

【作者】 于强

【导师】 邹东涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国民经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 从1978年这个历史始点出发,本文以苏南苏北两地农村经济发展的历史与现状为线索,从农户、地方企业、社会网络、基层政府四个主体结构成分考察两地农村经济发展的具体差异问题,通过对1978年以来苏南苏北农村经济发展的历程描述和综合对比,归纳形成关于社会结构和经济发展的初步认识,并尝试探索通向持续增长和健康发展的有效路径,就未来江苏省农村经济社会发展提供参考性的建议。文章共有七个组成部分,第一部分为前言,主要交待研究的背景和意义、基本思路和研究方法;第二部分为导语,剖析了1978年农村改革的重大意义,同时,也就1978年农村施行家庭联产承包责任制后产生的包括社会结构变迁在内的巨大变化做出概要分析;第三部分总结苏南农村三十年的发展道路,揭示了苏南农村社会当中强势有力的基层政府、走向市场的农民、不断演进的乡村企业和日趋完善的社会网络等四个主要方面和苏南农村发展的基本特征;第四部分总结苏北农村三十年的发展道路,将苏北农村社会主体概括为索取型的基层政府、保守传统的农民、缺乏竞争力的企业和相对封闭的社会网络四个方面,并回顾了苏北农村在谋求发展过程中所走过的曲折道路。在第五部分,对苏南苏北农村经济进行了比较,既对比了两地基层政府、农户、乡村企业和社会网络,也对两地在总体社会结构特征和经济发展成效方面的差异进行了分析。第六部分属于延伸与讨论性质,文章从理论层面深入讨论了社会各个结构主体的经济功能,明确了社会结构特别是以企业及相关网络为基础的社会结构在经济发展中的重要作用,结合前文关于苏南苏北的分析和关于社会结构惯性的认识,指出未来江苏省农村制度变革的基本导向:包括构建法治政府、塑造企业家精神、培育社会资本和推进农村现代化等。最后一部分为附录,提供了江苏省地理图和一个概要的省情介绍。

【Abstract】 From the start point of the year of 1978, the paper tracks down the road map of the development of Sunan rural and Subei rural in Jiangsu Province, makes research on the difference of the two kinds of rural development from the side of individual peasant, rural business, social network and local government. On the basis of description and analysis about Sunan and Subei rural economic development, the paper give a general apprehension on the relationship of social structure and economic development, and then raise some proposal for the future approach of Jiangsu rural, including Sunan and Subei.There are seven parts in the paper. The first part is some forwards, mainly about the background and meanings of the research work, as well as the basic approach and the planning. The second part points out that the year of 1978 is a milestone for the peasants, and analyses the great affection of the 1978 reform of the countryside all over the country. The third part talks about the thirty years development of Sunan rural, which can be seen as the final result of the powerful local government, market-driven peasants, competitive rural companies and developed social network. The fourth part focus on the thirty years development of Sunan rural, via this part, we can get close to the zigzag way that Subei peseants once went along, just because of lack of good circumstances as Sunan. The fifth part is about differentiations analyzing, here, we see the main gap between Sunan and Subei rural, especially between their local governments, peasants, rural companies and social network. The sixth part goes further; it gives explanation on the economic function of main social sects, points out the important role of social network playing in the economic development process, and also gives constructive proposals for the further development of Jiangsu rural. The final part is appendix, which offers a map and a general introduction of Jiangsu province.

【关键词】 苏南苏北农村社会结构经济发展
【Key words】 SunanSubeiruralsocial structureeconomic development
  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】813

