

A Contrastive Study of Negation in Chinese and English

【作者】 管春林

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 否定是人类语言所共有的语法-语义范畴,人们至今还没有发现有哪一门语言缺乏否定表达的方式。否定范畴无论是在汉语还是英语中都处于重要的地位,通过研究否定范畴,我们可以较好地认识汉英两门语言的主要特点,尤其是认识汉语的特点,从而为我们从事第二语言教学和翻译等工作服务。对比是语言研究的重要方法。因此,本文采用对比研究的方法研究汉英语中的否定范畴,并在对比的基础上探讨本研究对于对外汉语否定句教学的启示。汉英语否定对比是一个老课题,已有不少专家做过相关的研究,同时,它也是一个常做常新的新课题,不断挖掘,就不断会有新的发现。本文将在前人研究的基础上,选择新的视角和对比方法,希望把对这一问题的研究进一步推向深入。本论文全文共分九章,主要包括下列内容:第一章为绪论,主要介绍选题的背景和意义,交代本文对否定以及否定句的认识,同时运用典型范畴理论提出了对于否定句界定的新思路,最后交代了研究范围和研究方法。第二章为文献综述,主要回顾以往汉英语否定对比研究的历史,在回顾以往研究的基础上,肯定这些研究已取得的成绩,并提出存在的欠缺和不足,然后联系目前对比语言学的发展趋势提出本文研究的目标:围绕语言学理论建设这一目标,从共时和历时两个角度对汉英语的否定结构展开对比,其中历时对比为共时研究服务;共时对比主要从三个平面,即结构,语义和语用的平面展开讨论;对比中以寻找汉英否定句的不同点为主,同时兼顾对共同点的探讨;考虑到对外汉语教学是我们国家和民族的一项重要事业,因此,本文最后讨论了本研究对于对外汉语教学的启示。第三章主要讨论本研究的理论基础。本研究将主要以洪堡特的“语言世界观”以及马克思主义关于个性与共性的辨证思想作为研究的哲学基础;研究中主要遵循以下几条原则:坚持以汉语为本位的原则,坚持共时和历时相结合的原则,坚持“理论对比为主、实用探讨为辅”的原则,以及层次性原则;接着联系语法研究中“三个平面”的理论,提出了对比分析同样可以而且应该从“三个平面”来展开的观点;最后回顾了功能主义的主要思想,提出本论文将以功能主义的理论方法来指导我们的研究。第四章是对汉英否定的语法结构对比。按照传统语法,结构可以分为词法和句法,因此,本章也从否定词法和否定句法两个角度展开对比。词法部分又分为否定词缀和否定词两部分。词缀对比中,提出了我们对于汉语否定词缀的看法。在句法对比层面,我们把否定句分为普通否定句和特殊否定句两类。普通否定句是指没有特别语序和特别附加成分的常规句的否定句;特殊否定句是指对在常规句基础上增加了额外成分或使用了特别结构的句子的否定。我们在本研究中对比的特殊否定句包括情态否定句、并列否定句和量词否定句。通过对汉英语中普通否定句和特殊否定句的对比,我们提出了与目前语言学界普遍接受的观点不同的意见。一般认为,汉语否定词随意放置,没有约束;英语否定句受SV机制约束,没有灵活性。我们认为,汉语在否定表达上以意义为中心组织句子结构,同时也受到一定的形式上的约束;英语以形式为否定句的主要结构手段,但意义在其中也起到一定的作用,因此,两门语言在在否定句的结构方式上存在比较多的差异,但是也有一些相似之处。第五章是对汉英语否定句的语义对比。语义对比同样分词义对比和句义对比两部分。在词义对比中,我们提出了汉语否定词的附加意义以及这种附加意义是一种“意义潜势”的观点。句义对比中,我们主要运用语义学的有关理论和方法,着重从否定辖域和否定焦点两个视角比较了汉语和英语否定句的语义。本章首先回顾了以往关于焦点、辖域和否定焦点等方面的观点和理论,并提出了句子焦点不同于否定焦点的新观点,对语义否定焦点进行了新的分类。我们把否定句焦点分为标记否定焦点,敏感词否定焦点和毗邻否定焦点。其次,本章同样从普通否定句和特殊否定句两个方面比较了汉语和英语否定句的语义。对比显示,汉语否定句并不如我们原先认为的那样意义清晰,而英语否定句容易产生歧义,事实是,汉语否定句总的来说确实有比英语否定句清晰的一面,但汉语否定句也有语义模糊的一面,尤其是量词否定句表现得非常明显;英语否定句也有利用形态机制来调节语义,从而使意义更加清晰的一面,这一点在并列否定句中有明显体现。第六章在前两章的基础上,进一步对比了汉语和英语否定结构在语用上的差别和共同特征。以往涉及“语用”与“否定”话题的研究大多讨论“元语言否定”,也有的专门研究肯定句的否定语用功能,而专门讨论否定句的语境意义、语用功能以及篇章衔接的目前还不多见。我们把否定结构的语用对比划分为三个方面:否定句的语境意义、否定句的含意和否定词的篇章衔接功能。对比显示,语境对消除汉语和英语否定句的歧义倾向具有相同的功能,因此,在一定语境中的汉语和英语否定句意义一般都很清晰,并没有多少明显的差异。在语用含意方面,汉英语都有利用否定句来表达言外之意的功能,语用功能差别不明显,但是由于文化因素的影响,汉语中有利用否定句表达“谦虚”的语用功能。对汉英否定词篇章衔接功能的研究显示,汉英语否定词都有篇章衔接的功能,而且都是利用否定词的替代来实现衔接功能的。