

Research on Key Technologies of Conflict Coordination and Resolution in Customer Collaborative Product Innovation

【作者】 王小磊

【导师】 杨育;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工业工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,全球化市场竞争越发激烈,产品的更新换代日益加速,企业面临的竞争显著增加。同时,客户需求越来越呈现出复杂多变且个性化的特点,这对企业的产品创新设计提出了更高的要求。因此,提高企业的产品创新能力,加快新产品投放市场的速度成为提升企业竞争优势的重要途径。客户协同产品创新作为一种新型设计方式,能有效提升企业产品创新能力,因此,它越来越受到企业界和学术界的关注。然而,客户协同产品创新过程中创新主体的多样性,创新活动的复杂性,创新主体之间的多向动态交互性,使得创新过程更加复杂,各种冲突不断出现,导致客户协同产品创新过程协调与管理变得尤为困难。为此,本文在系统研究国内外客户协同创新、过程协调以及协同设计冲突消解最新理论成果的基础上,从协同主体、协同设计优化和协同资源的视角,对网络环境下客户协同产品创新中的几类重要冲突的协调与消解技术进行了深入研究。全文的主要研究内容包括以下几个部分:首先,对客户协同产品创新冲突协调与消解的总体框架进行了研究,包括对创新客户识别、创新绩效关键影响因素及冲突消解工作模型的研究。归纳总结了客户协同产品创新冲突协调与消解的主要基础支撑理论,包括客户创新理论、协同设计过程协调理论、协同设计冲突消解理论等。随后,为有效识别创新能力较强的客户并使其参与到协同产品创新中来,建立基于模糊层次法和Shapley值法的客户知识贡献度度量模型。进一步,从产品创意设计、创意完善等五个阶段,分析了客户协同产品创新的具体过程及客户协同产品创新的特征;结合上述特征,研究并建立创新绩效影响因素集。为识别出客户协同产品创新绩效的关键影响因素,提出了基于模糊等价关系的创新绩效影响因素聚类分析方法。最后,针对关键创新绩效影响因素,建立了客户协同产品创新冲突协调与消解工作模型,研究了冲突协调与消解过程中的若干关键技术。其次,研究了客户协同产品创新中的多主体冲突协调技术。从系统学角度分析了客户协同产品创新系统的复杂性,提出了协同产品创新主体的刺激-反应模型,并分析了协同产品创新中各主体的行为及各主体之间产生冲突的原因。进一步,为协调各设计主体在设计目标上的偏好冲突,提出基于二元语义分析的多主体多粒度评价语言信息集结方法。在此基础上,将满意度作为评价设计方案优劣的标准,建立了以满意度最大为优化目标的协同设计多主体冲突协调模型,并利用动态自适应粒子群算法实现对协调模型的优化求解以提高产品设计优化效率。再次,提出了协同产品创新设计中基于层次知识匹配的设计冲突消解技术。为实现客户需求向产品功能结构的转换,提出基于QFD和“功能-原理-行为-结构”的客户需求映射方法。在此基础上,建立了协同设计中冲突消解过程模型,并给出了基于层次知识匹配的协同设计冲突消解流程。为提高冲突消解效率,提出基于粗糙集的冲突约简和关键冲突识别方法。然后,依据冲突-功能-零部件间的映射关系,按照产品-部件-底层部件-零件的层次顺序关系,提出层次知识匹配的设计冲突消解技术,并采用基于改进禁忌搜索算法实现知识匹配优化。随后,研究了客户协同产品创新中系统资源并发访问冲突的消解技术。基于客户协同产品创新设计工作原理,构建了创新系统网络拓扑结构框架及创新系统并发控制模型,提出了并发冲突检测与控制流程。进而,为提高客户协同产品创新设计系统资源并发访问的性能,提出了一种“归并请求”的并发请求处理模式及基于Java多线程同步和加锁机制的“归并请求”求解算法。最后,初步设计了由本文研究成果支持的客户协同产品创新原型系统。研究了客户协同产品创新系统的总体结构框架及功能模块体系。然后,利用原型系统中的协同设计和冲突消解工具对某摩托车产品进行设计优化,通过应用示例验证本文所提出理论与方法的正确性和有效性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, global market competition is increasingly fierce for manufacturing enterprises, and product upgrading has been accelerated. Meanwhile, customer demand has hold characteristic of complex, dynamical and individual, which puts forward higher requirements for manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, improving the ability of product innovation and speed of launching new products to market has become an important way of enhancing competitive advantage for enterprises. Customer Collaborative Product Innovation (CCPI), as a new product design mode, can help companies improve their product innovation capability. Hence, it has attracted more and more attention from business and academia. However, the diversity of innovation agents, the complexity of innovation activities, and the dynamic interaction between innovation agents make innovation process with various conflicts, leading to CCPI process coordination and management difficult. Therefore, on the basis of researching the latest theoretical achievements about customer collaborative innovation, process coordination and conflict resolution methods of collaborative design at home and abroad, from the views of collaborative agent, collaborative design optimization and resource, the key technologies of conflict coordination and resolution of CCPI are focused on. The main contents of the thesis consist of the following parts.Firstly, the theory framework of CCPI conflict coordination and resolution is proposed. The main basis supporting theories of CCPI conflict coordination and resolution are summarized, including customer