

Research on Educational Policy Implementation from the Perspective of Complexity Theory

【作者】 蒋园园

【导师】 吴志宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 长久以来,受现代科学理性的影响,在教育政策执行的研究中,不少学者惯于“简化处理”的思维路线,过于强调执行规律的“真理性”,追求揭示执行诸要素之间的必然联系,在探寻教育政策失败原因和结果的关系时,忽略用多元化的信念来解明教育政策执行的复杂性。然而,对于极其复杂的教育政策执行,是无法用简单的眼光来打量与把握的。随着我国步入社会转型期,一些长期困扰教育政策执行的问题愈发凸显出来,它们所表现出来的复杂过程和复杂程度,是根本不能用简单性和简单方法进行描述和处理的。在追求精简的教育政策执行经常性失灵的情况下,后现代政策运动已意识到,传统的简单化思维方式在解读教育政策执行问题时突然显得那样的力不从心。因此,有必要运用多元的、综合化的复杂性范式,把影响教育政策执行的相关要素,都纳入到教育政策执行复杂系统之中来加以思考,以达到对于教育政策执行复杂性的完整性把握。兴起于20世纪70年代的复杂理论,为我们研究教育政策执行的复杂性开辟了一条蹊径。复杂性科学方法论启发我们,从简单思维走向复杂性思维,这是研究教育政策执行复杂性的思维门径。教育政策过程的形态不应该是过去人们所认为的“线性的控制”,而应该是“弹性的修正”。教育政策执行过程中充满着不可预测的变量,对这些变量进行科学的分析应该提到教育管理学者的议事日程上来。为此,本研究以“复杂理论视阈下的教育政策执行研究”作为博士论文的选题,尝试在复杂理论的视阈下对教育政策执行的复杂性展开研究。用复杂性思维来重新认识教育政策执行的复杂性,从复杂理论与教育政策执行联结的维度,对教育政策执行的复杂性研究作出一次个人的自觉有限回应。力图通过扎实的研究综合考查教育政策执行的主体、客体和内容等变量,以及这些变量之间的联系和规律性,对教育政策执行的复杂性予以揭示;在强调教育政策执行复杂性的基础上,以复杂理论为工具来分析社会转型期教育政策执行存在的问题,并提出弱化和驾驭教育政策执行复杂性的策议,为我国教育政策执行研究注入新的气息。论文由八部分组成,分别是引论,文献综述,复杂性笼罩下的我国农民工子女教育政策问题,新课改政策执行现状透视,一种研究教育政策执行的新视阈:复杂理论引介,教育政策执行复杂性分析,驾驭教育政策执行复杂性的策略,结语。论文在个案剖析的基础上,主要在以下方面进行了分析和讨论。第一、提出了“教育政策执行简单抑或复杂?”“思维变与不变”的设问,这是教育政策执行复杂性研究的逻辑前提。论文通过对农民工子女教育政策问题和新课改政策执行个案的实然分析,透过影响教育政策执行效率的因素认识复杂性,解析复杂性;将影响教育政策实现的复杂性因素及其作用归纳整合,使它们之间的联系呈现出来。笔者认为,教育政策执行是一个复杂且具有高度权变性的现象,它包括了相互依赖性,选择程度和行为改变等多种组成部分;教育政策执行系统结构一直处于不稳定的波动状态,凸显了一种复杂的立体网络状连接关系。单凭简单性研究是难以把握的,必须运用复杂性思维,全面、深刻地理解。第二、引介一种研究教育政策复杂性的新视阈——复杂理论,为用复杂性思维研究教育政策执行复杂性奠定理论基础。笔者认为,以复杂性思想为指导、运用复杂科学的原理研究教育政策执行复杂性,这正好适应了教育政策执行本身的复杂现象。在目前学术文献尚缺的情况下,走进复杂理论,加深了学界对教育政策执行不稳定性、不可预测的随机性的认识;这将有助于我们克服简单性思维的桎梏,从宏观上理清教育政策执行复杂性研究思路,从整体上把握教育政策执行系统的复杂性,进而分析、归纳出有效的对策和方法,指导教育政策执行复杂性研究和各项具体的教育政策执行实践活动。第三、运用复杂理论重新阐释教育政策执行的复杂性。为什么教育政策执行是一种复杂的现象?笔者认为,除了政策执行技术细节的问题,影响其运作更主要的方面是作为政策系统的复杂性问题,而这是在实际操作过程中难以预见和解决的问题。这并非是由教育政策执行的特性得出的反面推断,而是执行过程表现出的不确定性、涌现性等多种因素合力作用的结果。复杂理论视阈下的教育政策执行中的复杂性问题,更多的是指教育政策执行系统的多因素性、多层次性、多变性以及相互作用所形成的整体行为和演化。第四、将研究视角与复杂性问题进行衔接,来关注教育政策执行复杂性形成的条件,包括中介物、共同活动的环境,以及在这一共同环境中各主体之间相互影响的方式,在应然的层面上探索应用复杂理论解决教育政策执行复杂性问题的途径。通过对教育政策执行复杂性的涌现和自组织临界态的分析,笔者尝试性地提出了弱化和驾驭教育政策执行复杂性的策略:其一,将教育政策执行系统理解为复杂适应系统,在教育政策链的联系中弱化复杂性;其二,把复杂性作为创新和改进的一种激励因素,在学校的变革中驾驭复杂性。

