

Sinking and Permaeation: A Study of Confician Edification of Mutal-Cutural Background in Yuan Dynasty

【作者】 张延昭

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从儒学教化的意义上来说,百年元代不是一个可以忽视的朝代。在这个疆域近两倍于现今中国国土且延续百年之久的国度里,儒学教化确实发生着,并且逐步占据了意识形态的主导地位。它上承南宋理学发展壮大之趋势,下启明清理学渗入民众并发挥作用之源头,具有明显的初级阶段特色。因此,本文所言之“儒学教化”,其实就是指理学作为在中国封建社会后期的官方意识形态,是怎样在元朝这样一个凭借武力而建立的军事征服性政权的统治下获得教化主导地位并逐渐向民间传播的过程。元朝的统一,结束了南北分立的局面,使理学学说获得了极大的传播空间,因此在不长时间内,理学学说就传入江淮以北的广大地区,并逐渐获得了元朝统治者的认可而成为官方意识形态。本文把元朝延祐初年恢复科举并以程朱理学为其唯一考试内容作为儒学获得教化主导权的标志。这一点被明清两代所继承,使理学成为中国封建社会的主导地位的意识形态,从而对13世纪以后一直到20世纪初的中国社会产生了深远的影响。元代儒学教化是多途的。在元朝,理学成为官方意识形态,法律也成为教化的途径之一。故元朝的成文法典虽不发达,然而其内容也体现了理学的存在;在其执行过程中,官吏们常以“义理”来劝谕两造,教化民众,以达到儒家理想的“息讼”的目的。元代地方官吏中有很多“循吏”,他们通过修建学校和庙宇、兴利除弊、移风易俗、息讼劝农等方式来教化乡里,从而把理学观念推进到普通民众之中。无疑,体现着官方教育行为的各级官学自然成为传播理学的主要渠道。无论是中央官学,还是地方官学,程朱理学都成为其主要甚至是唯一的教学内容;程端礼的《读书日程安排》被广泛采用。官学还通过祭祀、讲经等方式教化士子,影响百姓,不但使他们接受理学的知识,而且还要求他们成为践行儒学道德规范的楷模。当然,在儒学教化上,地方的书院和各种私学所起的作用要更大一些,更深入一些。这些书院和私学多办学于乡里,慎于择师,严于教学,又有一定的自由度,常常成为地方教化的中心,对乡里的民众发挥着教化作用。在整个社会理学风气日益浓厚的情势下,作为社会基层组织的宗族和“社”对教化所起的作用也日益明显。元代是我国宗族宗法制由一般官僚宗法制向庶民型宗族宗法制发展的过渡时期,庶民家族也逐渐按照理学家的宗族宗法观念、理想,通过修家谱、建祠堂、立族规等途径来教化族众;而具有元代特色的“社”制,是元代政府企图将政府力量深入乡村的制度,它赋予社长监督社众及“上通下达”等职能,以办社学、立粉牌书写善恶等方式教化社众;地方官也常常干预“社”的教化,以增强其教化效果。同时,社会文化层面的教化作用也逐渐显露出来。原先深受民众欢迎的艺术形式“小说”与“讲史”,在元朝逐渐演化成为长篇白话章回小说,如《水浒传》和《三国演义》,在社会上广泛流行;由宋代诸宫调等艺术形式演变而成的元杂剧,其教化意义也随着社会理学风气的日益浓厚而逐渐凸显;其最典型者,无疑是《琵琶记》。元朝各种各样的宗教形式,对于儒学教化也起了一定促进作用,特别是道教中的全真教和净明忠孝道。必须提出的是,元代儒士是儒学教化的主体。在元朝这样的以军事起家的王朝的异族统治下,少数儒士获得进入元朝政府内部,参与元朝统治,他们想方设法,来使元朝统治者接受以理学为中心的“汉法”,使理学获得官方意识形态的地位;绝大多数失去了仕进的途径,多以著述、教授为业,然而,他们以其所拥有的道德与学问,言传身教,教化乡里,使理学伦理逐渐渗入到普通民众的日常行为之中,成为其道德观、价值观的核心层面。固然,元代儒士与明清成为教化权力主体的“绅衿”有着本质上的不同,这是元代特定的社会背景造成的。与此相对应,与此相对应,普通民众是教化的客体,特别是妇女、儿童。当然,从整体上来看,元代儒学教化应是明朝及其后清朝儒学教化的“初级阶段”,主要体现在制度化程度并不强,“多途”程度并不高。这些要到明朝及其后才能完成。论文最后以元代江西行省的金溪县为案例,详细分析了金溪儒学教化的具体情况,以说明元代儒学教化在这个江南县域中所产生的效应。

