

Transmission and Transformation: Research on Social Edification Towards Life World in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 张雪红

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 教化的根本意义和作用在于对人类道德感所进行的保护与促进。尽管人类的道德感存在于本性禀赋之中,但它像其他情感一样非常脆弱,是教化延伸和强化了人类道德本能的社会内涵与功能。“化民成俗”把道德主体的道德潜能有效伸长,使人类的道德本能不甘为封闭的自我情感所困而赋予了更多的社会价值。道德本能的公共性与趋同性使每一个道德主体与其亲缘、宗族乃至社会成员之间,共同构造一个道德磁场的“同心圆”平面,教化有序地扩展了生活世界的这个道德磁场。中国传统社会对教化调节精神生活的意义和作用十分倚重,特别是经过唐末五代的乱世,宋代有识之士深切体味到了道德生活、精神信仰建设与调和文化群体关系对于社会综合发展的重要意义。宋代由此迎来一个目光关注大众精神生活的新时代,社会教化具有了新的基础与特征。宋代社会教化有一个逐步面向社会、深入日常生活的开展过程。宋初围绕社会主体成员日常行为和家庭这一生活世界的基本主题首先发起了“正家道”的教化行动。伴随着“禁别籍异财”令,引导着民众走向匡正家道的精神历程,而掀起家庭观念变迁的社会浪潮,家训随之成为一条重要的社会教化传播方式与通道。随着政治的变革、社会关系的进一步调整与社会阶层之间上下流动的增强,宋人意识到,宋代家庭仍缺少稳固的外部环境保护形式与促进机制,同时教化权力也需要在政府、学校之外寻求能够诉诸于切近日常生活的组织方式,科举精英分子也迫切需要在官府之外的日常生活世界谋求更大的权力发展空间。于是,宋代宗族制改革与新生因时而动。范仲淹所创设的新型“范氏义庄”,对宋代社会教化的开展产生了新一轮推动。北宋社会发展至中期,进入中国历史上非常重要的社会变革阶段。王安石发起政治改革,将宋代社会变革推向高峰,引起社会内部一系列连锁反应。蓝田吕氏乡约的创立,标志着宋代社会教化的非政治性日常组织与方式已超越家庭、家族的视野和观念,而直接进入大众社会公共舆论领域的日常空间。北宋经过正家道、收宗族、立乡约等运动虽然使得社会精神面貌有了根本好转,然而随着社会交往的日益深化、频繁,社会道德风尚建设步伐仍然跟不上时代快速发展的需要与变化,而随之发起的“一道德求风俗”的政治复古却因脱离现实生活最终导致了社会教化的新危机。由于民众精神需求受到了压制,政教不能很好的因势利导,致使“吃菜事魔法”蔓延社会。宋室南渡后,大众日常生活世界对教化的需求与召唤,比之北宋更为强烈与迫切,而版印书籍的普遍流通更使民众文化岸然兴起、社会流动率进一步提高,并由是促动儒学宗教化改革。南宋社会出现儒学宗教化及其深入民间社会日常生活世界等时代新特征,理学集大成者朱熹的教化世界展现了儒学教化的信仰旨趣与开辟民间社会公共领域的时代新动向。儒家思想的革新洗面又促进教化进一步渗透大众日常生活世界,宋代社会生活呈现出前所未有的时代新风尚。而民间学校教育传播的崛起和生活世界中的教化说唱以新的态势从结构上进一步完善了社会教化的布局。传统社会教化作为学校教育生存的重要背景与软环境,始终起着支撑其发展的内在作用。虽然今人对此十分淡漠,但走向生活世界的宋代社会教化发展经验表明,社会教化实为教育的基本依托与参照,认识传统社会教化乃是开启教育史研究新领域之门的一把金钥匙。就社会精神治理而言,社会教化与学校教育乃是一个辩证的统一体。宋代是一个社会流动频繁、经济文化快速发展而私欲膨胀、信仰危机、教化从坠地到复兴的变革转型时代。在此时代背景下,理学家所提出“存天理、灭人欲”的思想观点,并非单纯的学术理论创新,而是基于迫切的、普遍性的现实需要,具有深刻社会根源。由此观照现代社会,传统社会教化经验对重塑大众精神信仰与当代社会和谐、文明发展的新方向仍具有重要历史意义。走向生活世界的宋代社会教化经验对于经济快速发展而物欲观念不断膨胀的今日社会,仍不失其十分宝贵的借鉴价值。日常生活中,人们的思维与行为,极易受到利欲熏心的支配而将具有公共性的道德规则抛在脑后,欲望的膨胀心理与消费超前主义往往又将潜在的自然法则搁置一旁。虽然时过境迁,“存天理、灭人欲”的思想已不适合指导当代人的道德修养实践,但是摒弃它不合理与封建专制性一面,就“天理”与“人欲”的辩证关系而言,仍可结合时代精神变化予以深入探究与发展。

