

Study on Rockery of Chinese Imperial Gardens

【作者】 王劲韬

【导师】 杨锐;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 叠山是中国园林重要的造景元素之一,它的发展历史几乎和中国园林的历史一样长。但是长期以来,对于传统园林叠山工艺和技术的总结不足,严重影响了传统叠山技艺的传承和保护。当代景观园林建设中,叠石造山的规模日益增大,但艺术水平却令人担忧,大量叠山工程缺乏必要的理论指导;明清以来的许多古园林假山保存状况较差,亟待修复和维护;对中国传统叠山理论进行深入的研究,整理出叠山发展过程中重要的风格流派和技术特征,对于继承和保护叠山这一传统技艺,推动传统叠山技艺在新时期园林建设中的应用和推广都将产生积极的影响。本文从中国园林叠山发展的文化性和物质性特征出发,通过对中国园林叠山的文化意象分析、材料演化、工匠专业化发展和民间技术传承等方面的论证,揭示了园林叠山风格发展与材料、工匠和技术等物质性因素之间的内在联系,及其对皇家园林风格意境产生的影响。论文的主要学术贡献包括以下五方面:通过对大量历史文献、档案记载和现存实物的考证梳理,论文系统总结了中国皇家园林叠山发展的各主要阶段和杰出成就。对材料的性状及叠山基本技术的论证,探讨了皇家园林叠山技术演化历程,从物质角度论证了南北园林叠山风格差异的原因。对相关文献的梳理和实物资料比对,分析了专业叠山工匠发展的基本状况及执业特点,以及专业化造园对中国皇家园林发展产生的影响。在系统整理大量现存清代内务府工程档案的基础上,对清初和清代盛期皇家园林叠山的工程技术、工匠管理、质量控制和工官制度等方面的特点进行了系统总结,论证了这些制度调整对清代皇家园林发展所起到的核心作用。对乾隆时代的园林叠山成就进行了系统总结。通过对乾隆时期的主要叠山样式,如内廷、离宫、行宫、仿景、山地等各种园林的叠山形式和风格的分析,揭示了清代盛期皇家造园在艺术、技术和经济理性等方面的空前成就.

【Abstract】 Being one of the most significant features in Chinese ancient gardens, rockery has a long history of over 2000 years, which almost equals to the history of Chinese garden. But due to the mandarin tradition of emphasizing more on appreciation and less on technology, especially the lack of necessary summary of technology, many valuable specialized skills and expertise have long been limited in professional circles, which seriously affected the inheritance of the traditional crafts.With the passing away of old generation craftsmen, many traditional rockery skills have been lost. While a considerable amount of ancient garden rockeries are under poor status of conservation and in great need of necessary maintenance and restoration. To make an in-depth study on Chinese rockery will play a positive role for the inheritance and protection of the traditional crafts.Basing on viewpoints of gardening materials, techniques and professional craftsmanship, this paper inquires into the evolution of rockery-making in imperial garden, analyzes its influence on the garden style, focuses on the main genre of gardening in Ming and Qing dynasties and their influences on the style and mood of Chinese imperial gardens. Among the innovative achievements, this paper mainly demonstrates the following:(1) By searching a large number of historical documents, files, records and existing sites of ancient time, the paper systematically summarizes development stages and the main outstanding achievements of rockery in the imperial gardens.(2) The paper focuses on the main gardening material, the quarry and supply of rock, its transport, protection skills, and the basic stacking techniques of the rockery, discusses the main evolution stages of imperial garden style and the relationship between materials, styles and skills, thus it reveals physical factors of the style difference between gardens in south and north China.(3) Since Song Dynasty, professional gardener had exerted a great influence on Chinese ancient gardens, particularly on the gardens of Ming-and-Qing dynasties. The paper put high emphasis on the analysis of the status and basic living condition of professional gardeners.(4) Based on a comprehensive collection and documentation of historical records, files, the paper inquires into the engineering technology, craftsmen deployment, quality control and engineering management system, demonstrates the central role the management system have played on development of Chinese imperial gardens in middle Qing dynasty.(5) By analyzing the main rockery styles in palace gardens, temporary imperial gardens, hunting gardens, terraced gardens, imitation gardens of Qing dynasty, the paper summarizes the achievements of Qian-long imperial gardening in respects of tits arts, technology and economic rationality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

