

Scholar-bureaucrats’ Political Ideal and Activity in Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 李同乐

【导师】 陈江;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 文人治国是宋代政治的一个显著特色。在宋代最高统治者“重文抑武”的政策下,文士被大量地吸纳到统治阶层中,并在宋代政治结构中形成了一股中坚力量,形成皇帝与士大夫“共治天下”的格局。同时,在宋代儒学复兴的背景下,具有“学者—官员”二重身份的士大夫阶层,继承和发扬儒家文化传统,以履行圣人之“道”为己任,以致君尧舜、回归三代为最高政治理想,并积极地在政治活动中付诸实践。文章以时间为线索,分时段进行研究,将北宋历史分为宋初时期、仁宗时期、英宗和神宗时期、北宋后期四个阶段,并以北宋前中期为中心考察士大夫的政治理想和实践活动。从唐末到宋初,士大夫的社会身份更加“平民化”,与此同时,士大夫“学者—官员”的二重角色也经历了一个整合的过程。北宋建立之后确立了“重文轻武”的国策,士大夫的文化角色也得到重振,由“吏能型”重新走向“文治型”,实现了本色回归。在唐宋儒学变革的大背景下,宋初士大夫接续起了中唐以来振兴儒学的重任,弘扬儒道、尊崇儒术。宋初士大夫致君泽民的政治理想又被重新唤醒,“行道”的意识复兴了。仁宗时期,士大夫和士大夫政治都走向了成熟。一方面,士大夫作为一股政治力量在朝廷事务中发挥越来越大的影响,“致君尧舜”已经成为士大夫的普遍共识;另一方面,台谏制度也在仁宗时候得到了完善。在一定程度上形成了君主、中书和台谏相互制约的“共治”政治架构。北宋士大夫在仁宗时期也开始由“行道”的观念走向“行道”的实践。在科举教育方面,士大夫们兴办学校,并推动科举考试的改革。与古文运动相呼应,士大夫们要求改变之前重诗赋的情况而改为重策论,在经典学习上引导士子变记诵为探求经义,以此来培养能够“行道”的“士君子”。此外,实现三代之治是士大夫们共有的政治理想,士大夫们高举“大中”原则,兼取三代之制和汉唐故事作为施政准则。在学术发展的影响下,李觏和范仲淹以《周礼》为依据提出社会政治改革主张。受儒家“君子小人之辨”的影响,士大夫们为“行道”而联合,以“君子”自居并对“小人”的斗争也引发了仁宗时期的党争。神宗时期,改革的需要为士大夫们的行道活动提供了前所未有的机遇。王安石在神宗支持下进行变法,实现了其“致君尧舜”的理想;而司马光等人反对王安石新法,也是他们希望行道致君的表现。士大夫们的活动也体现出学术和政治之间的关系日益密切。“义理”之学深入到“濮议”之争,王安石通过义理之学阐发圣人之道,以“法圣人之意”为旗帜,借助对经典的重新诠释,为变法提供了理论依据,并通过经筵讲学影响神宗推动变法,同时变法派与反对派的斗争也在学术领域展开。以“一道德”为目标的对科举改革废除诗赋而以经义取士,“三舍法”将教育与取士直接结合起来,这既是对仁宗时期改革的推进,也构成了王安石变法的重要内容。英、神两朝,士大夫的内部关系也更加复杂。“濮议”之争加剧了台谏和中书的矛盾,王安石变法期间对反对派进行打击,党争也随之加剧。哲宗即位后,以司马光为代表的新法反对派上台执政,以废除新法为施政目标,并注重对君主心术的陶冶培养。从哲宗以后的情况来看,之前士大夫孜孜以求的“致君尧舜”的政治理想,无论是从表达上还是从行动上都日趋减弱。对先王之道的讲求,演变为对神宗和“国是”的维护;实现三代之治的追求,变成了在“新法”和“旧法”之间的摇摆。士大夫之间因政见分歧而导致的矛盾,被私人恩怨和报复所取代。北宋士大夫致君泽民的理想,也因此走向式微。

