

【作者】 王英

【导师】 杨海蛟;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 政治和谐作为社会和谐的重要组成部分,是指在人类政治社会存续过程中,政治主体通过和谐观念的多元认同、和谐制度的有效规范与和谐价值的体系建构缓和与化解矛盾使以利益为基础的政治系统各要素及其与其他子系统之间处于稳定有序、相对协调、良性互动的状态和过程。从理论上搞清楚何谓政治和谐,如何实现和维护政治和谐,有助于为实现真正的政治和谐提供科学的理论和思想指导,推进和谐社会建设。以利益为切入点研究政治和谐面对的挑战及其对策,理论的意义和价值在于通过运用政治学的基本理论和方法,对政治和谐的相关理论进行深入、系统的研究,有助于拓展政治学研究的领域,形成政治和谐研究的范式、理论体系和方法,丰富政治学理论宝库的财富,为构建社会主义和谐社会提供更多、更好的理论支持和理论服务。论文首先说明了研究的缘起,并从现实意义和学理价值两方面论述了本论文的选题意义和价值,评述了国内外政治和谐和利益研究的现状及存在的问题。在此基础上,提出本研究的逻辑结构与分析框架、研究方法,并说明创新之处和面临的困难与不足。第一章通过对政治和谐的既有分析,获得一个批判性说明,并将政治和谐的概念要素归纳为五个基本维度。与此同时,对政治和谐与社会和谐、政治稳定、政治发展、党际和谐等相关概念进行辨析,进一步明晰政治和谐的涵义。本章论述的重点为从政治、经济、文化和社会等方面分析影响政治和谐的因素,并将利益作为影响政治和谐的根本因素。第二章通过对利益概念的分类、梳理和综述,博采众长对利益的涵义进行界定。继而,分别从利益协调对政治和谐的意义和利益分化与冲突对政治和谐的影响说明利益与政治和谐之间深层次的关系。第三章通过考察当前中国政治和谐的现状,具体描述阶层之间的利益分化、地区之间的利益分化、贫富分化以及群体性事件的现实状况,深入剖析它们对政治和谐的影响和挑战。第四章以西方发达国家和发展中国家维系政治和谐的做法为鉴,从马克思主义观点出发,通过客观分析和评价,取其精华、去其糟粕,从中概括、提炼出对中国实现政治和谐的启示。第五章是本文的最终归宿和根本落脚点。通过综合以上各章的学理分析和实践考察,笔者认为中国实现和维护政治和谐应当从几个方面着手:促进经济又好又快发展,保障政治和谐;强化政治建设,实现政治和谐;完善利益相关机制体系,维护政治和谐。这些建议将是中国实现政治和谐的根本路径。论文采用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法、文献分析方法、比较研究法、规范与实证研究相结合的方法,力图在以下几个方面有所创新:第一,对政治和谐进行内涵界定,强调了政治主体是政治和谐的核心要素,更加明确了政治和谐存续的时空范围,重点突出了政治和谐的主要内容是政治关系,具体阐明了政治和谐是缓和与化解矛盾的过程,进一步说明了政治和谐是相对静态与绝对动态的统一,以及理顺了政治和谐与社会和谐的辩证关系。在此基础上具体辨析了政治和谐与社会和谐、政治稳定、政治发展和党际和谐等相关范畴的关系。第二,以利益为切入点和分析视角,从利益协调对政治和谐的意义和价值和利益分化、冲突对政治和谐的影响进一步深入论述利益与政治和谐之间的关系,构建了从利益视角分析政治和谐问题的基本框架。第三,将政治和谐置于新世纪、新阶段背景下考察和分析,从市场化、全球化和利益分化、整合的现实角度寻找影响政治和谐的根本原因,以较为广阔的视野大胆汲取实现和维护政治和谐的经验教训,探求实现政治和谐的设想和思路。

