

Study on Abstract Art in Shanghai

【作者】 杨莹

【导师】 周长江;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 艺术语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 上海是中国最早接纳西方现代艺术的城市,抽象艺术语言在这里没有遭受很大的排斥,这对上海抽象艺术的形成和发展无疑具有历史意义。抽象艺术在上海的发展与上海独特的地理位置、城市文化、思维方式、生活气息相关:租界历史使上海不拘泥于中国传统而包容西方文化;经济的繁荣和大都市生活造就了上海人精致细腻的生活习惯,从而潜移默化地保存了对细节的敏感和对艺术的理解;上海开放的社会形态和人们的心态以及在国际交流中的便利成为了上海抽象艺术发展的先天条件。中国抽象艺术在上海得以诞生并不断的发展,是文化的合理性和可能性使然。二十世纪二三十年代,上海的现代艺术运动为抽象艺术的萌芽提供了合适的土壤。从文革后期到二十世纪末,上海艺术家用大量的对现代绘画的实践,对抽象艺术语言的实践来应对艺术发展带来的挑战。这些艺术家在纷繁混乱的局面中找到并发展了自己的艺术语言,凭着自身的信念和洞察力坚持了下来,成为连接美术史暗含着的关键点,成为中国美术史上一个重要的组成部分。上海已经确立了“抽象艺术之都”的地位,形成了独特的地域文化景观,抽象艺术已经是上海当代视觉文化中一个令人瞩目的代表性符号。本文第一章阐释了抽象艺术的发展概况;第二章追溯了上海现代艺术发展的缘起,艺术语言转型的过程,梳理了上海抽象艺术在当代的发展历程;第三章探讨了上海抽象艺术这种独特地域文化现象出现以及生生不息的原因;第四章分析了上海抽象艺术的语言特征,并归纳了其东方艺术思维现代转化的方式;第五章指出了上海抽象艺术发展中面临的问题,展望了其未来的发展趋势;最后进一步说明上海抽象艺术在中国当代艺术发展历程中的地位与意义。本文采用美术学和语言学相结合的研究方法,从社会文化、历史背景角度,借助语言的产生及变化构成,语言与语境的关系,语言的观念表达等方面,来探讨上海抽象艺术产生并发展的原因,分析上海抽象艺术语言的特点,从而勾勒出上海抽象艺术这一独特的地域文化景观,同时指出上海抽象艺术发展过程中所面临的问题并展望其未来的发展,试图通过研究上海的抽象艺术,来建立一种研究艺术语言的方法。

【Abstract】 Shanghai is the earliest Chinese city who accepted modern western art, abstract art language didn’t being rejected so much here, and it undoubtedly possesses historic significance. The development of abstract art in Shanghai is related to Shanghai’s specific geographic location, urban culture, thinking mode and flavor of life:history of leased territory made it tolerating western culture rather than sticking to Chinese tradition; economic prosperity and metropolitan life formed fine and delicate life habits, sensitivity to details and comprehension to art have been reserved unconsciously; the open social form, psychology and the convenience in international communication are the premises for abstract art developing in Shanghai.Chinese abstract art can be born and being developed continuously in Shanghai, it is the results of rationality and possibility of culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, modern art movement emerged in Shanghai, abstract art was in the rudimentary stage, from the later period of the Cultural Revolution to the approaching of the 21st century, the biggest challenges for artists in Shanghai are the experiment for modern painting and the practice for abstract art language. These artists found resolutions and their own artistic language from complicated and chaotic state, they persisted in by conviction and the artists’insight, became the implied key points to connect art history, and formed an important component in Chinese art history. Shanghai has already established its position as Abstract Art’s Capital, formed specific regional cultural landscape, abstract painting has already being a representative symbol for contemporary visual culture in Shanghai, and it attracted attention.The first chapter of the dissertation expounds the development of abstract art, and re-examines artistic languages; the second chapter retraces the origin of modern art development in Shanghai, the course of artistic language transformation, and organizes contemporary development courses of abstract art in Shanghai; the third chapter explores the reasons for abstract art in Shanghai, the specific regional cultural phenomenon to emerge and to develop endlessly; the fourth chapter analyses the characteristics of abstract art languages in Shanghai, and generalizes the modes for its oriental artistic thinking to convert modernly; the fifth chapter points out the problems to be faced in the course of abstract art’s development in Shanghai, and prospects its future development trend; the last chapter further explains abstract art in Shanghai’s position and significance in the course of contemporary art development in China.The dissertation mainly adopts interdisciplinary studying method that combines fine arts and linguistics studies, from the born and converting structure of language in social culture and historic background, the relationship between language and context, and idea expression of language, to explore the reasons for abstract art in Shanghai to emerge and to develop endlessly, it analyses the characteristics of abstract art languages in Shanghai, then it delineates abstract art in Shanghai, the specific regional cultural landscape, points out the problems to be faced in the course of abstract art’s development in Shanghai, and prospects its future development, further explains its position and significance in the course of contemporary art development in China, and tries to create a method of artistic languages research through studying abstract art in Shanghai.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】564