【Abstract】 To govern the state by literary men was a notable political feature in Song Dynasty. Under the influnence of the "valuing cival affairs and restrainting military affairs" policy formulated by the supreme ruler, literary men were largely absorbed into the ruling class, and became a core force in the political structure. A setup, that the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrat "govern the state together", formed. Menwhile, in the context of the revival of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty, the Scholar-bureaucrats, who had double identities, inherited and carried forward the Confucian tradition. They not only took saints’ doctrines as their responsibility,but also took it as their political ideal to rival the emperor with Yao and Shun, and rebuild the "Three Ancient Dynasties". They actively put into practice in political activities.This thesis was written diachronically, and divided the Northern Song Dynasty into four secondary periods as follows:the early Northern Song Dynasty, the Renzong period, the Yingzong and Shenzong period, and the late Northern Song Dynasty. The earlier and middle periods of Northern Song Dynasty are made the main reviewing in order to outline the feature of the Scholar-bureaucrats’ political ideals and practice.During the period from late Tang Dynasty to early Song Dynasty, Scholar-bureaucrats were more civil. Meanwhile, their double identities were reformed. Under the influnence of the "valuing cival affairs and restrainting military affairs" policy, their cultural role was revived. They turned themselves from administrative clerks to government officials, and went back to their original attributes. In the historical context of Confucianism transiton between Tang and Song Dynasties, the Scholar-bureaucrats of earlier Song Dynasty carried on the task to revive the Confucianism set in the Mid-Tang Dynasty. They developed and worshiped the Confucianism. Besides, their policital ideal was awaken, and they had stronger and stronger sense to perform their mission.In the period of Renzong, the scholar-bureaucrats and the political structure of scholar-bureaucrat were both more nature. On the one hand, the scholar-bureaucrats played a more and more important part in political affairs, and "to rival the emperor with Yao and Shun" was a general consensus; in the other hand, proposal making system was developed, and the co-goverment structure formed among the emperor, the goverment,and the proposal making system. Meanwhile, the Scholar-bureaucrats put their ideal into practise. They established more schools and promoted the reformation of imperial examination system. Relating to the classical prose movement, the scholar-bureaucrats valued the aiticles about remarks and suggestion, while littled the poem and ode. They guided the learners to seek the meaning in the Confucian classics rather than learn by rote. Besides, in order to realize their ideals, that is, to rebuild "Three Ancient Dynasties", the Scholar-bureaucrats took "Moderation" as the supreme political principle, and follow the example of Han and Tang Dynasties. Influenced by academic development, Li Gou and Fan Zhongyan raised reform proposals in accordence with《Zhou Li》. Affected by Confucian ideas in differentiating between gentlemen and petty men, the Scholar-bureaucrats united people with the same pursuit. They claimed themselves to be gentlemen and struggled with the petty men, and then initiated party fighting in Renzong period.In the Shenzong period, the need for reform offered unprecedented opportunity to the Scholar-bureaucrats to perform their mission. Wang Anshi realized his ideal of "to reval the emperor with Yao and Shun"; while SiMa Guang and others perform their goal by opposing Wang Anshi. The Scholar-bureaucrats activities showed the closer relation between politic and academic. The study of argumentation had an deeply impact to "the dispute about Pu Prince ". Wang Anshi illuminated doctrines of Confucianism by the study of argumentation. He made "follow the saints’ purpose" as a flag. He offered theory for his reformation by re-illuminated the Confucian classics. Meanwhile, Wang Anshi propelled reform throught the court teaching. At the same time, Wang Anshi’s supporters and opposition debated in the court teaching activites. A new reform in education, which aimed to unify thoughts, aborlished the poem and ode, and made "Confucian classics argumentation " as the only examination form. At the same time, the "three-level schools" combined education and officials selection. It was a development of the earlier reformation and an important part in Wang Anshi’s reform program. In Yingzong and Shenzong periods, Scholar-bureaucrats had a more complex interrelation. "The dispute about Pu Prince " exacerbated the conflict between government and proposal making system. Wang Anshi cracked down on the oppsition during reformation, and the paty fighting deteriorating ever further.In Zhezong period, SiMa Guang and his supporters came into power. They aimed to abolish Wang Anshi’s reformation policy, and paid more attention to pure the emperor’s desire. Judging from the situation after Zhezong, the Scholar-bureaucrat’s ideal of "to reval the emperor with Yao and Shun" became weaker both in their words and activities. The seeking for saints’ doctrines became the defending for Shenzong and the principle of state. The efforts to rebuild the "Three Ancient Dynasties", became wobbling opinions between the new and old policies. The conflicts and problems evoked by the Scholar-bureaucrats’ political disagreement, became hatred and revenge. So, the Scholar-bureaucrats’ ideal of" to reval the emperor with Yao and Shun" drew on towards declining.

  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】7
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