

A Study of National-Education-Policy’ Impact on Educational Management at the Grass-Roots Level

【作者】 全力

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 国家、省、市、区、学校是教育政策执行的不同层级,以往我们过多关注国家宏观的大政方针,忽视了政策在基层的执行。在国家政策执行的过程中,基层作为既代表中央,又代表地方的行政部门,既是政策执行的对象,又是政策执行的主体。从国家-省-市-区(县)-学校这样的执行链条中,每一层级都存在着对政策的理解、吸收和转化的过程,不同的决策者价值观念和利益需求会渗透到执行的过程当中,其中在区(县)-校这一我们称为“基层”的环节中,执行行为更加复杂和多样。本文试图以实地研究个案的形式,通过“义务教育阶段教师绩效工资”政策在一个我国东部发达城市中心城区的执行过程,以及对其产生影响的重要因素的分析上,阐述这项国家政策将对基层的教育行政管理以及学校管理产生的影响。义务教育阶段教师绩效工资政策与其他的国家教育政策相比,有其特殊之处。教育质量政策、教育体制政策、教育经费政策、教师(人事)政策是一个国家教育、改革与发展所必需的基本的教育政策。教师绩效工资政策之所以特殊,是因为它和这四大政策都有密切联系。但是作为这项政策的关键执行者——基层的教育行政人员和校长,他们看待这项政策的视角和普通教师相比又有很大差异。这项国家政策,由于地方政府以及校长在执行过程中的裁量,会对不同地区不同学校产生不同影响。因此,通过本课题对S区执行教师绩效工资政策的实地调查和分析研究,设身处地地体会这项政策关键执行者的所思所想和所作所为,可以加强我们对教师绩效工资政策的理解,从而发现基层教育行政组织中执行这项政策时存在的问题。本文首先对义务教育教师绩效工资政策进行理论分析,并对教育政策在S区执行的影响因素进行描述。因为从系统分析的角度讲,要了解执行政策行为,就必须对其环境有了解和分析。S区教育发展的基本情况怎么样,教育局和校长之间有哪些沟通途径?教育局从它的角度出发设计了哪些制度来保证教育政策的实施?对此类的问题,笔者做了一些调查和资料收集。其次是通过实地研究,展现绩效工资政策在区域范围内产生和实施的历程,并对执行这个政策的行为进行描述和分析,选取部分有代表性的教育行政人员和校长作为观察、调研和访谈的对象,了解他们如何处理各种政策要求、如何将政策转变为教师行为的各种做法和制度。再次,对绩效工资最重要的四个组成部分将产生的影响逐一分析,分别是体制政策、经费政策、人事政策和质量政策。这四类政策在教育行政管理和学校管理中都处于至关重要的地位,绩效工资政策更是这四类政策的集成体现,他们将对基层教育管理的方方面面产生重要的影响,对这些影响的描述和讨论将帮助我们理解为什么这项政策会引起空前的重视。最后,在结语部分,探讨实施教师绩效工资后基层教育行政管理和学校管理的走向,凸显岗位职责和绩效评估的时代意义。

【Abstract】 Education policy implementation applies to different levels, including national, provincial, municipal, district, and school. In the past we paid too much attention to the major national macro-policies, and ignored the implementation of policy at the grassroots level. In the course of the implementation of national policies, grassroots represent both national and local departments. They are the objects of policy implementation as well as policy executors. The course of understanding, absorbing, and transforming of policy exists in each level of policy implementation. Different values and interests of the needs will penetrate to implementation process. District (county) and school, also called grassroots, have more complicated and diverse implementation behavior. The goal of this case study is to investigate the impact of the "performance-based pay for teachers in compulsory education" policy on district and school education administration and school management by analyzing the process of its implementation in urban district of eastern China.Chinese performance-based pay for teachers’ policy in compulsory education is different from other countries. The policy of education quality, education system, education funding, and personnel are necessary and basic policy for education reform. The reason why performance-based-pay for teachers is special is that it’s closely connected with all above four types of policy. However, education administrators and principals on the grass-roots level, as the key executors, have different view of this comparing to teachers. This national policy, because of the decisions made by local governments and school principals, will have different effects in different schools. In this study, based on the field survey and analysis of the execution of performance-based pay for teachers in S district, from the policy’s key executors’ point of view, the understanding of performance-based pay policy was enhanced, and questions existing in the policy implementation were explored.The first part of this study includes theorial analysis of performance-based pay for teachers in compulsory education, and influence factors of policy implementation in S district. From the perspective of systems analysis, to understand the implementation of policy behavior, it is necessary to understand and analyze their environment. What’s the basic situation of education development in S district? How are education department communicate with school principals? To above questions, research has been done and data were collected. The second part of this study is field investigation. The process of development and implementation of this policy has been described. Behavior of implementation were described and analyzed. Part of the representative education administrators and principles were chosen for observation,investigation and interviewing. They were required to describe how they deal with all kinds of requires, and how they relate the policy to teachers’behavior. The third part of the study analyzed the influence of four components of performance-based pay for teachers. They are system policy, funding policy, and personnel policy and quality polity. These four types of policy are very important in education administration and school management. Performance-based pay for teachers reflects all the policies which have important influence on all aspects of education management. Description and analyzing of this influence will help us understand why this policy will lead to so much attention. At the last part of this study, direction of education management and school management at the grassroots level were discussed. The importance of responsibility and performance evaluation was dressed as well.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2423