【Abstract】 From the sense of Confucian edification, the one-hundred-year Yuan Dynasty could not be ignored. In this state which lasted for a hundred years and had a territory twice as much as that in present China, Confucian edification surely took place, and gradually occupied the dominated position of authoritative ideology. Confucian edification in this dynasty possessed distinctive features of the initial stage. It began from the developing tendency of Confucianism in the end of Nan-Song Dynasty, and also led to the beginning of Confucian’s penetrating into the common people and exerting great influence on them in Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, the word "Confucian edification" in the dissertation can be defined as the process that how Confucian school, the authoritative ideology of the later period of Chinese feudal society, occupied the dominated position of edification and gradually spread among common people in Yuan Dynasty, a regime which was established by military force. The unification of Yuan Dynasty put the separation of the South and the North into an end, which enabled the idea of Confucian school to be transmitted to a much broader place. Later in a short time, it had been introduced into vast areas north of Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and was gradually admitted by the rulers and became the authoritative ideology. In this article, the author regarded the resuming of the Imperial Examination, in which the idea of Confucian school had been used as its only authoritative content, as the symbol that Confucianism had achieved its leading position if edification. This system was succeeded by the rulers of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, which made the idea of Confucian school the leading ideology in Chinese feudal society and exerted far-reaching impact on Chinese society from 13th century to 20th century.Confucian edification in Yuan Dynasty was achieved by using various ways.At that time, while the idea of Confucian school became the authoritative ideology, Law turned out to be one way for edification. Although written Laws in Yuan Dynasty were not so developed, their contents showed the influence of the idea of Confucian school.In practice, lawyers often made peace between both plaintiffs and defendants and persuaded others with ideas of Confucian school to cease lawsuits.Besides, there were many "Xunli" among the local officials, who instructed the common people through many ways such as building schools and temples, facilitating good practices and weeding out corrupt ones, revolutionizing old customs and establishing new ones, ceasing lawsuits and encouraging farming, to extend the idea of Confucian school to the common people.There was no doubt that the official schools of different levels, which were correspondent with the official educational action, naturally became the main channel for popularizing the idea of Confucian school. In both the central official school and local official schools, the idea of Confucian school was the main or even the only teaching content. Cheng Duanli’s Study Schedule (Arranges for Learning and Reading) was widely adopted. What’ more, official schools tried to teach students and influence common people through offering sacrifices to Confucius and discussing classics of Confucian school, so that people could not only acquire the knowledge of Confucian school, but also became good examples of practicing moralities of it. In terms of Confucian edification, the local academies and private schools certainly played much more important roles.Most of these schools were set up in countryside.They were cautious in selecting teachers, were strict on teaching and had certain freedom, so they usually became the center of local edification and exerted its impact on common people.As the social atmosphere of Confucian school became stronger and stronger,the effect on edification from patriarchal clans and "SHE", two kinds of social basic organization, got to be increasingly obvious. Yuan Dynasty was the transition period when Chinese Patriarch System transformed from the general bureaucrat patriarch system to the multitude patriarch system. The general multitude families often conveyed edification to their members through compiling genealogical trees, building ancestral temples, and establishing clan principles according to the Confucian school scholars’ideas about patriarch system. At the same time, the system of "SHE", possessing the unique characteristics of Yuan Dynasty, was one that had been built by the government to sprawl its control deep into the countryside.It endowed the leaders of "SHE" with the rights of supervising their members, reporting something good or bad of the members to higher authorities, and transmitting orders from higher authorities to the members.They passed edification to their members by setting up local schools, writing something good or bad on the whiteboards in front of their entrance doors. Meanwhile, the local officials often intervened to facilitate the effect of edification in"SHE".At the same time, the effect of edification on social culture appeared gradually. Two previous popular forms of arts, Novel and History Telling, developed into a kind of novel with each chapter headed by a couplet and written in vernacular. Such novels as Water Margins and Romance of Three Kingdoms were prevalent in that dynasty. In addition, Yuan Opera was developed from all kinds of palace tune in Song Dynasty, and its significance of edification began to show up alongside with the increasingly strong atmosphere of Confucian school in society. The masterpiece was The Story of a Couple without any doubt. Meanwhile, various kinds of religion, especially the "Quanzhen" and "jinmingzhongxiao", two branches of Taoism in Yuan Dynasty, had facilitated Confucian edification as well.It had to be pointed out that Confucian scholars were the main body in Confucian edification in Yuan Dynasty. During the reign of Yuan Dynasty, which was established with military force by foreign tribe, only a few of them had the opportunity to access to the government and take part in the management of the government. They made their efforts to "lure" the.ruler-to accept the "Han Law", so that Confucian school could gain the position of authoritative ideology. However, most of them were deprived of the right of getting a position in the government, and usually made their lives on writing and teaching. They gave instruction in the countryside with their morality and knowledge, which led to a result that the moral of Confucian school penetrated into the daily life of common people and became the core moral concepts and values of them. Therefore, under the special circumstance of Yuan Dynasty, Confucian scholars differed greatly from "Gentlemen", the authoritative ideology in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Corresponding with this, the common people, especially women and children, were the object of Confucian edification.In summary, from the whole history of Chinese edification, Confucian edification in the Yuan Dynasty was the "initial stage" with regard to those in Ming and late Qing Dynasties.This was because of its lower level of institutionalization and multi-channel, which would be achieved in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Before closing this paper, with Jinxi County in Jiangxi Province as a case, the author analyzed the special circumstance of Confucian edification in Jinxi elaborately to illustrate the effect of Confucian edification of Yuan Dynasty in this county, south of Yangtze River.

【关键词】 元朝儒学教化理学儒士
【Key words】 Yuan DynastyConfucian edificationConfucian schoolConfucian scholars
  • 【分类号】K247
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1447

