

Research in the Novel Critically Punctuates Category of Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 陈心浩

【导师】 詹福瑞; 李金善;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国明清时期,以李贽、金圣叹、叶昼、毛宗岗、张竹坡、脂砚斋等为代表的小说评点家们对明清小说《西游记》、《水浒传》、《三国演义》、《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》做了细致的小说评点,为我们留下了丰富的小说评点遗产。尽管他们的评点是随感式的,夹在小说文本中做回前评、回后评、眉批、夹批、旁批等,没有像西方文论家那样有逻辑性很强的理论专著流传下来,但评点正是中国古代文论的一大特色,它虽有缺陷,却也自有优势。明清小说评点是中国古代文论的组成部分。本人在细读明清小说评点文本和借鉴其他一些理论著作的基础上,拈出了“画”、“纪传”、“声口”、“间架”、“笔”、“幻”、“真”、“奇”、“韵”、“诗”、“妙”、共十一个范畴,并把它们分成“小说的人物描写”、“小说的叙事情节”、“小说的艺术魅力”和“小说艺术的极诣”四个板块,对它们进行一一的考评,找出这些范畴的源流,分析这些范畴在明清小说评点中的具体运用,以及这些范畴对构建具有中国特色的小说叙事理论的作用。纵观明清小说评点的这些范畴,我以为有以下几个特性:(1)明清小说评点范畴具有明晰性和模糊性的双重特点。范畴是反映事物本质属性的一种思维形式,明晰性是范畴最基本的特点。明晰性表现在,明清小说评点的范畴,不管是人物描写的范畴,抑或叙事情节的范畴,他们的基本含义是明确的。但由于明清小说评点重在感悟,往往在即兴的情况下批出,因此,他们不可能象西方叙事学那样有非常细致和精确的理论术语和范畴,相反,他们往往使用一些比较模糊的术语和范畴,来表现自己对小说叙事的当下感受。(2)明清小说评点范畴具有“互文性”的特点。纵观明清小说评点的这些范畴,我们不难发现,这些范畴由评点家自己独立发明创造的很少,绝大多数都是借用其他艺术门类的范畴。我认为评点家借用其他艺术范畴的原因有三:一是小说在古代各门艺术发展中是最晚出现的一种文体,小说评点的出现也在诗话理论成熟之后,它不可避免地要受到在它之前的各种艺术和艺术理论的影响。二是中国古代诗书画三者的联系非常紧密,常常是你中有我,我中有你,宋代文论家苏轼评价王维的艺术说“诗中有画,画中有诗”即是一个非常典型的例子。因此,小说评点受其影响亦是十分正常的事情。三是明清小说评点范畴的借用,并非只有评点家们才有的,各门艺术范畴都有互相借鉴的现象。这表明小说评点范畴与其他艺术具有文化的同源性和共生性,这就是中国文化的生成。(3)明清小说评点范畴具有鲜明的文体性的特点。任何一门艺术的范畴都是对该门艺术本质特性的一种反映。小说范畴也不例外,虽然明清小说评点范畴大多借鉴其他艺术门类的范畴,但明清小说评点家在具体使用的时候,这些范畴的涵义大多产生了变异,从而把这些范畴指向了最能反映小说文体属性的方向,诸如虚构、情节、结构、语言、人物形象等,而这些特性使得明清小说评点范畴成为了独立的小说叙事范畴。从这个意义上来讲,明清小说评点范畴是具有鲜明的文体特性的。从明清小说评点中人物描写的范畴,到明清小说评点中有关叙事情节的范畴,再到明清小说评点中其他的艺术范畴,明清小说评点范畴构成了自己独特的范畴体系。而这一体系,是立足于中国文化之上从而与西方叙事理论区分开来的一种独立的逻辑体系。这一独立的理论体系的形成,是明清小说评点家们长期受中国文化濡染的结果,亦是他们努力从事评点实践的结果。对于这一具有中国特色的叙事理论体系,我们应予以足够的重视并引以为豪。

