

Human Thermal Comfort Based on Physiology and Psychology in Naturally Indoor and Built Environment

【作者】 李文杰

【导师】 李百战;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “以人为本”、“节能减排”是当前社会与经济发展的两大主题,在热舒适领域,这两大主题就反映在人体热舒适性与建筑能耗之间的关系上。因此明确热环境变化对人体生理、心理方面的影响,确定建筑室内自然环境下人体可接受温度区间,对于真正满足人体健康舒适需求、优化建筑环境设计、减少建筑能耗起着至关重要的作用。本文以在校青年大学生为受试人群,以热舒适生理实验为主要研究手段,结合问卷调查与物理测试等方法,于2007—2009年在重庆地区全年不同季节,开展了建筑室内自然环境下基于生理、心理的人体热舒适研究。本文实验研究的主要工作与结论包括以下几个方面:①人体生理参数对热环境变化的响应特征。以在校健康大学生为受试人群,在实验室内完成了自然环境下全年温度区间人体神经传导速度、皮肤温度随操作温度与停留时间变化的响应特征研究,在本文实验研究样本的基础上得出主要结论如下:1)得出了室内自然环境下、人体自然着装时,人体感觉神经传导速度(SCV)与皮肤温度随操作温度变化的响应特征;并初步将SCV随操作温度变化的过程分为三个温度段:低温段、中间温度段和高温段。在中间温度段,人体神经生理参数SCV可以产生自我调节来应对这种变化;在高温段和低温段,这种自我调节能力明显减弱。另外,在操作温度较低的自然环境下,停留时间对SCV与皮肤温度变化均有显著影响。其中,在操作温度为(9.5±0.4)21.8±0.3℃区间,SCV随停留时间延长呈现指数衰减的响应特征。2)SCV可以作为室内热环境变化对人体神经生理影响的一个反映量。SCV与测点皮肤温度(Tskin(scv))存在显著线性正相关,在今后的热舒适生理实验研究中,可通过测试Tskin(scv)来获知不同热环境条件对人体神经生理参数SCV的影响。不同操作温度下,SCV随停留时间变化的趋势有显著差异,操作温度越低,SCV随停留时间延长的衰减幅度越大。另外,人体各部位皮肤温度(除背部之外)与操作温度具有显著正相关,且随操作温度变化的趋势不同,环境温度越高,各部位皮肤温度随操作温度变化趋势的差异性越小;环境温度越低,各部位皮肤温度随操作温度变化趋势的差异性越大。在温度较低的环境下,皮温差值增大是引起人体冷不舒适的重要原因。②人体热舒适实验问卷调查分析。在生理实验研究基础上,同时开展人体热舒适问卷调查的实验室研究,分析了室内自然环境下人体服装调节和期望行为调节特点;探讨了人体热中性温度与室内操作温度、室外空气温度的变化关系;得出了人体各个部位的心理可接受操作温度区间;并初步提出了分析室内自然环境下人体可接受温度区间的方法。在本文实验研究样本的基础上得出主要结论如下:1)建筑室内自然环境下,人体自由着装对热环境变化具有一定的调节适应能力,在操作温度为(15.8±0.4)27.8±0.5℃的范围内,受试者可以通过服装调节来改善自身热舒适性。通过对受试者期望行为调节能力分析认为,在操作温度较低的自然环境下,受试者选择改善自身热舒适的措施具有多样性。长期生活在自然环境下受试者对采暖设备这一措施并没有表现出明显的偏好和期望,说明受试者在心理上对所在热环境及对环境调控能力、改善措施都已产生适应性。2)室内自然环境下、人体自然着装时,得出了60min与120min停留时间下,受试者整体和各个部位心理上90%可接受温度区间(TSV=±0.5),其中60min与120min受试者整体心理上90%可接受操作温度区间分别为(14.1±0.4)27.8±0.6℃、(15.8±0.4)27.8±0.6℃。这与ASHRAE55标准中所推荐的舒适温度上限(空调环境)相比提高了2.0℃,与ISO7730标准中自由运行建筑90%可接受温度范围也有所不同。说明受试者对长期所居住的热环境会产生一定的适应性,对所在环境的可接受性与基于国外研究所建立的标准有所差异,因此热舒适研究中应采用因地制宜的研究策略。3)基于本文的热舒适生理实验与问卷调查研究,提出了分析建筑室内自然环境下人体可接受温度区间方法。③选取路径分析与偏最小二乘法为工具,初步提出了室内自然环境下、人体自然着装时,建立基于生理、心理及行为调节的热舒适模型的思路。

