

Research on Conceptual Design Theory and Method for Complex Product Based on Multidisciplinary Optimization Analysis

【作者】 朱殿华

【导师】 郭伟;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 设计方法学和数字化设计的发展,使得复杂产品方案设计的数字化、集成化及其优化成为当前学术界的研究热点。其中,复杂产品的集成分析、过程建模、多学科协同求解策略及数据管理技术是研究与应用的重点,本文就相关问题进行了系统研究,具体研究工作为以下几方面:1.针对复杂产品方案设计要求以及设计过程中的多学科交叉问题,系统分析了多学科优化设计(Multidisciplinary design optimization, MDO)框架体系特征,研究并构建了基于MDO的复杂产品方案设计理论框架。具体体现为包括设计需求,传统设计、MDO、方案验证以及软件平台在内的模块化集成分析框架。该框架具有集成化、自动化和综合优化的特点。2.针对复杂产品建模过程的复杂性,研究并构建了复杂产品多学科优化方案设计过程模型。将复杂产品的建模过程分为结构生成和综合设计两个并行过程,采用本体理论定义了复杂产品多学科优化过程中的本体类和本体结构,采用UML活动图描述了复杂产品多学科优化全建模过程,体现了建模理论的正确性和建模过程的可行性。3.针对多学科优化寻优策略的多样性和复杂性,对典型寻优策略进行了定量比较,从算例构造上分析了多学科优化算法构造的统一形式,进而通过算例的不断改进,研究确定各类寻优策略的适用范围和条件,为复杂产品多学科优化过程中选择和应用寻优策略提供了依据;从大系统分解协调理论、近似技术、数据库技术和集成工具软件发展的角度,提出了面向复杂产品MDO的寻优策略及控制机制。4.针对复杂产品多学科优化过程中信息交换的复杂性,提出采用工具集成软件、面向对象语言和数据库技术构建智能化、集成化、多学科优化的复杂产品工程设计环境的设计理念。定义了复杂产品工程设计的数据模型,建立了高效的数据交换和数据映射机制,从而有效降低了多学科优化过程中数据取值的不一致性和数据交换的复杂性。通过建立应用数据库的产品设计体系,实现了复杂产品多学科优化方案设计的数据流程。5.基于上述理论研究,以水轮发电机为结合点,进行了电机设计过程中电磁、通风、散热学科及学科间耦合问题的研究,建立了多学科优化数学模型,进行了方案综合优化设计与数值计算验证,开发建立了水轮发电机多学科优化软件平台,从而提高了水轮发电机的设计质量和效率,也证明了本文研究工作的有效性和适用性。

【Abstract】 With the development of design method and digital design technology, design for complex products is being carried out toward integration and optimization. Today ,more and more emphasis are being put on integrated analysis, modeling method, multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) formulations and data management techniques in the design process. With these problems under consideration the author carries out research on designing complex products from the viewpoint of MDO.The main research content and achievements are as follows:1. The theoretical framework of how to conceptually design complex product with MDO method has been established through analysing disciplinary interactions and design requirments of complex product.At the same time features of MDO framework has also been studied deeply. In the end, the applicable form of the theoretical framework can be detemined, namely, it is must integrate such modules as design requirments, traditional design method, MDO solution verification method and software platform as an achievable carrier. In brief, the applicable framework has dinstinctive characters of integration,automation and multidisciplinary optimization.2. In order to eliminate the difficulty of modeling complex product,A process model based on MDO has been established. In this model, the design process is devided into two parallel courses.The first course is ronsponsible to generate structure information for complex product, the second one is used to conceptually design complex product base on MDO. The ontological structures for designing complex product base on MDO can been obtained by defining ontological classes,then, the modeling process can be realized using UML. It shows that ontology and UML are effective ways of modelling the design process of complex product.3. Quantitative comparisons have been carried out with mathematic examples to get selecting rules or useful conclusions for checking MDO formulations during the process of designing complex product.This job is finished by progressively improving maths examples after establishing uniform formulations prototype.Furthermore, by utilizing“decomposition and coordination”theory for designing large scale system, adopting approximation technology and introducing advanced software and database technique, several ways of improving MDO formulations have been illustrated.4. In order to reduce the difficulty of exchanging information during the process of conceptually design complex product based on MDO,the idea of errecting an intellectual,optimized and integrated engineering design environment founded by combining database management module,object-oriented technique and commercial MDO software has been put forward firstly. Secondly, through defining engineering data model, errecting data exchanging and mapping mechanism between object-oriented data model and data tables in relational database, an efficient data management resolvent has been fulfilled to aid in reducing data value confliction and improving data circulation. Finally, the database based design system has been established to realize the whole data flow in the process of conceptually designing complex product based on MDO method.5. As an application example, a kind of hydro-generator which typically represents complex engineering product has been conceptually designed after analysing complex disciplinary couplings among electromagnetic design,ventilation calculations and heat rejection calculations through multidisciplinary analysis. Mathematic model is firstly formed,then proper MDO formulation is selected, finally, by applying the developped software platform for intergrated designing hydro-generator based on MDO, the optimized solution can be obtained and then verified through numerical simulation. It has been showed that All the work in this example has helped to improve hydro-generator’s design quality efficiently and the above research job is effective and applicable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

