

【作者】 赵卫锋

【导师】 陈乃醒;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 从计划经济到社会主义市场经济的转轨的过程,劳聘关系的“三方”主体的多元化和利益关系的复杂化,使他们之间的冲突与矛盾日益成为和谐社会中突出的社会因素,甚至已经影响到社会经济的发展。而调整劳聘关系的首要环节劳动合同制度在现实的运行中出现了许多问题。《劳动合同法》的颁布与实施具有现实紧迫性。这一时期研究《劳动合同法》对劳聘关系的调整具有重要的现实及理论意义。文章研究的思路始终以劳聘关系的“三方主体”用工单位、劳动者和政府为主要分析对象,采用多种方法试析《劳动合同法》出台对劳聘双方的调整及对其影响为主线,以如何构建和谐劳聘关系为落脚点。主要内容如下:首先,分析从计划时期到社会主义市场经济的转型时期企业、劳动者和政府职能的分化、演变和发展,使劳聘关系出现了前所未有的复杂性、多元性和灵活性。这时期颁布的《劳动合同法》更加符合新时期的需要和契合社会宏观和微观经济环境。其次,《劳动合同法》侧重保护了弱势劳动者的权益,明确并加重了对用人单位的违法解除、终止劳动合同应承担的法律责任。对失衡的劳聘关系作出及时的调整与平衡。第三,试图用定量与定性相结合的方法分析了《劳动合同法》对企业用工成本及其竞争力的影响。《劳动合同法》的实施从法律角度为守法经营的企业提供一个公平的竞争环境,维护了劳动者的合同法收益,增加了收入,促进了消费,扩大内需,为经济的可持续发展提供一个很好的契机。第四,分析了《劳动合同法》对就业的影响,我国有太多的企业处于低端价值链环节上,助长了非正规就业的快速发展。非正规就业的发展虽然提供灵活而多样化的就业形式,但也面临着就业质量差、劳动者权益侵害比较严重的问题。《劳动合同法》对劳务派遣和非全日制用工形式的规范,提高了非正规就业的质量,缩小了与正规就业的收益差距。在短期内会影响低质量的就业,但从长远看,可促进经济结构的调整和缓解两大就业群体结构性矛盾。最后,和谐劳聘关系构建需要政府调整经济发展的职能角色定位。也需要企业、劳动者除了严格遵守书面契约内的职责与义务,还需要道德、自律、诚信等法律之外的软约束。另外和谐劳聘关系的构建还需要企业积极主动地寻找其他途径从内部调整劳聘冲突与矛盾,增强员工的心理契约。

【Abstract】 In the course of economic transition from planed economy to market economy, The diversification and complication of Enterprise-Laborer-Government relation makes their confliction and contradiction, which hampers economic development and the construction of harmonious society. The existed labor contract institution lags the need of the economic development. Therefore, the implement of Labor Contract Law which protecting the basic rights of the laborers become necessary and significant. The research on the adjustment of Labor Contract Law on the labor-employer relation is also significant and necessary in realistic economy and theories of. labor-employer relation.The researched route of this thesis focuses on the Employer -Laborer-Government and the adjustment of Labor Contract Law on labor-employer relations. Drawing series of conclusion as flowing:Firstly, put analysis on evolvement and diversification of Employer -Laborer-Government in the economic transition process, which makes laborer-employer relation becoming more complex and flexible.Secondly, Labor Contract Law focus on protecting labor’s rights, clarifies the liability which enterprise should be assumed for its illegitimately dismissing and terminating labor contract, and adjusts imbalance of labor-enterprise relation.Thirdly, Analyzing Labor Contract Law effecting on the cost of the enterprises by qualitative and quantificational analysis. finding that the implement of Labor Contract Law gives a little effect on enterprises abiding Labor Law but gives a biggish effect on the enterprises engaging illegally. What is more, Labor Contract Law provides a just law circumstance for enterprises to compete, vindicates labor’s benefits, and offers a favorable time for economic sustainable development by increasing income and consumption.Fourthly,Analyzing the effect of Labor Contracted Law on employment. Finding work embarrassment results from the decreasing of normal occupation and the increasing of informal occupation rapidly wich are determined by value fame of the production. Although informal occupation provides flexible and various jobs,but informal occupation is confronted with some questions, for example low income,bad work environment and so on.. Labor Contract Law prescribes dispatched work and part-timers,vindicates informal laborers benefits and improves work quality. It may cut down some informal job at present, but may meliorate employment structural antimomy in undergraduate and countrymen at long view.Lastly, it is necessary that Government adjust the role and the oriention in the economy development.enterprise and labor comply with the responsibility and obligation and need the selfe-discipline, morality, mutual fidelity and credit to build harmonious labor-employer relations. furthermore, it is also necessary that managers mediate labor-employer conflict and contradiction to build the phychology contract by the way of Human Resource management.

  • 【分类号】D922.52
  • 【下载频次】1038

