

Research of the Evolution Model of Strategic Aalliances in General Based on Evolutionary Game

【作者】 徐玮

【导师】 崔援民;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 战略管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 企业战略联盟的形成和发展是一个非常复杂的动态过程,这个过程应该充分考虑企业对资源和规避风险的需求,着重研究企业间的合作动态。企业战略联盟本身具有“合作竞争”与“竞争合作”双线操作的特性,成员的权利和责任应该在联盟中得到体现和保护,成员在享受联盟收益的同时,需要承担由于其他成员投机行为而连带产生的风险。企业战略联盟的模式选择是企业战略联盟研究中的一个关键问题,属于联盟治理的范畴。把战略联盟与企业发展阶段相结合进行综合考虑,探讨联盟的持续稳定发展过程,是目前企业战略联盟理论和实践研究的重点。本文基于企业资源有限的事实和自愿规避风险的需求,在应用进化博弈理论方法的基础上,把战略联盟与企业发展阶段相结合进行综合考虑作为研究的出发点,依据不同的企业应该有不同参与战略联盟需求这一原则,建立多元化的企业联盟模式类型,研究企业战略联盟演进模式的一般发展路径,分析多盟友企业战略联盟成员间的信任关系,探讨企业战略联盟中风险等级、信号和防御机制,摸索企业战略联盟运行过程中的规律,期望企业战略联盟能够达到稳定的、可持续的发展。本文认为联盟各方在合作程度、双方对联盟投入的资源重要性和程度以及联盟中获利大小在不同的联盟模式中存在着差异,联盟操作的难度和稳定性也存在着一个由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的进化规律,这种演变规律符合资源基础观和风险意识观对于联盟的分析结论。本文应用战略联盟的演进规律就我国战略联盟的发展现状进行分析并提出对策建议,为我国企业选择和建立适合自身实际情况的战略联盟提供参考。

【Abstract】 Strategic alliance formation and development is a very complex dynamic process.This process should give full consideration to the demand of enterprise for resourcesand for risk-averse. We should focus on the study of dynamic cooperation betweenenterprises. Strategic Alliance itself has a“cooperative competition”and“competitive cooperation”two-lane operating characteristic. Members of the rightsand responsibilities should be reflected and protected in an alliance. Members ofalliance can enjoy the benefits, while they also have to bear the resulting lines as othermembers of the speculative risk. The model selection of business strategic alliance isa key issue in the enterprise strategic alliance research. It belongs to the area ofalliance governance. Comprehensive consideration of strategic alliances and businessdevelopment stage, to explore sustainable and stable development of the alliance, arethe key point of the research on theory and practice of Strategic Alliance at present.This paper based on the fact that companies with limited resources and businessneeds of the voluntary risk-averse, the application method of evolutionary gametheory, as a starting point for research, comprehensive consideration of strategicalliances and business development stage, depending on the demand of enterprisesinvolved in strategic alliances, set up a diversified enterprise alliance model, study theevolution of corporate strategic alliance model of the general development path,Analysis of multi-business strategic alliance allies among the members of the trustrelationship, discusses the risk level, the signal and defense mechanisms in StrategicAlliances, explore Business strategic alliance operation rules, look forward tocorporate strategic alliances to achieve stable and sustainable development. This paperargues that coalition parties in the level of cooperation, the two sides into the Leagueof the size of the amount of resources and profitability of the alliance in variousmodels exist differences. The difficulty of coalition operations and stability there arealso a law of evolution which from low to high, from weak to strong. This evolutionlaw accords with the analytical conclusion that resource basis Resource-based viewand the concept of risk awareness to alliance. This paper applied the law of theevolution of a strategic alliance against the development of China’s strategic alliance undertake a situation analysis and recommendations, For Chinese enterprises tochoose and to establish the actual strategic alliance to provide reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】998
  • 攻读期成果

