

Predicament and Embarrassment of Traditional Sinology in Modern China

【作者】 郭军

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文的研究对象是国粹派教育思想。辛亥革命以前,国粹派提出“用国粹激动种姓”的思想,举办国学讲习会,从国学中挖掘人物事迹、阐发民族大义、弘扬爱国精神,在配合革命宣传、抵制盲目西化等方面,发挥了较为积极的作用,产生了巨大的社会反响。但由于国粹派内部政治、文化观不同,辛亥革命胜利后,国粹派分道扬镳,到了20世纪二三十年代,国粹派倡导“复古存学”的精英式教育,逐渐蜕化为文化保守主义的一翼,对教育的发展起了阻碍作用;随着教育平民化、科学化运动的广泛开展,国粹派教育思想终于在三十年代后期隐匿于近代教育的舞台。国粹派提出教育要立足于国家民族的文化教育传统,认为语言文字立则国学立,国学立则国立;并提出“国学即国魂”的思想,认为国学是民族强大的精神来源,主张培养国人的爱国精神。基于此,国粹派又提出普及普通教育的思想,而且还提出创办国粹学堂,来实现其国学复兴的教育理想。在探索复兴国学教育的过程中,国粹派认为教师应博习众家学说,不囿于一家之言。同时,国粹派站在重“中”轻“西”的立场,论证了中学与西学的关系,主张立足中学、兼采西学;并以此为指导,对新式国学教科书和乡土教科书进行了探索。国粹派是中国近代比较特殊的知识分子群体,其教育思想有着与众不同的特征:他们身兼双重使命,既有为建立新国家而投身革命的政治理想,又有为复兴国学而坚守信念的文化责任;他们尝试利用西学来改造中国教育,却无法对西学有一个全面而准确的认识,还逐渐对西学产生怀疑、恐惧和敌对的情绪;他们认为中学是“精神之学”,西学是“形质之学”,表面上接受西学,实质上是以旧化新。国粹派复兴国学的思考与努力,反映了中国部分知识分子近代以来,探索中国传统文化教育出路的迷惘与彷徨。由于自身理论建设不完备,国粹派在思考和探索中国教育问题时,其保守复古的思想特性往往表现出与时代潮流的格格不入。国粹派虽然推动了中国传统文化教育的发展,成为近代国学教育的先行者与国学研究的开拓者,但却无法完成革故鼎新的历史重任。中国深厚的文化传统与人文精神无疑对人类的今天和明天仍有滋养作用。中国传统文化教育的精华部分,理应被重新整理、认识与消化,并藉此为契机消解来自西方中心的话语权。在全球化、经济一体化进程日益加快的今天,国粹派教育思想的经验与教训,对今天复兴国学无疑也具有重要的启迪。

【Abstract】 The target of study focuses on the education thoughts of Chinese Quintessence School. Before the Revolution of 1911, Quintessence School put forward the thoughts of’Stimulation Nationalism from Essence of China’, held the national studies society, excavated the traditional stories, claimed to explicate the nationalism, spread the patriotisms, and played the very important significance in advocacy of revolution and resistance the effects of Westernization. After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, Quintessence School separated because of different views in politics and traditional culture, they advocated the elites education of’Chinese Renaissance’and countered to the development of society, became one sect of the cultural conservatisms gradually, hampered the social progress and modernization of education during the 1920s and 1930s. With the popularization and scientific movement in education, their thoughts were fading from the sights of Chinese.Quintessence School requested that the education should be based on the traditional culture and education of China, they believed that a new nation could be founded after the traditional sinology was protected and promoted; they put a thought of’Traditional Sinology is the soul of China’and regarded it as the power origination of Chinese. On the base of it, they tried to rebuild a dreamful education system to recreate the order of China education, and raised an idea of Sinology School to reconstruct the traditional sinology.During the process of reconstruct the traditional sinology, they requested the teachers should be profound and not limit one school or one theory in traditional culture of China, asked the teachers to study more and know how to use properly. From the views of emphasis sinology and belittling the Western learning, they explained the relationship between sinology and Western learning, and they wanted to construct a curriculum to connect the Confucian classics and the historiography. By this means, they explored how to write and compose the new style sinology textbooks.Quintessence School was a very special group in modern China, therefore their thoughts should be different from others:they had double missions, on the one side they had the burden of rebuild a new country, on the other side they had the responsibility of reconstruction the traditional sinology, so they bewildered what they did; they tried to reform the education of China, but they had no clear consciousness about Western studies; they put the thought of’Traditional Sinology save China’, but it continued the views of‘the medium body west use’in fact indeed. Their thoughts and hardworking of saving education of China viewed the predicament and embarrassment in reforming education in modern China, propelled the sinology education in modern China, laid the strong basic of academic studies and education of tradition China, became the pioneers of these work in modern China. But they were lack of theoretical and methodological construction, so their conservative thoughts always represented the characterization of rejections when they were exploring the way-out of China education, finally they became the spokesmen of traditional education, and they were destined not to fulfill the task of discard the old ways of life in favor of the new.Traditional sinology are still nourishing spirits of human beings. The essence and core of the traditional sinology should be relearned, re-regularized and re-digested, and dispel the power of discourse of Western Centered. Nowadays the experiences from Quintessence School have great enlightenments in carrying on the sinology education in China with the fast step of the globalization and economic integration.

  • 【分类号】K251;G529
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2218