【Abstract】 Ming and Qing Dynasties of china, the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates authors such as Li Zhi, Jin Shengtan, Ye Zhou, Mao Zonggang, Zhang Zhupo, Zhi Yanzai and so on, they had critically punctuated carefully to"Monkey", "Shui Hu Zhuan", "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Jin Ping Mei", "Hong Lou Meng", and they had left behind rich inheritance of critically punctuating novel for usAlthough their critically punctuating is the impressions type, clamped in the novel text comments, they Using commenting before Chapter , commenting after Chapter , commenting written between the lines, marginal notes and so on, had not looked like Western critics to had very strong logical theory monograph to spread down, but critically punctuated is precisely a big characteristic of Literature commentary of ancient in china, although it had its flaw, was also actually innate it the superiority.The Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuated is constituent of Literature commentary of ancient in china. In the past, people had studied fully to poetry theory of Literature commentary of ancient in china. In many years, poetry criticism already formed one whole set to be able to grasp the poetry content effectively the mature criticism category, such as rhythm, rhythm, level and oblique tones, tone, relationship of form and spirit, image, actual situation, ideal condition and so on, these category experience long time do not fade, effective, they symbolized that people had thoughts to poetry literary style’s essential.The poetry criticism’s depth is to a great extent establishment above these category foundation. Leaves these categories, leaves people to the poetry literary style knowledge accumulation, it cannot imagine. That status of poetry criticism which leads the field in various kind of literary style criticism . But novel theory’s research is relatively weak. There were no special work. to grind ascertains clear novel to critically punctuate the category from the angle of narrates study . Therefore, I have read attentively text of Ming and Qing Dynasties novel to critically punctuate and have profited from other theory work. I have picked up :“painting”,“Ji Chuan”,“sound mouth”,“Inter-rack”,“pen”,“avoid committing”,“Magic”,“true”,“odd”,“Melody”,“Funny”, a total of 11categories and turn them into“novel character description”,“the narrative plot”,“The Art of Fiction charm”and“fiction art meaning”four tectonic plates and carried on examination to them, discovered the source and course of these categories and analyzed the concrete utilization of these categories to critically punctuate in the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel , as well as function of these categories to the construction Chinese characteristic novel narrative theory . Looks over these categories which the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates, I thought that has the following several characteristics:(1) The category of Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates have dual characteristic of pellucidity and fuzziness. The category is one kind of thought form that reflected thing essence attribute. the pellucidity is most basic characteristic of category. The pellucidity displays, the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates category, no matter displays the life the category, or fills philosophy meaning the category, perhaps borrows other artistic and the literary style category, perhaps the novel itself inherent category, its primary meaning is clear. But because the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates becomes aware again in the feeling, often leases out in the situation extemporaneously, therefore, they are impossible to look like the West to narrate study such have careful and the precise theory terminology and the category, on the contrary, they often use some quite fuzzy terminology and the category, displays itself to the novel narrative immediately feeling.(2) The category of Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates has the characteristic of“mutually the subject class”. Looks over these categories which the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates, we are not difficult to discover, these categories by critically punctuate the authors independent invention and creation to be very few, the overwhelming majority is borrows from other artistic class the category. I thought that there are three reasons for critically punctuates authors to borrow other artistic category : First, the novel was one kind of literary style which most late appeared in various art development in the ancient times.the appearance which the novel critically punctuated also after the notes on poets and poetry theory mature, it must receive inevitably before it each kind of artistic and artistic theory influence. Second, the poem ,calligraphy and painting have relations closely in ancient times of china , it was frequently in you have me, in me has you, Literature critic of Song Dynasty Su Shi appraised Wang Wei’s art to say“in the poem to have the picture, in the picture has the poem”is a very typical example. Therefore, the novel critically punctuates its influence is also the very normal matter. Third, the category of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates borrowing, only then critically punctuates the authors only then to have by no means that various artistic category has the phenomenon which uses for reference mutually. This indicated that the category of novel critically punctuates to have the cultural homology with other art and altogether the natural disposition, this is the Chinese culture production.(3) The category of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates have the bright literary style characteristic. Any art’s category is to this artistic essence characteristic one kind of reflection. The novel category is not exceptional, although the category of Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates mostly to profit from other artistic class the category, but the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates the family in uses these categories time mostly has had the variation, Thus aimed at these categories has most been able to reflect that the novel literary style attribute direction, such as fictionalized, the plot, the structure, the language, the character image and so on, but these characteristics enabled the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel category to become the independent novel narrative category. From this point of view, the category of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates to have the bright literary style characteristic.Life category which critically punctuates from the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel, critically punctuates the philosophy category to the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel, arrived at the artistic category which again the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuated, the category of the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates to constitute oneself self sufficient three dimensional three-dimensional category system. But this system, is bases above the Chinese culture, thus separates out in the Western narrative theory one independent logical system. This independent system info’s formation, is the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel critically punctuates the authors for a long time the result which is infected the Chinese culture, is also that they are engaged in diligently critically punctuates the practice the result. Regarding the Chinese characteristic narrative system , we should by the enough value and proud.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】869