【Abstract】 As an important component of a harmonious society, political harmony is that in the existence process of human political society, the political subjects by easing and resolving conflicts keep the elements of the political system and its relationship with other subsystems, which are based on interest, in the state and process of stable and orderly, relative coordinate,and better interact, through multi-identity of concept harmony,effective regulation of harmonious system,construction of a harmonious value system. Only by finding out what is the political harmony and how to achieve and maintain political harmony from theory can we provide scientific theory and thoughts guidance to achieve real political harmony and promote the building of a harmonious society; deeply studying the challenge to political harmony under new historical conditions, and seeking the solution to achieve political harmony are important tasks and basic requirements to build a harmonious socialist society. The theoretical meaning and value of studying on political harmony from the perspective of interest is that by basic theory and method of political science, it will expand the research field of political science, forming the paradigm, theories and methods of political harmony, and enriching wealth and treasure for theoretical house of political theory, providing more and more better theoretical support and service for building harmonious socialist society.The paper describes the origins of the research first, and demonstrates the meaning and value of this study from both practical meaning and academic value. Then, the paper reviews the status quo and existing problems of political harmony and interest studies at home and abroad. Finally, the paper proposes the logic structure, analytical framework and research methods, and explains innovations, difficulties and shortage. By classificating, combing and overviewing the concept of political harmony and analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, Chapter I attempts to define the concept of political harmony and clarifies its legitimacy. On the basis of that, the chapter discriminates political harmony and other related concepts, such as social harmony, political stability, political development, inter-party harmony and so on, which further clarifies the meaning of political harmony. As the focus of this chapter, it discusses the factors affecting the political harmony, including political, economic, cultural and social factors, and takes interests as the fundamental factors influencing political harmony. Through the classification, sorting out and reviewed the concept of interest, chapter II adopts many scientific definitions of interest and definites the meaning of interest. Then, respectively from both the influence of coordination of interests for political harmony and impact of division and conflict of interests on the political harmony, the chapter demonstrates the deep-rooted relationship between interests and political harmony.In chapter III, according to current status analysis of China’s political harmony, current interests’differentiation and conflicts mainly are interest differentiation among the class divisions, interest differentiation among regions, interest differentiation between rich and poor, interest differentiation between urban and rural divide, as well as mass events. This chapter will specifically describe these, and deeply analyze their impact and challenges on political harmony. From the Marxist point of view and objective analysis and evaluation, chapter IV takes developed western countries and developing countries’practices of maintaining political harmony as examples, absorbing the essence and discarding the dross, summarizes and extracts the enlightenment for China to achieve political harmony. In chapter V, to realize China’s political harmony is the final destination and fundamental end-result of this study. By combining theoretical analysis and practice inspection of these chapters, the author believes that it should be achieved in several aspects: promoting better and rapid economic development to protect political harmony; strengthening political system building to realize political harmony; and perfecting interest related mechanism system to maintain political harmony.These recommendations will be the fundamental path for realization of China’s political harmony.Approaches to the paper include methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, literature analysis, comparative study, specification and empirical research methods and so on.The innovations of the paper are as follow. First, based on the concepts of political harmony, the paper gives a clear and reasonable definition of political harmony, emphasizing the political subject is the core elements of political harmony, clearing subsisting time and scope of political harmony, highlighting political relations are the main contents of political harmony, clarifying the political harmony is the process of easing and resolving conflicts, indicating the political harmony is unity of relative static and absolute dynamic, straightening out the concept discirmination of political harmony and the social harmony, political stability, political development and inter-party harmony.Second, taking benefit as the starting point and analysis perspective, and from both sides of the meaning and value of coordination of interests to political harmony and the impact of differentiation and conflict of interests on the political harmony, the paper deeply discussed the relationship between political harmony and interest, which constructs the basic framework for the problem of political harmony from the perspective of interest. Third, examining and analyzing the political harmony in the context of the new century and new stage, the paper searches for the basic causes of the influence on political harmony from practical perspective of the market, globalization and differentiation and integration of interest, and explores measures and recommendations to realize and maintain political harmony from a wider field of vision, which is bold enough to learn experience and lessons to achieve political harmony.

【关键词】 政治和谐挑战对策利益
【Key words】 Political HarmonyChallengesCountermeasuresInterest
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】668

