

【作者】 尹素敏

【导师】 虞和平;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要考察徐继畬从经世派向洋务派转变的过程、原因及特点。第一章主要研究徐继畬经世思想的生成因素。一是考察了徐继畬成长过程中的社会、家庭和时代影响。徐继畬生活的年代正是清朝由盛转衰和图谋再兴之时,也是由提倡经世致用到推行洋务新政的转变之际,这种时代与国运的转变在徐继畬身上颇有轨迹可寻。这是徐继畬经世思想生成的重要时代因素。徐继畬经世思想的形成与其出生与成长的社会环境和家庭环境也有重要关系。徐继畬出身官宦门第,自少年时代起便随父叔出入京师、河南、直隶等地。这种独特经历培养了徐继畬开阔的学术视野,清廉的官风,并积累了较为丰富的治河、漕运、盐政等方面的施政经验。山西晋商的成功,山西民风尚商、勇于变革的精神有助于徐继畬经世思想形成,并为他日后洋务思想的产生与洋务活动的进行奠定思想基础。徐继畬经世思想有其独特内容,具体表现在政治、经济和文化教育三方面。政治方面,他主张整顿吏治,严肃官场纲纪。经济方面,他赞扬西方工商立国,主张学习西方,重商发展中国;商业贸易不仅是强国之途,也是御侮手段之一。文教方面,他对科举制提出批评,晚年更提出了“中学为体,西学为用”的教育方针。第二章研究徐继畬如何向洋务派转变,主要考察徐继畬思想转变的各种表现及其原因。徐继畬思想由经世派向洋务派转变的标志是《瀛环志略》。该书系统介绍了世界各国尤其是西方列强的地理疆域、气候、风俗物产、历史沿革、典章制度、军事力量,西方列强进行海外扩张及与中国交往等情况,抒发了自己对世界的认识。《志略》预示了中国历史发展的新方向,是当时中国思想界达到的新高度。徐继畬由传统经世派向洋务派转变的原因主要有三点:第一次鸦片战争后中西文明开始大规模交流的特定时代条件;徐继畬对第一次鸦片战争中中国战败原因的冷静思考;战后徐继畬长期任职中国东南沿海,在处理大量涉外事务过程中,广泛接触各种职业的外国人,便于更加深入地了解与接纳西方文明。第三章考察徐继畬的洋务思想与实践,分析徐继畬是一个怎样的洋务派人物。主要考察徐继畬的洋务思想、洋务活动及其特点。徐继畬在《瀛环志略》中明确提出了自强、变局等思想,对西方国家的富强原因、侵略本质及资产阶级民主制度做了详细介绍与分析。担任京师同文馆总管事务大臣后,徐继畬可以说已经进入了洋务运动的行列,成为了洋务派的一员。他为同文馆的建设做出了贡献,也提出了一些颇有新意的主张。

【Abstract】 This paper examines the process, causes and characteristics that Xu Jiyu transformed from Statecraft School to Westernization.The first chapter basically studies the formation factors of Xu Jiyu’s Statecraft thoughts through observing the status of society, family and era which Xu Jiyu grows up in. Xu Jiyu lived in the era of backsliding and exploring, that is also the time of transformation, from Statecraft School to westernization, which is obviously apparent in Xu Jiyu’s experience. Certainly, the environment is an important factor of Xu Jiyu’s classic thoughts as well. Xu Jiyu was born in an official family and have unique experience of traveling to the capital, henan, zhili since childhood with his father and uncle which cultivated his open academic field, cleanhanded official behaviors and relatively rich experience in flood control, water transport and salt policy.Xu Jiyu’s thoughts have their unique content and specifically performed in the political, economic and cultural education. He advocated regulate officials and serious discipline in politic field and praised the western style to attach importance to industry and business because commercial trade is not only the power source, and is also one of the important means to protect the country. In the educational aspect, Xu Jiyu criticized the imperial examination system and futher proposed "take western technique for practice on the basis of Chinese culture" in his old age.The second chapter researches mainly on the performance and resons how Xu Jiyu changed to westernization.The indication of the change is the publish of Yin Huan Zhi Lue. His book standsfor a new peak of Chinese thinking public and indicates the new direction of Chinese history.The third chapter examines the theory and practice of Xu Jiyu’s Wsternization and analyzeswhat a representative of Wsternization he is.This chapter mainly explores the ideas,activities and characteristics of Westernation group. Xu Jiyu suggested "self-improvement and reformation" in Yin Huan Zhi Lue,introduced and analyzed prosperous reasons,essence of aggression,democratic system of western countries.As a manager secretary in TongWen institution, Xu Jiyubecame a member of the westernization. He contributed to the costruction of the institution as well as the ideology.

【关键词】 徐继畬经世思想洋务思想
【Key words】 Xu jiyuClassic thoughtsCritical thought
  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】490