【Abstract】 "Human Orientation" and "Energy Saving" is the two major themes in the development of current society and economy. In the thermal comfort field, these two major themes are reflected in the relationship between human thermal comfort and building energy consumption. Therefore, to identify the effect of thermal environment on human physiology and psychology and determine human acceptable temperature range under naturally indoor and built environment is very important, which plays a vital role to meet human body’s real thermal comfort and health requirements, as well as optimize the built environment design and reduce building energy consumption. The studies of human thermal comfort based on physiology and psychology in naturally indoor and bulit environment were carried out with healthy college students, using physiological experiment, physical testing and questionnaires survey methods during 2007 and 2009. The main research work and conclusions based on these studies were described as the following aspects:①The response characteristics of human physiological parameters to the change of thermal environment. Under the whole year temperature range in the naturally indoor and bulit environment, the response characteristics of nerve conduction velocity and skin temperature with operative temperature change and the staying time were performed. Two main conclusions are obtained as follows:1) Sensory Nerve Conduction Velocity (SCV) and skin temperature show good response characteristics with indoor operative temperature change, and the response of SCV to indoor operative temperature can be divided into three different temperature stages, namely low-temperature stage, middle-temperature stage and high-temperature stage. In the middle temperature stage, SCV can respond to the operative temperature change accordingly, while in the high-temperature stage and the low-temperature stage, this response is significantly weakened. While in the natural environment with low operative temperature, the length of staying time has significant effect on SCV and skin temperature. SCV present an exponential decay trend with staying time when the operative temperature between (9.5±0.4)℃and (21.8±0.4)℃.2) SCV can be used as a neural physiological parameter to reflect the change of indoor thermal environment. The response of SCV and Tskin (scv) to thermal environmental changes are consistent, which shows a significant linear correlationship. Under different opertive temperatures, SCV changes with staying time significantly: when the operative temperature is lower, the decaying amplitude of SCV is greater. Otherwise, skin temperature of different body parts (besides back) has significantly positive relationship with operative temperature. When the operative temperature is higher, the trend difference of skin temperature varying with the operature temperature is smaller. When the operative temperature is lower, it shows the contrary result. In the low operature temperature environment, the increased skin temperature difference is one of the important reason of body feeling uncomfortably cold.②Human thermal comfort questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey was carried out while the physiology experimental researches were going on. The features of body’s clothing regulation and behavior expectations were analysed. And the relationship of thermal neutral temperature varying with indoor and outdoor operative temperature were discussed. Meanwhile, the psychologically acceptable operative temperature range of diffenent body parts were obtained. In the end, it analysed the method that discuss the acceptable operative temperature range in naturally indoor and built environment. Three main conclusion are obtained as follows:1) Body’s clothing regulation has a certain adaptive capacity to thermal environment change in naturally indoor and built environment. Between (15.8±0.4)℃and (27.8±0.5)℃, people can improve theirselves thermal comfort by regulate clothing. Besides, the measure people chosen to improve their thermal comfort is various in low temperature environment. People long-term living in naturally indoor and built environment do not show clearly preference and expectation to heating equipment. It indicates that people have developed adaptation to their thermal environment, control capabilities as well as measures to improve thermal comfort psychologically. 2) The psychologically acceptable operative temperature ranges of the whole body and different body parts were analysed during 60min and 120min. The psychologically acceptable operative temperature (TSV=±0.5) for the whole body during 60min and 120min are ranged from (14.1±0.4)℃to (27.8±0.6)℃and from (15.8±0.4)℃to (27.8±0.6)℃respectively in naturally indoor and built environment and normal clothing conditions. The results are quite different from ASHRAE55-2004 and ISO7730-2005 standards, which shows that people long-term living in a certain thermal environment can develop environmental adaptability. Therefore, local conditions should be considered in thermal comfort research.3) Based on the studies of human thermal comfort based on physiology and psychology, it put up forward a method that to analyze the acceptable temperature range in naturally indoor and built environment.③Take path analysis and PLS method as the tools, it initially explored the thought to establish thermal comfort model based on physiological, psychological and behavioral adjustment in naturally indoor and built environment and normal clothing condition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU831;TU-025
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1163
  • 攻读期成果