【Abstract】 The fundamentally meaning and function of edification is protecting and promoting human moral sense.The sense of morality lying in the human nature is as fragile as other emotions,and it is just the edification that extends and strengthens social meaning and function in human moral nature. The idea of "Form Chinese traditional moral customs through teaching and affecting in a long time" infinitely extends the potential of the subjective morality, endowing more social values to human moral instinct instead of confining itself into enclosed self-emotion. The publicity and convergence of human moral instinct make the traditional society a moral magnetic "concentric circles" field, and edification expands the field orderly. The edification played an important role on spiritual life in Chinese traditional society. After the end of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, people were fully awared that spiritual construction and harmonious interpersonal relationship played an important role in the comprehensive society. The Song Dynasty thus ushered into a new era concerning on human spiritual life and special edification features.Social edification in the Song Dynasty was carried out downwards the society and people’s daily life gradually. Based on people’s daily behavior and family structure, the edification movement named "Family Regulation" was firstly launched in the early time of the Song Dynasty. With the "Ban on Family Break-up" Law, people were led into the spiritual course of "Family Regulation", which gave rise to the social changes on family values conception, thus family motto became an important way and access of social edificational transmission. With the further adjustment of political reforms and social class upside down rapidly, people came to realize that family was still lack of a steady external environment form and mechanism. Meanwhile, edification power had to seek an appropriate organization form to approach the daily life beyond government and school, and social elitegroup were also eager to obtain more power in the life world. Thus the reform was inevitable. In the ancestral idea, "Fan Shi Yi Zhuang" ---a new kind of educational organization founded by Fan Zhong-yan gave rise to a new vigorous move to social edification. In the mid-term of the Northern Song Dynasty,political reform initiated by Wang An-shi pushed the social reform to a high level, and the inner society reacted on many aspects. " LanTianLvShi Township" brought forth in this context.The initiation of "Lv-township" was a symbol that non-political organization had transcended the families and clans’visions and ideas to the public field. Those movements such as "Family Regulation", "Ban on Family Break-up", "Lv-township" caused a fundamental improvement in the social outlook. However the social morality custom was still behind times. The following political movement named "The Same Morality, The Same Custom" led a new crisis in society because of its retro-tendency. "Secret Religion" spread rapidly due to people’s spiritual needs suppressed and political edification hardly affected.In the Southern Song Dynasty, the edification needs in people’s daily life world was more urgent and stronger than that in the Northern Song Dynasty. Not only the universal spreading of printed books make folk culture risen, but also the increasing rate of social class upside down did promote the religionization reform of the Confucianism. The new characteristics that the religionization of the Confucianism and its spreading into folk life world appeared at that time.Zhu-xi’s edification world comprehensively demonstrated that the religionization of the Confucianism and the new trend of opening-up public field. The new character promoted edification into life world. The transmission of folk school education with new features and the edificational raps in the life world perfected the social edification framework.Chinese traditional social edification has always been the background and supporting point of school education, while people are indifferent to it nowadays. If the situation goes on, we can hardly apprehend the true meaning of Chinese traditional school education development. History has proved that social edification is the basic conference on education research.Social edification and school education were a dialectic whole in people’s spirit control.The Song Dynasty was a transition era with frequent social class upside down, rapid development in economy and culture, increasingly personal ambition and social edificational revival. In that context, the arguments of "Keeping Gracious Principles and Deleting Human Ambition" by Neo-Confucianist is not pure innovation in academic theory but the urgent and common needs of reality.Therefore, the experiences on traditional social edification are valuable and meaningful for our society becoming a harmonious one,and it is still valuable nowadays. People’s mind and behavior which are always controlled by self-desire in our daily life, inflating ambition and pre-mature consumption make people push the ethics aside.The idea of "Keeping Gracious Principles and Deleting Human Ambition" is not appropriate to practise in modern society. But only can we give up the unreasonable and feudal elements in old ideas, it is worth researching on the dialectic relationships between "Keeping Gracious Principles" and "Deleting Human Ambition ".

  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】7
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