

Theoretical and Practical Research on Educational Meta-evaluation

【作者】 严芳

【导师】 张民选;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究立足现实,审视了我国教育评估实践领域中面临的现实困境,分析了教育评估专业化发展过程中的瓶颈问题,试图探索一条能推进我国教育评估规范发展的路径——教育元评估。教育元评估的本质是依据教育评估的专业标准,对教育评估进行价值判断,教育元评估的目的是改善教育评估活动,提升教育评估质量,最大程度发挥教育评估功能。对教育元评估的重视是教育评估理论与实践走向成熟的重要标志。本研究对于促进教育评估理论体系的完善,指导教育评估实践领域的优化,将具有一定的开拓意义,同时也期望教育元评估的实证研究,能为教育评估学术界和实践者提供一个系统反思和理性提升的工具,并进一步推动教育评估迈向科学化、专业化和规范化的发展之路。本研究从理论基础分析、制度层面借鉴和实证操作探索三个层次开展了相关研究。在理论基础分析部分,对“元”意识的哲学内涵进行了较为深入的阐释,明确了元评估是对评估本身的一种反思和总结,是更高一层次的批判和审视,是通过发挥分析的科学功能去推动教育评估理论自身的完善和发展。同时,从系统科学的控制论中寻找到反馈控制原理作为教育元评估的方法论基础,从而推演出教育元评估在整个教育评估复杂系统中不可替代的重要作用,体现了教育元评估在优化和改进教育评估活动中的实践价值。在制度借鉴的研究部分,研究探讨了美国教育元评估的标准化发展历程和荷兰教育元评估的制度化形成特点,因为元评估的标准化是推进美国教育评估行业自律和教育评估专业化的重要途径,而荷兰高等教育元评估制度作为整个国家高等教育质量保障体系的一个重要组成部分,对改善和提升高等教育质量发挥了极其重要的作用。期望这些探究能为我国构建教育元评估制度,加强教育评估专业化发展产生重要的借鉴作用。在最后的实证研究部分,采用Delphi法研制了一套符合我国地域文化特点和教育评估现状的教育元评估指标,作为实践教育元评估的工具,并通过个案分析,选取了上海市民办职业培训机构诚信等级评定进行元评估实证研究,从目标适切性、方案可行性、过程精确性和结果有效性四项基本要素的角度,对原评估的质量进行了评判,为原评估的委托方、结果使用者和评估专业机构提供了有益建议,也作为教育元评估指标的一次试测,提供了元评估的实践操作范本。

【Abstract】 Surveying the difficulties in the practice of educational evaluation, and critical problem in the professional development of educational evaluation in China, the dissertation explores the appropriate solution to the reputation crisis of educational evaluation,Educational Meta-evaluation.The nature of educational meta-evaluation is to make value judgment of educational evaluation according to the professional standards of educational evaluation. The purpose of educational meta-evaluation is to improve educational evaluation, promote its quality and exert its function. The research of educational meta-evaluation marks the maturity of educational evaluation, both in theory and practice. The dissertation will play a key role in perfecting the theoretical system and optimizing the practice of educational evaluation. In the era when educational evaluation is flourishing in China, this research will surely present a powerful tool of systematic reflection and theoretical upgrade for the educational evaluation scholars and practitioners, promoting scientificalization, professionization and standardization of educational evaluation in China.The research consists of three parts, which are theoretical analyses, system references and practical research. In the part of theoretical analyses, the dissertation makes a thorough illustration of the philosophical nature of "meta" and reveals that meta-evaluation is a reflection and review of evaluation itself, and a critique and inquiry of higher level, which perfects the theory of educational evaluation. The dissertation proceeds to explain that based on feedback control principle of Cybernetics, meta-evaluation has irreplaceable functions in the complex system of educational evaluation, and practical value in optimizing educational evaluation.In the part of system references, the dissertation explores the standardization of educational meta-evaluation in America and systemization of higher educational meta-evaluation in Dutch. In America,the standardization of meta-evaluation is a critical approach to profession self-discipline and professionization of educational evaluation. Dutch meta-evaluation system is an important part of higher education quality assurance system. These researches have references value on constructing educational meta-evaluation system and strengthening the professionization of educational evaluation in China.In the last part of the dissertation, the research adopts Delphi method and establishes a set of educational meta-evaluation index which fits Chinese national culture and state of its educational evaluation. The dissertation applies case study to carry out meta-evaluation of Private Professional Training Organization Trust Evaluation in Shanghai. The meta-evaluation index covers propriety of purpose, feasibility of program, accuracy of process and utility of result. The research evaluates the quality of original evaluation and offers some available advices to the clients, evaluation users and professional evaluation institutes.This case study is a pilot application of educational meta-evaluation index and also a practical model of meta-evaluation.

【关键词】 教育元评估理论实践
【Key words】 educational meta-evaluationtheoriespractice
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1092