【Abstract】 For a long time, in educational policy implementation research, influenced by modern scientific rationality, quite a few scholars have been used to "simplified handling" thoughts. In pursuit of uncovering the necessary connection among various implementation factors, they overemphasized the "truth" of implementation. When exploring the relationship between the cause and effect of educational policy failure, they have neglected to clarify the complexity of educational policy implementation in the belief of pluralism. However, in terms of rather complex educational policy implementation, we are not able to observe and grasp it in the simplified perspective. With China’s entry into the transformation period, some problems that long disturbed educational policy implementation have increasingly become prominent. For the complex process and degree they have shown, it is impossible to describe and handle them with simplicity and simple methods. In the case of malfunction of educational policy implementation simplification, postmodern policy movement have realized, traditional simplified way of thinking is prostrated in examining educational policy implementation problems. As a result, it is necessary to use multiple and integrated complexity paradigm. Through incorporating all the relative elements into the complexity system of educational policy implementation, we may achieve an integrity grasp of the complexity of educational policy implementation.Complexity theory that rose in the 1970s has opened up a new route of research on the complexity of educational policy implementation. Complexity science methodology has inspired us, changing from simplified to complex thinking would be the thinking path of research on the complexity of educational policy implementation. The form of educational policy process should be "flexible revision", rather than the traditional view of "linear control". The process of educational policy implementation is filled with unpredictable variables, so the scientific analysis of these variables should be placed on the agenda of educational administration scholars. Therefore, I choose "Research on Educational Policy Implementation from the Perspective of Complexity Theory" as my dissertation topic, seeking to develop research on the complexity of educational policy implementation from the perspective of complexity theory. I have tried to rediscover the complexity of educational policy implementation in complex thinking. From the dimension of connecting complexity theory and educational policy implementation, I expect to provide a conscious and limited response to research in this field. Through sound research, I strive to comprehensively examine various variables, e.g., the subject, object and content of educational policy implementation; the relationship among them and the hidden law, so that the complexity of educational policy implementation may be uncovered. Furthermore, with the means of complexity theory, on the basis of emphasizing implementation complexity, the paper analyzed the problems of educational policy implementation in the transformation period; provided suggestions of weakening and controlling implementation complexity, seeking to inject new breath into research of educational policy implementation.The paper is composed of eight sections:introduction, literature review, complex policy issues of educating migrant workers’children, examination of implementation of new curriculum reform, a new perspective of research on educational policy implementation: introduction of complexity theory, complexity analysis of educational policy implementation, strategies of controlling the complexity of educational policy implementation, conclusion. Based on the analysis of two cases, the paper mainly analyzed and discussed in the following aspects.First, it raised the questions:" Is the educational policy implementation simple or complex?" "whether thinking is changing or not?" This is the logical premise of research on implementation complexity. Through the factual analysis of two cases:educational policy issues of migrant workers’children and policy implementation of new curriculum reform, the paper sought to recognize and analyze complexity from the elements that influenced the implementation efficiency, and sought to integrate the complex elements and their effect, so that the connection among them may emerge. In the author’s perspective, educational policy implementation is a complex and highly contingent phenomenon, which may include mutual dependency, degree of choice, behavior change and other various components. In addition, the system structure of educational policy implementation has been in an unstable state of fluctuation. And it reflects a complex concatenation of space network, which is difficult to grasp only through simplified research. Therefore, it is necessary to apply complex thinking to understand it comprehensively and deeply.Second, it introduced a new perspective of research on the complexity of educational policy implementation——complexity theory, which laid the theoretical basis of applying complex thinking to implementation complexity research. In the author’s view, using complexity idea as the direction, and applying the principles of complexity science to implementation complexity research, is fit to the complex phenomenon of educational policy implementation. In the case of current literature shortage, approaching complexity theory may deepen the field’s understanding of instability and unpredictable randomicity of educational policy implementation. It will help us cope with the fetters of simplified thinking, macroscopically get the ideas of implementation complexity research into shape, grasp the system complexity of educational policy implementation on the whole, so that we may analyze and summarize effective strategies and methods, in order to guide the implementation complexity research and various specific practice of educational policy implementation. Third, it used the complexity theory to reexamine the complexity of educational policy implementation. Why the educational policy implementation is a complex phenomenon? In the author’s view, besides the implementation details, the complexity of policy system has more impact on its operation, while it is difficult to predict and solve. Rather than a negative inference from the features of educational policy implementation, it is the resultant effect of many elements shown by the implementation process, e.g., uncertainty and emergency. From the perspective of complexity theory, the complex issue in educational policy implementation refers more to the multifactorial, multilayered, polytropic characteristics of implementation system, and the whole behavior and evolution caused by interaction.Four, through connecting the research perspective and complex issues, it focused on the conditions forming the implementation complexity, which may include the mediator, the environment of joint activity, and the interactive means among various subjects in the common environment. This section explored the means of solving problems of implementation complexity by complexity theory in the judgmental aspect. Through analyzing the emergency and self-organizing criticality of implementation complexity, the author tried to provide the strategies of weakening and controlling implementation complexity:first, we may understand the implementation system as a complex adaptive system, and weaken its complexity by the connections in educational policy chains; second, we may see the complexity as a motivational factor of innovation and improvement, and control its complexity in school reforms.

  • 【分类号】G40-011.8
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2549
  • 攻读期成果

