

Planning, Scheduling and Control Software Design of Infusion Bag’s Production Logistic System

【作者】 张良安

【导师】 黄田; 梅江平;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文结合863高技术研究计划“高速包装机器人及其成套装备”项目,面向新型输液软袋自动化生产物流系统需求,系统地研究其布局选择、系统平衡、缓冲区分配、生产调度和现场控制软件等相关理论与方法。论文取得了如下创造性成果:针对新型输液软袋自动化生产物流系统的布局形式,建立了包含目标层、准则层和方案层的层次分析模型。利用特征向量法构造出含三角模糊标度的因素判别矩阵的权重向量,得到兼顾成本、重构时间、种类、生产率及质量的权重向量,进而以权重最大系统布局形式选择的目标,实现了软袋生产物流系统的布局优化设计。针对软袋物流系统的平衡问题,将局部并联系统等效为串联系统,以平衡率最高为目标,以生产节拍和工序过程为约束,采用Petri网络描述工序约束,组合染色体遗传算法为优化方法,得到了系统工作站和设备清单,从而等效串联布局的装备配置方案。采用多级串行生产线的连续性模型和近似分解方法,建立了生产线可用度和缓冲区容量分配间的关系模型。在缓冲区总容量受限的条件下,利用该模型提出一种以生产线最大可用度为目标的优化策略,并采用半父体比例交叉和单亲交叉型变异遗传算子获得了灭菌、装箱、生产等缓冲区优化配置方案,有效地提高了系统可用度。将软袋生产物流系统的调度问题等效为含有缓冲区的作业车间调度问题,提出一种含投料顺序和路径分配的2染色体编码方式,以最大完成时间为适应度值的遗传算法。在此基础上,使用UML建立了仿真软件的用例图、类图和对象协作图,通过将协作图依次转换为OOPN模型和Emplant仿真模型,并嵌入所设计的遗传算法实现了车间调度。经对15批次、3个型号的生产任务调度算例表明,该方法具有系统建模速度快、调整方便,可有效提高系统生产效率等优点。采用Petri网,提出码垛机器人子系统控制软件的体系结构、调用规则和控制逻辑,并用可达图证明了其安全性和无死锁性。在此基础上,采用Simulink-stateflow仿真方法和图形化编程语言Labview实现了系统的全部逻辑控制功能。对软袋生产物流系统模型的仿真结果表明,系统运行基本处于平衡状态,缓冲区分配和系统总体运行的仿真结果与理论分析结果基本吻合,进而验证了本文提出理论与方法的正确性和有效性。本文研究成果为河南太龙药业规划在建的软袋生产物流系统提供了重要的技术支撑,同时可用于其它类似的自动化生产物流系统。

【Abstract】 This dissertation deals with some key issues in the design of non-pvc infusion bag production logistic system, including system configuration, balancing, buffer allocation, scheduling and control software design.The following contributions have been made.A hierarchy model with the objective, criteria and scheme layers is proposed for the system performance evaluation of the non-pvc infusion bag production logistic system. Base on triangular fuzzy number and Fuzzy AHP, the factors affecting cost, reconfigurable time, class, productivity and quality of the production line are obtained using eigenvalue method, leading to the optimized layout by maximizing a weighted objective function.By treating the local parallel layout as a serial layout, the balancing problem of the production line is investigated. Subject to the constraints of cycling time and process, a set of necessary facilities within the equivalent serial layout is determined by maximizing the balancing rate using Petri nets and genetic algorithm with hybrid chromos.The relationship between availability and buffer allocation of the production line is established using approximation and decomposition method for a serial production line model having multiple layers. A strategy to optimize the buffer allocation is proposed subject to the total buffer number. The half-parent crossover and single-parent mutation algorithm is employed to allocate a set of buffers within the production line.The scheduling of the production logistic system is investigated by treating it as a Job-shop scheduling problem. A genetic algorithm is proposed, in which two chromes are designed to represent the feeding sequence and route. With the aid of UML (Unified Modeling Language) and OOPN (Object Oriented Petri Net), an Emplant simulation model is formulated to implement the scheduling job by embedding GA into the model.System configuration, calling and control logic model of control software of palletizing line are proposed using Petri Net theory. Furthermore, Simulink-stateflow and Labview are used to fulfill all functions required in palletizing process.The simulation result shows that the production logistic system is basically balanced and the availability matches the theoretical results.Thus, it verifys the theory and method proposed.The outcome of this thesis is to be employed in infusion bag’s production logistic system of Tailong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. It would also be useful for the development of other similar automatic logistic systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

