

Networked Citizens and Networked Citizen Communication

【作者】 何威

【导师】 熊澄宇;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 新闻传播学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文提出“网众”及“网众传播”的新概念,用以分析信息传播技术(ICT)高速发展的当今社会中媒体系统和传播格局的新变化和新现象,即:网众传播正在崛起,大众传播逐渐网络化,网众传播与大众传播两种模式既竞争又合作,共同构成“网络化传播”的新的信息传播范式。“网众传播”指的是由“网众”发起和参与,由“社会性媒体”中介的传播行为与现象。“网众”是“网络化用户”组成的群体。“网络化用户”指的是人们通过积极的媒介使用行为,以跨越各种媒介形态的信息传播技术为中介,与其他媒介使用者相互联结,构成了融合信息网络与社会网络的新型网络。这些积极的媒介用户就此被“网络化”,成为网络化用户。本文首先分析了网众传播崛起的语境:大众社会向网络社会的变迁和相应媒介图景,当下中国社会中网众的构成,以及网众传播对“非网众”的意义。网众传播的行为主体是网众。网众置身于融合信息网络与社会网络的新型网络中,并拥有包括搜索引擎和协作过滤的信息过滤新机制。新的信息环境对网众既构成赋权,也形成约束。赋权体现在网众的媒介生产能力与行为,约束则让网众难于匿名,而是渐趋使用相对固定和真实的身份,隐私观念有所改变。网众传播的媒介是社会性媒体,它同时具备六大特征:所有者隐身幕后;人人均可参与;形成社会网络;用户创造内容;聚合内容“源”,形成内容“流”;不同社会性媒体网络化。它可分为八种类别:个人出版与个人广播;公共讨论与在线论坛;微内容广播流;对等通信和群体沟通;内容共享和大众分类;社交网站;协作编辑和你问我答;虚拟世界。大众媒体与社会性媒体的实力对比呈现此消彼长的趋势。网众传播中的信息流动始终在控制之下,其结果并非完全由其行为主体即网众决定,而是由各种社会力量互动与合力决定。通过对六个个案的探讨,本文发现网众传播中信息流动的一些规律与特征,也提炼出网众传播的模式。最后本文以“权力博弈”的视角审视兼具工具性和场域性的网众传播,考察网众与大众媒体、与政治力量、与市场力量的权力博弈。

【Abstract】 This thesis proposes the new concepts of‘networked citizens’and‘networked citizen communication’in order to analyze the new phenomenon and new change of the communication environment and media system under the influence of the rapidly developing ICTs.The concept of‘networked citizen communication’refers to the communicative behavior and phenomenon mediated by‘social media’, initiated and participated in by networked citizens. The networked citizens are groups composed by networked users, who connect with other media users across different media platforms by active usage of media as well as ICTs.With the rise of‘networked citizens communication’and the networking of mass communication, networked citizens communication and mass communication are competing and cooperating, composing a new communication paradigm.The thesis therefore analyzes the context for networked citizen communication. Then the subject of networked citizen communication is analyzed to evaluate the empowerment and the restrain.The six characters and the eight categories of social media are examined. The rise of social media and the fall of mass media are discussed.As the information flow is always under the control of different factors, so the thesis explores six cases to find out some principles and features and therefore propose the mode of networked citizen communication.The thesis argues that the networked citizen communication is working as both the tool and the field. It’s a game of various powers. The challenge and cooperation between networked citizens and mass media, and politics power, and market power are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

