起物流企业的持续竞争优势。

【Abstract】 With the globalization of the world’s economy and the rapid development of the technology, there are great changes in the environment of logistics enterprise. The diversity and individuation of customer demands, the quickly changeable logistics technology, the management modes getting rid of the stale and bringing forth the fresh, the continuous tendency of government deregulation, the more and more intense competition in logistics market, make the business ecosystem full of diversification and uncertainty. The competitive advantages and economy rents of logistics enterprise are created and eroded more and more rapidly. These give serious challenge to logistics enterprises. How to form and promote the dynamic capability in the complex and turbulent situation, so as to renew the enterprise capability system, to obtain dynamic competitive power and sustainable competitive advantages, it has very important value on relative theory as well as its practice.According to the logic line of "The basic research design for the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise——The related theory foundation——The analytical framework and hypotheses——The analysis about formation and action mechanism——The fostering and promoting strategy suggestions to the logistics enterprise", this dissertation gives a comprehensive reviewing the available research achievements of enterprise strategy and capability theory, discusses the connotation, essence, and constituent elements of the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise, builds up a research framework on the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise——S-LCP analytical framework", the dissertation discusses the formation and action mechanism about the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise, studies the evolvement and transition process of enterprise operation capabilities, and explicates the micro foundations and influencing factors for the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise. Through the theoretical study and empirical research, some valuable strategic suggestions that can be used to foster and promote the logistics enterprise’s dynamic capability are brought up.S-LCP model is a critical tool in this dissertation. Using the S-LCP model, the author gets a series of viewpoints and theoretical hypotheses. From the perspective of dynamic strategic management, it considers that the formation of the logistics enterprise’s dynamic capability is the process which logistics enterprise forms some especial strategy capabilities in turn, consists of "environment sensing——flexible strategy decision-making——dynamic strategy execution" abilities, through the organizational learning and knowledge management. It emphases that the essence of the action mechanism of dynamic capability is to use these three kinds of strategy capabilities, so as to realize the dynamic match and coevolution between such factors as enterprise’s knowledge, resources, capability, strategy, service products, and its environment. It suggests that logistics enterprise can utilize these dynamic capability factors to create a series of temporary competitive advantages, and finally to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the long run. S-LCP model expand the theory and method on the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise, provide a basic analysis platform to the research of the dynamic capability of logistics enterprise. With consideration of the dynamic flexible nature of strategy orientation, as well as the influencing factors of logistics enterprise’s strategy evolvement, this dissertation establishes another flexible model for the logistics enterprise’s strategy orientation. Through sensing the changes in business environment, analyzing the constitute element of internal resource and competence, this model points out that the logistics enterprise can discover, seize, and utilize the strategic opportunities in time, optimize the strategy orientation decision-making, such as the dominant industry service strategies, dominant region service strategies, key customer service strategies, and personalized product strategies, so as to promote resource reorganization and capability transition, to dynamically match the internal structure of logistics enterprises with the changing demand of external environment changing, to achieve the new competitive advantages continuously.Based on the analysis of the essence of capability transition in the process of flexible strategy execution for logistics enterprises, the paper establishes the model of capability dynamic planning and transition for logistics enterprises. It puts forward the process of flexible strategy execution as followed. Under the guidance of flexible strategy orientation, analyzes capability demand and capability gap. Based on the analysis of key factors to industry success and relative capability which create custom value, it plans the fostering emphases, development mode, fostering approach, and obtaining policy. Finally, it forms new competitive advantage, through solves the paradox of capability transition, and establishes new capability system. In addition, it’s necessary to monitor real time and dynamic management to the evolvement of capability, which can insure the process of form and evolvement of dynamic competitive capability. Thereby, it achieves the improvement to enterprise long-term performance and progress.The paper discusses micro foundation and influencing factors to dynamic capability, and considers logistics enterprises can enhanced the capabilities of environment sensing, flexible strategy decision-making and execution, through establishing effective driving mechanism, organization mechanism, learning mechanism, and matching mechanism. Consequently, it can form and promote the dynamic capability for logistics enterprises, furthermore, achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272;F250
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1084
  • 攻读期成果

