

Study on the System of Quality and Safety Inspection and Testing of Agro-produts for China

【作者】 肖良

【导师】 叶志华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农产品质量与食物安全, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以现有农产品质量安全检验检测体系为研究对象,应用系统理论分析了农产品检验检测体系构成及其功能,对构成该体系的农产品质检机构、法律法规、行政管理政策及技术标准等4个子系统现状和问题进行了分析,研究了国外检验检测机构的管理方式及其经验,并应用供给和需求分析原理分析了我国检验检测市场的供给与需求状况。主要的研究结论及创新如下:1、农产品质量安全检验检测体系主要由质检机构子系统、法律法规、行政管理政策及技术标准等4个子系统构成,质检机构子系统为该体系的核心;该体系经历了从无到有、改革探索、建设发展、完善提高几个阶段。从承担行政执法、研究咨询、农产品认证、仲裁检测鉴定、委托检验和技术推广等六个方面对该体系的主要功能进行阐述。2、系统调查了853家农业系统检验检测实验室,从实验室人员、固定资产、实验室面积和检测能力等方面分析了我国现行实验室资源概况及存在的主要问题。结果表明我国农产品质量安全检验检测机构已初具规模,各省市农产品质检机构检测规模和能力与区域经济发展状况基本适应,目前农产品质检机构面临的主要问题是投入不足和业务收入不足,生存和发展有较大困难。3、系统分析了我国直接涉及农产品质量安全检验检测的14部法律、18部法规及相关的行政管理政策,研究结果表明我国已形成了以《农产品质量安全法》为核心的法律法规框架体系,制定了相应的管理政策体系,但现行法律法规和管理政策存在明显缺陷,亟需完善。4、系统收集和分析了现行农产品质量安全国家标准、相关行业标准。我国初步建立了以国家标准为主体,行业、地方标准相配套的标准体系,现行的检验检测方法标准基本上能满足农产品质量安全检验检测工作的需要。但存在部分标准制修不及时、部分标准质量不高、数量和种类不足和宣贯力度不够等问题。5、对加拿大、美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、荷兰、德国、英国和丹麦等国家的农产品质量安全检验检测机构的设置和运作进行了研究,重点研究了加拿大食品检验署、美国农业部食品安全检验局、农业市场局和动植物检疫局的实验室基本概况和管理经验。这些国家在实验室建设、资源共享、资质管理、利用社会资源等方面的经验对我国实验室建设和管理具有重要参考作用。6、首次提出了实验室标准单位和实验室能力系数的概念,依据这两个概念和实验室调查数据评估了各地区实验室的供给能力水平,同时分别依据农林牧渔总产值、主要农产品总产量以及生产投入品的总量估计了我国农产品质量安全检测需求,深入分析了我国农产品质量安全检验检测市场的供求状况。7、针对我国检验检测体系现状,并参考国外实验室管理经验,提出了进一步完善相关法律法规、建立部门协作机制、完善相关标准、借鉴国外先进管理经验、重点建设核心实验室、增加实验室运行经费和检验检测费用等技术建议。

【Abstract】 With the current inspection and testing system of Agro-products Quality and Safety (IQFAQS) as the research object, this paper uses the System Theory to analyze the key subsystems and the functions of IQFAQS, and analyzes in detail the current situation as well as the existing problems of the four subsystems, which are the organizations that conduct the quality inspection and testing of agricultural products, laws and regulations, administrative policies and technology standards. This paper also carries out study on the administrative experience of the foreign inspection and testing agencies. It adopts the supply-demand principle to estimate the supply and demand situation in the inspection and testing market in China. The major research conclusions and creative ideas are stated as the follows:First, IQFAQS mainly consists of four subsystems, which are the organizations that conduct the quality inspection and testing of agricultural products, laws and regulations, administrative policies and technology standards. The organization subsystem is the core of IQFAQS. The evolution history of IQFAQS includes 3 periods which are reform and probe period, construction and development period, and improvement period. The paper provides the statement on the main functions of the IQFAQS from six aspects: enforcement of the administrative laws, research and consultancy, certification of agro-products, arbitration and testing, commission inspection and technology extension.Second, this study collected 853 agriculture laboratories all over the country. The paper analyzes the existing lab resources and the main problems in the areas of the lab staff, fixed assets, size of the labs and the testing capacity. The result of the analysis shows that the development of the agencies conducting the inspection and testing of the quality and safety of agricultural products in China has reached a certain level. The size and capacity of the agencies specializing in the inspection and testing of the quality and safety of agricultural products at the provincial and city level can basically meet the development of the economic growth in their regions. At the same time, the paper has identified that the insufficient input, the shortage of income, and the difficulties in the survival and growth are the major problems faced by the agencies of inspection and testing of the quality and safety of agro-products.Third, the paper conducts the systematic analysis on 14 laws and 18 regulations and administrative policies governing the inspection and testing of the quality and safety of the agricultural products. The results of the research demonstrate that a complete legal framework based on the Agriculture Products Quality and Safety Laws has come into being in China. The corresponding administrative policies have also been established. However, the existing laws and regulations and the administrative policies are incomplete and weak and it is necessary to improve them.Fourth, the paper collects and sorts out the current standards of the quality and safety inspection and testing of the agricultural products at the national and industrial level. China has built up a rational standard framework with the national ones as the main body, the industrial and regional ones as the matching part. The existing inspection and testing methods can basically meet the demand for the quality and safety inspection of the agricultural products. However, the problems exist in the sense that some of the standards are timely not formulated or modified, the quality of some of the standards is not high, and the quantity and type of the standards are still insufficient. There is the need to intensify the implementation and the publicity work of the standards.Fifth, the paper has conducted careful studies on the structure of the laboratories of inspection and testing of the quality and safety of the agro-products, as well as the management experience in Canada, America, Japan, Korea, Australia, Holland, Germany, Britain and Denmark. It especially introduces the basic situation and management experience of the laboratories of the CFIA in Canada, the FSIS、AMS and APHIS in the United States. According to the studies, the paper concludes that the experience and practice of the laboratories in the foreign countries, such as the construction of laboratories, the sharing of resources among the laboratories, the rigorous qualification management of the laboratories, and the usage of the social resources are valuable reference for us in constructing and managing the laboratories in China.Sixth, for the first time two new concepts are proposed in the paper: the standardized unit of the laboratory and the capacity parameter of the laboratory. Based on these two concepts and the data collected from the survey of the laboratories, the level of the supply capacity of the laboratories in different regions are assessed. At the same time, on the basis of the total value of the production of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and based on the total output of main agro-products and the production input, the paper estimates the demand of inspection for the quality and safety of the agriculture products in China. An in-depth analysis is made in the paper for the supply and demand market for the inspection and testing of the quality and safety of the agricultural products in China.Last, based on the situation of IQFAQS in China and referred to the foreign management experience of laboratories, the paper raises the following recommendations: we should further complete the laws and regulations in the relating areas; there should establish inter-departmental collaboration mechanism; the relevant standards should be improved; we should learn from the advanced foreign management experience and build up the core laboratories, and increase the operation budget of the laboratories as well as the funding for the inspection and testing.


