

Research in Yuan Jia Three Writers

【作者】 张润平

【导师】 姜剑云;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 刘宋时期,门阀政治逐渐被削弱,皇权政治得到了恢复和加强,在佛学和道学迅速发展的元嘉思想界,刘宋帝王同时推崇正统的儒学。元嘉三大家以儒学为基础,兼及佛学和道学,不重玄谈,由于不同的家族地位和出生,元嘉三大作家身上表现出鲜明的个性和思想特色,山水诗人谢灵运个性褊急,多愆礼度,思想上儒道佛皆融,诗人颜延之秉持儒家入世思想,个性耿介傲岸,狂放不羁;诗人鲍照一生仕宦坎坷,位居下僚,在思想上信奉儒、道,表现出孤傲脱俗的个性。谢灵运山水诗诞育的文化因子是素退家风、慧远“法性”说、游仙诗的山水描写。在他的山水诗中包含着丰富的佛、道、儒意蕴;他承袭汉大赋的体制,融通前代山水纪行赋的范式,在理论和实践两个方面进行了赋体的创变,大胆摒弃了散体大赋虚拟夸饰的弊端,走进了山水真境,抒发心灵深处的感怀,用心描绘山水美景,达到了山水纪行赋新的境界;谢灵运以“会性通神”的创作理念和对灵感诗学的不懈追求,在他的山水诗中形成了“初发芙蓉”的灵感诗学境界。鲍照诗中也蕴含着深刻的儒、道、佛意蕴;他的山水行役诗是玄言诗向山水诗过渡的桥梁,鲍照通过“善制形状写物之词”的方式实现了对玄言诗的全面改制,他和汤惠休还大量吸收“吴歌”和“西曲”的营养,形成了具有民歌味道和鲜活意象的新诗体,为元嘉文坛带来了一股清新的气息;由于江淹“穷力追鲍照”,在诗歌意象、语言、结构、诗风、精神追求方面对鲍照的模拟,使鲍照这位在当时并不出名的诗人,在后世获得了新生;鲍照对赋体表达方式的突破,使他的赋作形成了“凄艳悲绝”的美学风貌。颜延之精通儒学,爱好玄学,曾经深入研究佛学,在他的诗文中也蕴含着独特的儒、道、佛学意蕴;颜延之的公牍文在主题思想、情感表达、表现手法方面和前代公牍文相比具有鲜明的新变特点,他在用典、偶句、字词方面探索和创新,从而使他的诗文形成了“错彩镂金”的形式之美。本课题在元嘉三大家学术疑案方面进行了一些有益的探索,认为谢灵运被劾的主要原因是谢灵运和刘宋王朝的矛盾,个中诱因是“益州民变”;谢灵运的《拟邺中集》基本上是模拟《邺中集》而成的,通过对谢灵运《拟邺中集》和《邺中集》全方位的比较和分析,可以肯定《拟邺中集》在艺术上确实超过了《邺中集》本身,并且蕴含了谢灵运自身的思想和情感。鲍照出生寒门士族,其祖籍渤海高城,汉哀帝初年迁居上党,东汉肃宗后期迁到东海剡县,晋怀帝永嘉七年以后迁往丹阳。其籍贯应为东海郡郯县(今山东郯城县);虞炎收集编订了《鲍照集》,《钦定四库全书》所收《鲍参军集》十卷通行本,散佚并不明显,我们根据《钦定四库全书》中收录的《汉魏六朝百三家集》巻六十八和卷六十九收录的《鲍照集》可以了解《鲍照集》中的具体作品。颜延之第二次被贬的内因是颜延之得罪了刘义康集团,诱因是颜延之《应诏宴曲水作诗》提出警告;颜延之《论语说》的成书和颜延之讲《论语》有关,因皇侃《论语义疏》的流传和散佚,导致《论语说》也一度流失海外;因沈约收入《宋书》时作了删改,颜延之的《庭诰》在当时散佚明显,许多段落和句子散落在不同的古籍当中,笔者在现有的资料上做了辑佚,以图恢复原貌,经过考订认为颜延之以《庭诰》命名的文章有两篇。

【Abstract】 In the Yuan Jia dynasty , clan politics was disintegrated gradually, imperial authority politics had strengthened, Confucianism took the legitimate thought to esteem simultaneously by the Liu Song king, Taoism and Buddhism developed very rapidly, the metaphysics had gradually withdrew from the thought and culture domain, the writers of Yuan Jia took the Confucian as a root, and took the Buddha and the Taoism ,and the people didn’t talk about abstruse , in addition the difference of the family status, the writers of Yuan Jia had displayed the bright individuality. The scenery poet Xie Lingyun’s thought accommodated Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism together, and started th beginning of scenery poem creation, the poet and writer Yan Yan Zhi was disposition upright proud and wild uninhibited, his thought was Confucianist primarily. In the later period of Yuan Jia, the leading writer Bao Zhao’s life was public official roughly, his position was sink, his Confucian and Taoism melt.The birth of scenery poem of Yuan Jia, stemmed from the Taoism hidden leisurely thought that the Jin Song’s hidden leisurely wind, stemmed from the influence of tradition of Xie family’s“draw back”; Stemmed from the influence of Hui Yuan scenery poem and“the Buddhist-nature”to the Xie Lingyun scenery poem creation; and Stemmed from description of the life boundary of the poetry about immortals to rise above worldly affairs of the committee heart scenery. The Xie Lingyun scenery poems had represented the Yuan Jia scenery poem highest achievement, There were the Buddhist, Confucianism and Confucianism implication in the Xie Lingyun scenery poem.Took Xie Lingyun as representative, as soon as had changed the Fu wind of the plain prose big Fu of extravagant quart decoration , had completed the historical transformation from written looking scenery to write the scenery of Experiencing by themselves,Bao Zhao had achievements about changing“Xuan Yan Shi”.he was the bridge between“Xuan Yan Shi”and“Shan Shui Shi”.He had it in bestows on body’s exploration and is joined bestows on the turn of expression the breakthrough, bestowed on the creation to the descendant to have the very tremendous influence, his Fu had esthetics style of“chillily colorful sad certainly”esthetics style. Yan Yanzhi had Confucianism thought influence, in his male slip of wood article, the eulogy article and the argumentation are containing the profound Confucianism implication, had the strong emotion, thus had formed“the splendid carvings and paintings”esthetics style. . About the Yuan Jia academic disputed cases, the internal reason of YanYanzhi was relegated in the second time was that he had offend Liu Yi Kang group, the Enticement reasong was he wrote "Receives orders from the emperor Feast Wine-cup floating To write poetry" proposes had warning. Bao Zhao’s ancestral home was Shanxi ShangDang, afterward he had moved to Tan county of East Sea (now Shandong Tancheng County), Bao Zhao was born in Poor family ; The reason of Xie Lingyun was impeached was the contradiction between Xie Lingyun and the Liu Song dynasty, another reason was“the Yi zhou Ming Bian”. The circulation of the book of "Lun Yu Shuo " by Yan Yanzhi had related with he spoke it ,because Huang Kan’s“Lun Yu Yi Shu”was scattered and lost, caused "Confucian analects Saying" also once drained the overseas; Yu Yan had played the influential role in circulation process of "Bao Zhaoji", it was not obvious that scattered and lost ; Xie Lingyun’s "Plans Ye Zhong Ji" basically simulated "Ye Zhong Ji" .It had surpassed "Ye Zhongji" in the content and the thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

