

Study on Fine Description and Tapping The Potential of Remaining Oil in Lower Karamay Formation in 32 District Karamay Oilfield

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 陆正元;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发地质, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着油田开采时间的增长,国内陆上油田总体上都已进入高含水、高采出阶段,油藏生产动态复杂,稳产期短,油井见水快,产量递减快,油田开发指标预测难度大,预测结果存在较高的不确定性;但对于老油田而言,地下仍含有大量的剩余油,如何准确地描述剩余油的分布和提高油气采收率是当今油田勘探和开发的主要目标。要实现这些目标,就需要科学地进行精细油藏述、油藏数值模拟、开发方案调整、精细地质模型的建立和剩余油的分布,不仅是油藏描述的主要内容,也是有效地开发油气藏的基础,在整个油气藏的勘探和开发过程中都具有十分重要的意义。本文通过综合岩心观察、测井、录井、化验分析、生产动态等多种动静态资料,以高分辨率层序地层学、石油地质学、现代沉积学、储层地质学、开发地质学、油藏工程、油藏数值模拟等学科理论为指导,以克拉玛依油田三-2区克下组油藏为研究对象,对三-2区克下组油藏地层划分、储层构造与微构造、沉积相、储层性质及“四性”关系等进行研究,在此基础上利用随机建模与相控建模技术进行油藏的三维定量化描述,并利用油藏数值模拟技术进行剩余油分布研究、方案优选与指标预测,取得了以下成果和认识:1.通过对比认为克下组存在3个稳定的对比标志,划分为2个砂层组,6个砂层,12个单砂层,构造简单,总体为一向东南倾斜的单斜构造,地层和砂体厚度有由东北部向西南方向逐渐增厚的趋势。2.综合应用钻井、岩心、测井及生产动态等资料,按照“旋回对比,分级控制,多次逐级细分对比”的地层对比方法,在工区范围内统一分层,以前未发现的小幅度正向微构造、负向微构造、斜面微构造得以落实,构造研究精度明显提高。工区主力单砂体共发育85个微构造,其中正向微构造23个,斜面微构造33个,负向微构造29个。3.地层沉积特征研究表明,整个克下组从S73砂层到S61砂层,沉积环境从洪积扇—泛滥平原的河流沉积—扇三角洲沉积—浅水环境下的滩砂沉积,水动力由强变弱,粒度由粗变细,沉积构造规模由大变小,通过取心井单井相分析,测井相分析,划分出主槽、槽滩、漫洪带、辫流线、砂岛、漫流带、泛滥平原、河道、废弃河道、水下分流河道、水下分流河道间、砂滩、砂坝、湖滩泥等14种微相。4.非均质性研究表明,储层主要为砂砾岩,以粒间孔为主,中孔低渗,储层砂体非均质性中等偏强,工区主要发育泥质夹层和钙质砾岩夹层,夹层厚度平均在0.42~2.53m之间,砂层组之间的隔层分布稳定,小层、砂体之间隔层发育不稳定,储层层间非均质性比较强,储层具有弱速敏性、强水敏性、弱盐敏性特征。5.通过选择有效厚度,渗透率、孔隙度、沉积微相泥质含量建立储层评价标准,对工区储层评价进行评价,认为储层品质好,Ⅰ类层最发育,其次是Ⅱ类层,Ⅲ类层不发育,克下组自下而上I类储层所占比例呈减少趋势,II类储层所占比例呈上升趋势,III类储层也呈上升趋势。6.流动单元研究表明,储层可划分为4类流动单元,工区储层以I类为主、其次为II类,Ⅲ、Ⅳ类少,高级别流动单元主要分布在工区南部,北部流动单元级别相对较低,高级别流动单元平面展布方向基本平行于物源方向。7、应用油藏工程分析及油藏数值模拟技术对剩余油分布、开发井网的适应性进行研究,研究表明,剩余油形成与分布主要受微幅构造、断层位置、储层发育、沉积相带及开发因素的控制。剩余油主要分布在井网不完善、构造高部位以及井间滞留区。提出了适合该区的开发技术政策及开发调整方案。论文以“认识剩余油,开发剩余油”为核心问题,综合构造、沉积、储层、测井、分析化验及开发动态等方面资料,动静结合,由定性到定量,相互验证,互为推动,形成了一套砂砾岩油藏开发后期精细描述、剩余油分布及挖潜的研究思路和技术方法,为同类油藏后期的高效开发提供了探索性研究。

