

Thought of Mao Zedong’s National Situation and Its Contemporary Value

【作者】 张春荣

【导师】 韩振峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 毛泽东是中华人民共和国的主要缔造者,领导我们党和人民找到了新民主主义的正确道路,完成了反帝反封建的任务,建立了中华人民共和国,确立了社会主义制度,并从中国实际出发探索社会主义建设的道路,为古老的中国赶上时代发展潮流、阔步走向繁荣昌盛创造了根本前提,作出了彪炳史册的贡献。毛泽东之所以能够在一个半殖民半封建的东方落后大国里作出如此伟大的历史贡献,最根本的原因在于他以马克思主义的改造世界理论为指导,从中国国情实际出发,把中国的革命和建设置于国情的现实基础之上,从国情的客观要求思考我们该如何解决问题,而不是以马克思主义的原则理论为出发点。毛泽东在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,形成了系统的科学的国情思想。毛泽东的国情思想是今天中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要理论源头。因此,在发展中国特色社会主义的今天,研究毛泽东的国情思想,是一种理论研究的必然要求;深入地研究应该会给发展中国特色社会主义实践提供十分有益的思想养分。本论文就是基于这样的思考,开始研究的。毛泽东的国情思想博大精深,本研究不可能全部涉及,因此也就不面面俱到,而是主要以毛泽东对中国发展国情的把握为主要线索,以“点、线、面”为结构展开。即以“国情”为切入点,又以线的方式纵向展开,从毛泽东国情思想的形成、国情思想的基本内容一直探讨到毛泽东国情思想的当代价值。在毛泽东国情思想的基本内容部分以“面”的方式展开。深入研究毛泽东在政治、经济、文化和国际形势四个要素方面以及国情研究方法论方面的国情思想,这也是毛泽东国情思想的重要内容。第一章研究毛泽东国情思想形成和发展的社会条件以及发展过程。主要从客观方面对影响毛泽东国情思想形成和发展的因素进行认识,并梳理毛泽东国情思想的发展历程。第二章研究毛泽东对国情重要性的认识。围绕着他阐述了哪些国情重要的思想以及他为什么重视中国国情而展开。第三章研究毛泽东的政治国情思想。梳理他关于中国政治国情的重要认识,主要包括关于社会性质、社会矛盾、社会阶级和国家政治制度方面的认识。第四章研究毛泽东的经济国情思想。从全局性的角度把握他对中国经济国情的认识,主要阐述关于生产力水平、新中国经济制度、重要的经济关系、中国经济发展道路的探索四个方面的认识。第五章研究毛泽东的文化国情思想。梳理他对中国文化发展方面的认识,主要包括新文化思想、文化发展方针和文化关系处理原则。第六章研究毛泽东关于国际形势对中国国情影响的思想。毛泽东从中国看世界,把握了风云变幻的国际形势;又从世界看中国,得出了关于国家形象的总体认识、国家主权和民族利益维护的认识和外部国际环境营造方面的认识。第七章阐述毛泽东研究国情的方法论。毛泽东运用了马克思主义的认识方法和一些具体的实践方法来研究国情。第八章研究毛泽东国情思想的当代价值。重点立足当代,探讨新时期里毛泽东国情思想所具有的理论价值和实践价值,彰显其契合时代需要的无穷魅力。

【Abstract】 Mao Zedong was the principal founder of The people’s Republic of China who leaded our party and people have found the new-democratic path, completed the task of opposing imperialism and feudalism, established The people’s Republic of China, established socialist system, explored a road of socialist construction from China’s actual conditions. All those created root premise for the ancient Chinese catching up with the development trend of the times and walking great strides toward prosperity and made historic contributions. The reason why Mao Zedong was able to achieve such a great success in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal and backward oriental country is that he regarded the theory of Marxism’prcatice as a guide to change the world, put the Chinese revolution and construction on the reality of conditions, and thought the way solved the problem from the objective requirements of conditions rather than regarded the principles of Marxist theory as the starting point. He formed the systematic domestic conditions thoughts during Chinese revolution and construction. Mao Zedong’s national conditions thoughts is the important theoretical source of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Thus, when we are developing the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, studying Mao Zedong’s national conditions thoughts is a necessary requirement for theoretical research. The study should provide a very useful idea nutrients for the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper beginning to study just is based on this thinking.Chapter I studies the formation and development of Mao Zedong’s national conditions thoughts,which consist of social conditions as well as the process of the development.Chapter II studies the options about importance of national conditions from Mao Zedong’s national conditions thoughts. The contents consist what he had explained about an importance of national conditions as well as why he attached importance to China’s national conditions.Chapter III studies the thoughts of Mao Zedong’s political-national-conditions. This statement contains important insights into China’s political situation, mainly on the social nature、social contradiction, social class and national political systems .Chapter IV studies the thoughts of Mao Zedong’s economic -conditions. From the perspective of overall grasps his understanding to China’s economic situation, and mainly elaborates including the level of productivity, the new Chinese economic system, important economic relations, and China’s economic development path.Chapter V studies the thoughts of Mao Zedong’s cultural conditions, which stating his understanding about Chinese culture and development, mainly including the thought of new culture、cultural development-policy and management-principles of the cultural relations.Chapter VI studies the thoughts of Mao Zedong’s international situation impacting on the thinking of the national conditions. On the one hand, he saw the world from China and judged the international situation. On the other hand, he from the world to see China,gained the awareness of China’s image, defending national sovereignty and national interests and creating peaceful external international environment.Chapter VII studies the methodology of Mao Zedong’s research national conditions. Mao Zedong used the Marxist method and some specific practice methods to study the situation.Chapter VIII studies the contemporary value of thought of Mao Zedong’s national situation. Focus the present, exploring the thought of Mao Zedong’s national situation what possess theoretical value and practical value in the new period, which can highlight its endless charm and fit needs of the times.

【关键词】 毛泽东国情当代价值
【Key words】 Mao ZedongNational conditionsContemporary value
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

