

【作者】 易小明

【导师】 吴弦;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要研究欧盟相关安全战略的安全化进程以及欧盟北非经济和军事安全战略的实施状况。欧盟的安全战略及其实践很早就引起了人们的关注,但是鲜有研究从安全理论以及欧盟安全战略在北非地区的实施情况等角度加以分析。通过研究,本文力求分析欧盟安全战略的现状以及欧盟安全战略的利益诉求。选择适合解释欧盟安全战略的安全理论成为本文的论证基础。在梳理了传统安全观以及新安全观之后,本文从欧盟安全战略的实际出发选取哥本哈根学派作为本文的指导理论,采用哥本哈根学派复合安全理论分析欧盟的安全战略。“认知”、“安全化”是哥本哈根学派的重要理论和核心观点。哥本哈根学派认为“安全”是社会构建的结果,特别是在分析一般的政治性议题上升为安全议题的过程中,哥本哈根学派强调认知在安全化中的作用。哥本哈根学派并没有将如何定义安全作为理论的重点,而是更为注重分析安全化过程中安全行为主体的结构以及结构的变化,进而分析不同安全领域的存在性威胁和安全化逻辑。本文在对欧盟安全战略以及欧盟经济安全和军事安全等两个子命题进行研究时,同样首先分析两大安全领域内在的安全逻辑,即确定各安全领域的存在性威胁,分析欧盟安全战略中的安全行为主体对各存在性威胁的认知,然后在此基础上构建各安全领域安全化的动力结构。欧盟经济安全战略和军事安全战略在北非的实施属于欧盟安全战略的实证研究。北非在欧盟的安全战略中处于特殊的地位,欧盟许多的政策工具,例如欧盟的邻居政策、发展政策、欧盟地中海政策等都涵盖了北非地区。这些都是欧盟北非安全战略的外在表现形式。不过,零散地从单个的政策工具出发难以全面把握欧盟北非地区安全战略的实质及其运作模式。本文以哥本哈根学派理论为框架,从分析欧盟安全战略以及欧盟经济和军事安全战略出发,结合欧盟及其成员国对北非的历史认知、地理认知、经济要素的认知等几大认知要素,发掘欧盟北非安全战略中的推力和阻力。本文认为,由于成员国是欧盟安全战略最主要的安全行为主体,成员国的认知在欧盟北非安全战略中起着关键性的作用。其中,部分对北非事务具备特殊认知的欧盟成员国是北非一般性议题被上升为安全议题的决定性因素。

【Abstract】 The main purposes of this doctoral dissertation are to discuss the securitization process of EU’s security strategy, analyse EU’s economic and military security strategy’s implementation conditions. In the early stage, EU’s security strategies and their implementation had already drawn International Relation (IR) scholars’attention, but they seldom studied it from the perspective of security and few dissertations noticed their implementation in the North Africa. Through analyzing EU-North Africa security de facto situation and its interal mechanism, I hope my dissertation can discover EU’s potential pursue for the interests.To select the right theory to explain EU’s security strategy is the precondition of my research.From the practical conditions, I choose the Copenhagen School as the guiding theory for my dissertation after reviewing traditional security theory, especially emphasize the exploit of Copenhagen School’s security complex theory.“Cognition”and“securitization”are two of the most important viewpoints of Copenhagen School. Copenhagen School points out that“security”is the result of lingual circumstance, it emphasizes the role of cognition in the securitization when nomal political issues upgraded to security level. Copenhagen School has no intention to define what the security is, it concentrates on analysing security actors and constituting the power construction, cares much about the changing of the construction, then induces the existential threats and securitization process of each security sector. So, when analyzing EU’s security strategy and its two of sub-subjects, namely, economic and military security, the dissertation first tries to find out each sector’s different existential threat(s), analyzes security actors’cognition to them, then constructs each security sectors’securitization modul.EU’s economic and military security’s implemention in north Africa is a case study of EU’s security strategy. North Africa occupies extraordinary position in EU’s policy-making, lots of EU’s external policy instruments have been directly formulated to this region, ENP, EDP, EU-Med Policy, e.g, while to grasp EU’s security strategy’s essence by analyzing them separately probably will draw only ex parte conclusion. This dissertation selects Copenhagen School as the the framework for analysis to analyze EU’s economic and military security combinding with the explaination of EU and member states’historical, geographic and economic factors’cognition to the North Africa, then unveil the driving forces and resistance in the EU-North Africa security strategy. The dissertation points out, due to that member states are the most important security actors of the EU whose cognition plays the key role in the EU-North Africa isssues’securitization process, the member states with“special”cognition to the North Africa are the decisive factor for nomal political issues upgraded to security subjects.

  • 【分类号】F15;E5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】510