【Abstract】 With the growth of oil extraction,the domestic ashore oil field in general have high water cut, high-recovery stage, complex reservoir production performance, short period of stabilized production , oil wells water breakthrough fast, oil production declining quickly, it is difficult to predicate the development of oil field and a high uncertainty of predicated results; but for the old oil fields, the ground still contains a lot of residual oil, today’s key goals are to accurately describe the distribution of remaining oil and increase oil recovery oil field exploration and development. To achieve these goals, we need scientifically to perform delicate description of reservoir, reservoir simulation, adjustment of development program,delicate geological model and the distribution of remaining oil, which is not only main content of reservoir description, but also the basis to develop oil possession,with great significance throughout exploration and development of the reservoir.In this paper, according to combination of the datum:observation of the rock core, well logging, laboratory analysis, production performance and many other dynamic and static information,guided by the theories of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, petroleum geology, modern sedimentology, reservoir geology, development geology, reservoir engineering, reservoir simulation and other academic method, layers have been classified and then it has been studying on reservoir structure,microtectonics, microfacies, reservoir quality and their interrelationship,the technique of random model and facies controlled model has been used in 3D quantitative description of reservoir,reservoir simulation has been taken in study on distribution of remaining oil,plan optimization and index prediction. Finally,the summary of research results have been given.1.There are 3 well-marked index horizons in Kexia formation according to matching, by which Kexia formation is divided to 2 sand sections or 6 sand units or 12 sand layers. The unsophisticated geology structure is eastsouthern dipping.The thick of formations and sand bodys is gradually thickened from northeast to southwest. 2.There are 85 microtectonics developed in main sand body in work area,23 of which are positive microtectonics,29 of which are negative microtectonics and 33 of which are slope microtectonics. The structure in work area is unsophisticated and thickened from northeast to southwest.3.Stratum depositional particularity demonstrates that the sedimentary environments are proluvial fan-valley plain in fluposition and fan delta and beach sediment in shallow environment from sand unit S73 to sand unit S61, hydrodynamic force was changed from strong to weak, size of particles was from megascopic to fine,the sedimental scale was from up to down.There are 14 microfacies peged out according to single well facies and electrofacies analysis, main trench, trench beach, sheetflood, cay ,braided stream, flood plain, river channel, abandoned channel, underwater channel, underwater interdistributary area, sandy beach,sand dam,lake beach and as so on.4.Heterogeneous reservoir studies show that it is dominant sand reservoir,dominant intergranular pore of mesothyridid and least permeable medium. Heterogeneous degree of reservoir is rough-moderate. muddy intercalations and calcareous gravelstone interlayers are distributed sequentially and the thick range of them is 0.43 to 2.53 meter.Barrier layers are sequential partitions between sand sections, though the partitions between sand layers and bodies are not sequential. Heterogeneous degree is very rough between layers,the reservoir permeability is less responsive to flow velocity and saltness,and more responsive to water.5.Reservoir evaluation criterion has been created according to regular pattern of net thicknesses, permeabilities, porosities and shale contents in different microfacies. Reservoir evaluation tell us that reservoir conditions are profitable in work area for developing and the major sand layers are first order,the minor are second order and the third order layers are rare. The proportion of the first order layers in Kexia formation decrease from bottom to top and The proportion of the second order layers and The proportion of the third order layers increase.6.The studies of flow domain make known that there 4 kinds flow domains in work area reservoir,the majority is the first order,the minority is the second order and the third and the fourth order are seldomness.The most of high quality of flow domains are located the south of work area,the quality of flow domain in the north are poor.The way of distribution is accordant with orientation of provenance.7.The tools of reservoir engineering and technics of reservoir simulation have been utilized to study on distribution of remainder oil saturation and the match of well network to reservoir and the findings show that distribution and developing of remainder oil saturation was controlled by microtectonics,faults, reservoir heterogeneity, sedimentary facies and developing factors. The Oil has remained in the area where well pattern can not sweep out, structural high localization and lagging area between wells. As required,this paper have proposed developed technical policies and rectified plans which are fit for the reservoir. The key issue of this paper is "finding the remaining oil, developing remaining oil",which associated the data of structure,deposition,reservoir,well log,laboratory, development dynamics and so on, combined the dynamic and the static, analysed from the qualitative to the quantitative, mutual authentication, mutual inference, to be formed a valuable research idea and technical method which is fit for study on reservoir delicate description, distribution of remaining oil and raising ultimate recovery in production tail of grit reservoir development. It have been provided exploratory experiences of the efficient development for the similar mature reservoir.