innovation theory, collaborative design process coordination theory, and conflict resolution theory. In order to effectively identify customers with strong creative ability from large number of customers and actuate them to participate in the process of collaborative product innovation, customer knowledge contribution measurement model based on fuzzy AHP and Shapley is proposed. Subsequently, the process and characteristics of CCPI are analyzed. Combined with these characteristics, CCPI performance influencing factor set is established. Furthermore, fuzzy cluster analysis method based on fuzzy equivalence relation is put forward to identify the critical factors. Aiming at these critical influencing factor, CCPI conflict coordination and resolution working model is constructed, several key technologies of CCPI conflict coordination and resolution are summarized.Secondly, multi-agent conflict coordination technology of CCPI is studied. From the perspective of system science, the complexity of CCPI system is analyzed and CCPI innovation agent stimulus-response model is proposed. Further, the behavior of agents and the origin causing conflicts between agents are analyzed. In order to coordinate preference conflict on design goal among the agents, two-tuple linguistic analysis is used to integrate the agents’evaluation information with multi-granularity. Taking satisfaction as design evaluation criteria, a multi-agent coordination model, which aims at maximizing the satisfaction degree of agents, is established. Then, a dynamic adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm of the coordination model is proposed to enhance the optimization efficiency of product design.Thirdly, a conflict resolution technology based on hierarchical knowledge matching is put forward. To converse the customer requirements into product function structure, a customer requirement mapping method based on QFD and“function - principles - behavior-structure”is proposed. Further, conflict resolution process model of CCPI is established and hierarchical knowledge matching-based conflict resolution flow is presented. To enhance the conflict resolution efficiency, the method of conflict reduction and critical conflict identification based on rough set theory is brought forward. Then, based on the mapping relation between conflict - function - parts, by the sequence gradation of product- component- bottom component-part, hierarchical knowledge matching-based conflict resolution method and knowledge matching optimization algorithm based on an improved tabu search are proposed.Subsequently, resource concurrent access conflict resolution of CCPI prototype system is studied. Based on CCPI work principle, network topology framework and concurrency control model of the system are constructed, concurrent conflict detection and control flow is presented as well. Then, in order to improve concurrent access performance of the system, a new concurrent access pattern called Merged Request is proposed, and the pattern solution algorithm based on Java multithread synchronization and locking mechanism is discussed.Finally, a CCPI Prototype System (CCPIPS) is developed. The system structure framework and function modules are described. Furthermore, using the tools of collaborative design and conflict resolution in CCPIPS, a motorcycle parts design optimization is implemented to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

