

On Design of Classroom Work of Geography in the New Curriculum Reform

【作者】 白絮飞

【导师】 夏志芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新课程改革以来,掀起了一场对课堂教学研究的热潮,专家和学者的研究视角从理论转向实践,走近课堂,聚焦课堂。本研究基于新课程理念,从课堂观察入手,对教师和学生进行问卷调查与访谈,对国内地理课堂上的作业系统进行研究,对国内外现行教材中的作业系统进行分析与借鉴,总结出地理课堂作业的特征、类型与设计原则,对地理课堂作业的设计进行了深入地思考与探究,该项研究属于地理课堂教学研究中有待于进一步开发的领域。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分是引论,阐述了地理课堂作业研究的缘起、意义、国内外研究现状以及研究的目标、内容、思路和方法。第二部分是地理课堂作业的内涵与外延,首先对课堂作业和地理课堂作业两个概念进行阐释,总结出地理课堂作业的四项功能,一是促进学生地理知识的积累,二是促进学生地理学科能力的形成,三是促进过程与方法目标的达成,四是促进学生地理情感、态度和价值观的养成,总结出地理课堂作业的四个主要特征,即情境性、生活性、实践性和综合性,总结出地理课堂作业的五个类型,即阅读类作业、探究类作业、操作类作业、讨论类作业和情境性作业。第三部分是地理课堂作业设计的理论基础,首先从地理课堂作业设计的基石——教育心理学理论研究入手,汲取了国内外教育心理学有关理论的精华,从学生的学和教师的教两个方面,总结了教育心理学的相关研究成果,利用建构主义理论、多元智能理论、最近发展期理论和做中学理论,为地理课堂作业的设计做坚实的理论铺垫。利用教学设计理论和课程与教学论理论,为地理课堂作业寻找设计的思路和方法。第四部分是国内地理课堂作业的现状分析。首先采用问卷和访谈的方法,对课堂作业设计的意识、设计作业的必要性、目的、类型、依据、实施中占用的时间、作业的自创度、难度以及学生对作业的喜好等问题进行了调查,为进行地理课堂作业的设计提供了参考。其次,对国内当下课堂中的作业系统和当下几个版本的初高中地理教材中的地理作业系统进行分析。通过调研,总结出当前地理课堂作业中存在的问题有:一是教师普遍忽视课堂作业的设计环节;二是作业功能单一,重识记巩固,轻实践创新;三是作业设计的形式单一,培养发散性思维的作业较少,缺乏实践性、应用性、创新性和趣味性的作业;四是作业设计和布置的随意性较大;五是作业内容缺乏针对性、作业没有层次性;六是作业的自创度低;七是课堂作业的评价形式单一。第五部分是国外地理课堂作业的借鉴分析,选用美国和俄罗斯的中学地理教材中的典型案例进行分析,并与我国的地理课堂作业进行对比,取长补短,为我国地理课堂作业的设计提供参考。第六部分地理课堂作业的设计。在作业的设计中,遵循操作性原则、生活性原则、综合性原则、主体性原则、策略性原则和开放性原则,选用典型案例,对阅读类作业、操作类作业、讨论类作业、探究类作业的设计进行分析和研究,总结出各类作业设计的方法。

【Abstract】 Since the reformation of new curriculum, there has been a great mass fervour of classroom research. The viewpoint of research of the experts and scholars turns to practice from theory, walking up to classroom, focusing on classroom. This study bases on the new curriculum rationale. It starts with classroom observation, makes questionnaire survey and interviews with teachers and students, researches on the system of classroom work of geography in China, analyzes and draws lessons from the current teaching materials both in and out of China. It summarizes the characteristics、types and design principles of classroom work of geography. It also makes deep thinking and exploration of the design of classroom work of geography. This study is a classroom research of geography.The article is made up of six sections:The first section is introduction, which expounds the reason、significance and the current research both inland and outland of classroom work of geography. In this part, it also states the objects、contents、train of thought and the methods of this study.The second section is about the intension and extension of classroom work of geography. First, it expounds the two concepts of classroom work of geography. Then, it sums up four functions of classroom work of geography. The first function is promoting the accumulation of geography knowledge; the second is improving the subject ability of the students; the third function is promoting the attainment of the process and methods goal; the fourth function is promoting the cultivation of geographic emotion, attitude and values. At the last part of this section,it summarizes the four types of classroom work of geography, which is reading type、exploration type、operating type and discussion type.The third section is the theoretical foundation of the designing of classroom work of geography. First, it starts with the basis of classroom work of geography——the theory of educational psychology, absorbing the quintessence of the relative theory. The author sums up the relative researching results of the educational psychology of the world from the learning of students and the teaching of teachers, taking advantages of the constructivism theory、the theory of Multiple Intelligences、the theory of the Zone of Proximal Development and the theory of learning by doing, which makes the solid theory foundation of the designing of classroom work of geography. It make uses of the theories of instructional design and Curriculum and Teaching Methodology to seek ideas and ways for the designing of classroom work of geography.The fourth section is the existing condition analysis of classroom work of geography in China. First, it uses the methods of questionnaire and interview to survey the conscious、necessity、purpose、types、basis of classroom work and the occupied time in the implement of the designing of class work. It also surveys the originality、difficulty of class work and students’inclination to class work, which provides references for the designing of class work. Second, it systematically analyzes the system of class work of current classroom in China and of several versions of the current geographic teaching materials of middle and high schools. The author summarizes the present problems of designing of geographic class work, which includes:First, teachers largely ignore the link of class work; Second, the function of classwork is single, which appears as valuing memory and consolidation while despising practice and innovation; Third, the form of designing of class work is single, which appears as we lack class work to generate divergent thinking, and class work of practicalness、applicability、innovativeness and interestingness; Fourth, the designing and assignment of class work is with great randomness;Fifth, quantity of work is quite large, the content of class work is lack of suitability, the class work is absent of diversity; Sixth, the level of originality is low. Seventh, the assessment of class work is monotonous.The fifth section is analyzing and drawing lessons from the current teaching materials out of China. The article chooses the archetypal cases in geography-textbook of middle school of USA and Russia, contrasting with those of China, to overcome the limitations and to save the advantages, and to provide references for the designing of classroom work of geography in China.

【关键词】 地理课堂作业设计
【Key words】 geographyclass workdesign
  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】3718

