

【作者】 李含

【导师】 崔世广;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 至今为止,中日两国对近代日本和平思想的研究尚缺乏整体系统的分析。本论文在先行研究基础上首次从和平思想角度对日本近代思想史做出分析,尝试为和平思想在近代日本思想史中寻找一个初步的定位。通过对幕末、明治时期、大正时期及昭和前期和平思想在日本的形成发展过程进行详细分析,总结出近代日本和平思想的总体特征、明确其发展脉络和历史成因。从学术角度来看,对近代日本和平思想进行系统研究,有助于我们更加全面地认识日本近代政治思想史的全貌,进一步了解日本近代史的发展状况。从现实层面来看,研究近代日本和平思想能为我们提供分析战后和平思想来源的线索。而当今日本社会中关于“修宪”的论争,也与和平思想有着密不可分的联系。内容上,本论文按时代发展顺序分为幕末至明治初期、明治中晚期、大正时期和昭和前期四个阶段。对每一时期和平思想的形成、发展、变化进行详细整理。从时代特征和代表性思想家两个角度分别对和平思想加以分析,从中总结出每一时期和平思想的主要特征。本文的创新点在于通过对近代日本和平思想进行全面分析,提炼出这一思想的主要特征。总体看来,近代日本的和平思想具有三大特征。第一,这一思想最初产生于西方列强带来的外来压力下,因此带有很强的现实针对性。但这种重视现实的特征随着时代发展,却阻碍和平思想进一步深化,未能从内面性道德层面加以提炼。第二,日本近代和平思想受东方传统和平观影响很大。墨子的兼爱非攻理念及儒家的四海同胞观念在近代日本和平思想中都有所体现和继承。但随着天皇制国体建立起来,儒教理论被用于维护天皇制意识形态。四海同胞观念中的普遍性价值因素被强调日本特殊性的天皇制家族国家观所取代。第三,日本近代和平思想是随着近代西方思想的传入形成的。人本主义、自由民权思想、基督教思想及社会主义思想都对其产生了巨大影响。可以说,近代日本的和平思想始终作为近代政治思想的集中体现与以天皇制国体所代表的前近代家族国家观相抗衡。然而,由于日本对近代西方思想的吸收并不全面,只将其当做现实层面的应急手段,未能从内在道德层面深入理解发掘,造成日本近代和平思想的理论根基异常脆弱。一旦遭遇天皇制意识形态的反扑,只能不断妥协退让,最终为其所掩盖。

【Abstract】 At present, researches in regards to the pacifistic ideologies between Chinese and Japanese have not been systematically carried out. This thesis, for the first time analyzed the modern Japanese ideology history in pacifistic ideology point of view based on previous researches, tried to position the pacifistic ideology in Japanese modern ideology history. In according with the analysis of the development of pacifistic ideology in late Bakubu period、Meiji Period、Daisho Period and Showa Period, clarified the general characteristics、developing process and historical causes.This thesis is following the era development, by studying four modern periods including late Bakubu to early Meiji Period, middle and late Meiji Period, Daisho Period and early Showa Period, collated the formulation process、development and transformation of the pacifistic ideology in each period. Through analyzing the era characteristics and main ideologist so that summarized the fundamental pacifistic ideological characteristics of each period.The original idea of this thesis is the main three characteristics of Japanese modern pacifistic ideology.It is originally grew out of the external force from the western imperialist powers, it is formulated with a strong practical points of respond the situation at that time, however the same cause became the barrier of its further development, it was not able to penetrate into the moral aspect.Japanese modern pacifistic ideology is tremendously influenced by the oriental traditional views. It is inherited the doctrine of Mohism and Confucianism. But the Confucianism became a doctrine to upholding the Tennoism, the ideology of the correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity is substitute to the Tennoism peculiarity.Japanese modern pacifistic ideology is formulated alone with the introduction of western ideology; it is influenced by humanism, democratism, Christianity and communism. It represents the modern political thought meanwhile became a countervailing power against the familial Tennoism. However, the Japanese modern pacifistic did not assimilate the western ideology across-the-board, it was variational responding ideology which was not penetrated into the moral aspects and has its vital defects fundamentally. Once it encounters the challenge of the Tennoism ideology, it would compromise progressively and eventually be assimilated.

  • 【分类号】K313.4
  • 【下载频次】534

