

【作者】 刘鹏

【导师】 蒋寅;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《昭明文选》自梁代成书、初唐时期卓然成“学”、直至盛唐时代成为士子必读的文学经典,这数百年间的流传和影响状况,因为文献的阙如,并不十分清楚。而学术界上下求索所得,也只前溯到隋代的萧该,并且这一条线索,完全是学术性的“《文选》学”的传承和发展,而并不能代表《文选》作为文学总集本身,在那个阶段的影响和流传状况。可以认为,唐代“《文选》学”的兴起促进了《昭明文选》在唐代诗歌领域影响的日益扩大,但是,《文选》作为学术研究或者诗歌创作广泛借鉴的对象,二者毕竟不能等同和混淆。初唐(618-712)以及盛唐(712-755)诗人对《文选》的接受和借鉴问题,一直以来却缺乏系统的研究,论者往往罗列若干典籍中的事例和成说,或将初唐与盛中晚唐的情况一概而论,这肯定是不符合史实的。有鉴于此,本文以《〈昭明文选〉与初盛唐诗歌》为题,以文本细读和电子检索手段相结合,仔细梳理了初盛唐时代百余位诗人的数千首诗作。除了文中已列举的与作家个体相关的若干结论之外,总的结论是:1、《文选》作家作品中,对于初盛唐时代的文士影响最大的前十位,分别是曹植、江淹、谢灵运、《古诗十九首》、陆机、鲍照、谢眺、潘岳、沈约、左思。2、限于体裁,初盛唐人诗歌借鉴《文选》的范围主要集中在诗、赋、骚、辞部分。在李善注六十卷篇目中,涉及较多者如卷二九(杂诗上,245次)、卷二七(行旅下、军戍、郊庙、乐府上,173次)、卷二三(咏怀、哀伤、赠答一,166次)、卷三十(杂诗下、杂拟上,157次)、卷三一(杂拟下,140次)、卷二一(咏史、百一、游仙,138次)等;涉及较少者有卷四四(檄,2次)、卷三八(表,1次)、卷五二(论,1次)、卷四九(史论,0次)等,相差十分悬殊。3、宫廷诗、某些咏物诗、宗教类诗、“挽词”或“挽歌”诗等题材的诗歌,与《文选》作品,存在着一定程度的疏离,借鉴程度较低。

【Abstract】 Zhaoming Wenxuan (Selected Literature by Prince Zhaoming), edited in Liang Dynasty, became a particular subject since early Tang Dynasty, and then became a literary canon in High Tang. However, the state of its circulation and influence was not very clear because of few documents in hundreds of years. Scholars worked hard on tracing its state back to Xiao Gai in Sui Dynasty, while Wenxuan Xue (Study on Wenxuan) was just the academic way which could not present its circulation and influence as a general literary collection in that time.In my view, the flourish of Wenxuan Xue in Tang stimulated Wenxuan to greater effect in poetry, and yet they are not the same things to be an academic study and a ready source of poetry. Systematic study on poets from Early Tang to High Tang who adopted Wenxuan was insufficient. Scholars only talked about the examples and accepted conclusions in some old scriptures, or did not differentiate them among early, high, middle and late Tang. Obviously, this was not the fact.This dissertation aims at exploring the relation of Wenxuan and poetry in early and high Tang by electronic searching and doing close reading on thousands of poetry which were written by a few hundreds of poets, and the conclusions are as follows:First, the top ten literary man from Wenxuan who effected most in Tang is: Cao Zhi, Jiang Yan, Xie Lingyun, 19 Classical Poems, Lu Ji, Bao Zhao, Xie Tiao, Pan Yue, Shen Yue and Zuo Si.Second, poets in Tang mainly adopted Poetry, Fu, Sao and Ci from Wen Xuan. In sixty volumes which were annotated by Li Shan, Volume 29, 27, 23, 30, 31, 21 were adopted many times, while Volume 44, 38, 52, 49 were rarely adopted.Third, court poetry, some kind of object-chanting poetry, religious poetry, memorial poetry, and so on, used Wen Xuan less on account of remote themes.

【关键词】 昭明文选初唐盛唐诗歌影响
【Key words】 Zhaoming WenxuanEarly TangHigh TangPoetryEffect
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1076

