

The Research of Nuclear Prospecting Data Collection and Processing System Based on 3GS

【作者】 马英杰

【导师】 周蓉生;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文阐述了目前便携式核勘查数据采集的现状:大多只是完成谱数据采集和简单处理,有的将GPS嵌入到采集系统,但还都是仅完成了定位的一体化,而实际勘查工作还需要的环境信息,包括温度、湿度、地质、地貌等信息,都不能同时自动数字化采集,如果需要,还须手动记录。而在数据处理方面,在核勘查领域中,核地球物理勘查数据处理通常采用的方法是使用相关软件如Surfer等直接生成等值线图,彩色图像等与地理地形脱节的图形图像;地理信息系统的应用仍处于研究和实践的初级阶段,只是直接利用地理信息系统软件,如ArcGIS、MapGIS、MapInfo和SuperMap等,来做数据的分析处理工作,但与核地球物理勘查数据处理的实际情况相分离。论文针对目前核勘查领域的数据采集与信息处理的应用要求,在完成国土资源部地调局地质调查项目和四川省科技厅重点科技项目的研究过程中,通过对核数据的采集和处理技术的研究,论文作者在国内首次论述了把GPS、GIS、GPRS等新技术(论文作者将其简称为3GS技术)用于核勘查数据采集与处理系统的可行性,并提出了把GPS、GIS、智能手机及无线通讯技术引入核勘查数据采集及处理系统,以轻便的智能手机为野外工作平台,同时完成野外GPS定位数据、核辐射测量数据及其它信息(包括图片、视频信息、观测点地质现象文字描述的信息)的采集和处理,并将数据通过手机无线网络通讯或USB(Universal Serial Bus)接口方式传送回驻地或中心的计算机中,在计算机上进行复杂的处理,显示图形图像,利用地理信息系统GIS技术获取、管理、分析和展示空间相关信息的一套完整技术方案。这完全符合国家大力提倡的技术集成创新的精神。依托于高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目——“基于3GS技术的便携式核地球物理数据采集系统研究”。经过多年的攻关努力,本论文作者独立自主地设计、研发了基于3GS技术的核地球物理勘查数据采集及处理系统。实现了实验样机雏形的制作。该系统包括核辐射多道脉冲幅度分析器、数据采集分析模块和核勘查信息处理模块三个部分。论文对这三个部分进行了详细的阐述。核辐射多道脉冲幅度分析器部分主要提出并实现了双ADC方案,改善了ADC道宽不均的现象;集成了温湿度传感器于核辐射多道脉冲幅度分析器,实现温湿度环境参数和核谱数据的多参数数据采集;采集的数据通过蓝牙接口传送给智能手机,无需连线。数据采集分析模块选用内置GPS和照相/摄像机的智能手机,实现了基于智能手机Windows Mobile平台的多信息核勘查数据采集软件的设计。从而实现了GPS定位和视频数据、现场观察资料的文字描述、核谱数据采集及GPRS无线通讯的一体化。核勘查信息处理模块运行在计算机上,利用MapObjects进行组件式GIS二次开发,实现了可视化和集成化的核勘查数据处理软件的设计开发,从而实现GIS上的核地球物理测量数据的处理、管理和成图成像。并首次把Google Earth引入核勘查,实现了核勘查数据在Google Earth下的可视化。基于3GS技术平台的核勘查数据采集及处理系统,即实现了仪器轻便化、定位、数据采集一体化,又充分利用了资源,实现了高效率、高精度、多参数、大数据量的数据处理与GIS下的图形图像的显示。这一研究将其他学科的先进技术,引入本学科领域。提高了该领域的信息利用和处理功能,具有重要的学术意义、明显的经济效益和社会效益,将大大促进本学科的发展。本论文还对今后的改进、完善提出了极有意义的建议。

【Abstract】 The paper sketches the present situation of the portable nuclear prospecting instrument. Most of them can only finish the spectrum collection and simple data processing. GPS has embedded in a few of nuclear prospecting instrument. But they all adopt external GPS module and only achieve the GPS positioning, they can not finish the automatic and digital collecting of the environmental information such as humidity, temperature, geology, topography and so on, which are needed by prospecting work. In nuclear prospecting data processing, the drawing of map(such as plan contour map and color image) is finished by using some plotting software such as SURFER, which only plot graph and can not contact with actual geographical map. The application of GIS in nuclear prospecting field is the initial stage.On today of the 21th Century, technical integrated innovation is encouraged. As the rapidly developing of GPS, GIS, GPRS, national nuclear prospecting instrument should have a new mentality. So author put forward an idea of leading GPS, GIS, smart mobile phone and wireless communication technology into the nuclear prospecting instrument and data processing system. The smart mobile phone is as the working platforms, the GPS position data, the radiation spectrum, picture or video information and word picture are collected together and transported to indoor computer by GPRS or USB. The information can be processed in computer, and show the result based on GIS.The nuclear prospecting data collection and processing system consists of the nuclear radiation multi-channel analyzer, data collector and data processing system.The nuclear radiation multi-channel analyzer used microcomputer C8051F060 as control core. It is finished with the scheme of two ADC running together, bluetooth technology and temperature and humidity sensor. This analyzer can collect the 1024 radiation spectrum, temperature and humidity together. It can improve the resolution ratio and without link-wire. The data collector used smart mobile phone as platform. The software of multi-information collecting on Windows Mobile was designed, which can finish the spectrum collecting and simple analysis, GPS positioning, picture or video collecting and word picture collecting. The information can communicate with the computer by GPRS technology or USB interface.The data processing system run in the computer. The software was designed on Windows platform by using Geographic Information System module technology - MapObjects and adopting object-oriented programming language Visual C++. It includes the function modules,which are the pretreatment of nuclear prospecting data, data interface, map-plotting, the processing and management of map layeres and so on. A visualization method of nuclear surveying data using the Google Earth is also introduced in the paper.The nuclear prospecting data collection system is portable, and the whole system merges multi– information into an organic whole. It makes full use of the resource, and is efficient, high precision, multi-informational, map overlying on GIS.

【关键词】 核勘查GPS智能手机GIS数据处理
【Key words】 Nuclear ProspectingGPSSmart Mobile PhoneGISData Processing
  • 【分类号】P631.6;P208;P228.4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】456
  • 攻读期成果

