

Evaluation Theories on Modern Distribution Systems and Its Comprehensive Applications

【作者】 罗凤章

【导师】 王成山;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着理论研究与工程实践的深入,配电系统规划已进入规划信息化、日常化、实用化和精细化的发展阶段。精细化的综合技术评价是其中的一项基础性工作。针对配电系统精细化评价及其应用的若干问题进行了研究,主要工作如下:(1)提出了适应大规模复杂配电系统的综合评价理论和方法,建立了一整套基于安全性、可靠性、经济性、适应性和协调性的配电系统评价指标体系,包括“抗大面积停电能力”、“高中压配网供电能力匹配度”和“负载均衡度”等新指标,实现了高中压配电网的综合评价和整体协调性与负荷适应性的有效量化。应用实例表明,所提出的评价体系指标全面,覆盖配电系统规划、建设、运行等各个环节,同时具有广泛的适用性,可依据不同城市特点和负荷特性灵活配置,应用于不同地区、处于不同发展阶段的各类大型、特大型城市复杂配电系统的综合技术评价。(2)建立了配电系统供电能力解析计算的方法体系,包括基于变电站互联单元及主变互联单元的配电系统供电能力评估与优化方法。应用实例表明,该方法通过对配电系统内在供电能力的分析和建模,能够快速评估系统供电能力并方便地找出系统的联络薄弱点和联络瓶颈,为在电力站点和通道资源有限条件下快速发掘系统供电能力瓶颈和薄弱环节,以及通过科学优化规划充分挖掘配电系统的供电潜力,大幅提升系统供电能力提供了有力工具,具有重要的现实意义。应用供电能力指标,本文还研究了主变并列与分列运行方式、典型接线模式、供电块规模、最优供电转移能力等典型问题,得出了一系列对实际规划工作有参考价值的结论和建议。(3)提出了计及“N-1”准则的配电系统经济性分析评价方法,将系统的供电能力根本属性与经济效益结合起来,抓住了供电能力产生经济效益的基本特征,回答了配电系统潜在供电效益的问题;并给出了完整的配电系统经济性评价指标体系,包括静态收益性指标和动态投资经济性指标。应用实例表明,本文方法能够计及配电系统的基本特征和电能不同于一般商品的特殊性特点,不仅能够结合传统工程经济学的方法考察规划投资的经济效益,同时还能够对电网资产的供电效益作出有效评判,对运行电网的经济性和规划方案的经济性评价同样有效。同时,本文的方法还可推广应用于输电系统的经济效益评估。总之,本文对配电系统精细化评价所面临的一系列关键问题进行了有益的尝试和探索,为规划信息化、日常化和精细化奠定了很好的基础,同时为国内正在进行的新一代规划信息系统的建设积累了宝贵的经验。

【Abstract】 With the advancement of both the in-depth academic research and the practical engineering applications, electric power distribution system planning has progressed into the stage characterized by informationization, routinization, practicability and fineness. A comprehensive technical evaluation with fineness is one of the fundamental tasks for planners. Several issues related to the fine evaluation on distribution systems have been proposed and studied in this thesis to meet above requirements. The main contents are as follows:(1) The theory and methodology is proposed for comprehensive evaluation of large-scale and complex power distribution systems, and the systematic indices in hierarchy are set up for the evaluation of distribution systems on safety, reliability, economy, adaptability and coordination. Some of the new indices are:“capability of anti-blackout of wide area”(which measures the N-x security criteria),“matching degree of power supply capability between high-voltage and mid-voltage distribution networks”and“load balancing”(two of which measure the coordination),“margin of network expansion”and“margin of power supply capability”(two of which measure the adaptability). With these indices, the comprehensive evaluation of high-voltage and mid-voltage distribution networks can be achieved, and the overall coordination and the load adaptability of high-voltage and mid-voltage distribution networks can be quantified effectively. The comprehensive hierarchy of above indices covers the planning, construction, operation and other links of distribution system. Meanwhile, the widely adaptable indices can be configured flexibly according the characteristics of the city and the load, at different locations and in different development stages such as the early stages of development, the rapid developing period and the developed period.(2) A systematic methodology is proposed to calculate the power supply capability of distribution system analytically, including the method based on the interconnection analysis among substations and the main transformers, respectively. Case studies on realistic distribution systems verify the following merits of this methodology: by analyzing and modeling the intrinsic power supply capability for a distribution system, this methodology can quickly identify the system’s bottlenecks and weak-links in power supply, which can be a tool for fully exploiting the potential power supply capability of existing system with the aid of optimization and planning, under the conditions of limited resources(i.e. substation sites and cable channels). Besides, other four typical problems, including the parallel operation and split operation of main transformers, power supply capability of different connection modes in mid-voltage distribution networks, interconnection scales of distribution substations and the optimal transfer capability of network, are studied in this thesis. Some practical conclusions and recommendations on planning of distribution systems are given from the above research.(3) An economic analysis method is proposed for the distribution system considering the N-1 guidelines, in which the fundamental properties of power supply capability and the economic benefit are combined. The economic efficiency and the potential power supply benefit of a distribution system are thus evaluated. A complete system of economic evaluation indices is presented, including the static profitability indices and the dynamic investment benefit indices. Applications show that this method and index system can take into account both the basic characteristics of distribution system and the special features of power energy that differ from general merchandise. So they can not only evaluate the economic benefits for project investment combining with the traditional approaches of engineering economics, but can also assess the economic benefits of system-owned assets for power supplying effectively, as well as for the economy evaluation of the distribution system in operation or the planning schemes. This method can even be applied to assess the economic benefits of transmission system.To summarize, the exploring work in this thesis establishes a solid foundation for daily-frequent planning, information-based planning and elaborate planning, and has accumulated precious experience for the ongoing construction of next generation of planning information systems as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