第七章从历时的角度对比了汉语与英语在否定词以及否定句演变过程中所体现出来的特点。关于汉语和英语否定表达历史的研究非常丰富,但是把两者结合起来进行对比的到目前为止还不多,因此,本章希望从历时的角度进一步考证汉英语否定结构存在差异的缘由。研究显示,汉语与英语由于受到各自语言基本特点的影响,在否定结构的发展方面呈现出不同的规律,汉语的否定结构演变主要体现在否定词的交替更迭和意义的变化之中,英语的否定结构变化主要体现为与形态简化相伴随的词序的逐步固定化以及助动词地位的逐步提升上,而它们各自的演变规律与各自语言目前所呈现的否定表达特点有着密切的联系。第八章是把前面的研究成果与对外汉语教学联系了起来。在这里我们结合前面的研究所得提出了对于对外汉语否定句教学的一些设想,主要是就如何更好地认识和解释否定句,并如何从否定词的语义解释,三个平面,结合历时研究的成果等方面谈了我们的看法。文章最后部分是结语,该部分回顾总结本文的主要观点,并在肯定成绩的同时指出还需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Negation is a ubiquitous category and we have never found a language which lacks the way to express negation, that’s why negation is very important to all languages, including Chinese and English. As is known to all, comparison is an important way to study languages, therefore, we have adopted the method of comparison for a contrastive study of the category of negation in Chinese and English. On the basis of the contrastive study, we also discuss the implications that this research may have for the teaching of negative sentences in Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL).This paper consists of nine chapters and its main contents are as follows:The first chapter is an introduction, which mainly gives the reasons for the choice of this topic and the significance of the research. In this part we have also presented our opinion about how to define negation and negative sentences, and finally give the scope of the research and research method to be used.The second chapter is a Literature Review, in which we mainly assess the previous studies in relation to our own research. Then I point out the research gap based on the review.The third chapter deals with the theoretical foundations for the study. We have adopted Humbolt’s Linguistic Worldview and Marx’s dialectical thought on the relationship between particularities and commonalities as the philosophical foundation of our research and then present some principles which we promise to adhere to in the study:basing our study on Chinese and aiming to serve the Chinese research, laying equal stress on both synchronic and diachronic study, pursuing a main goal of theoretical study and subordinate goal for practical application, attaching importance to the basic qualities of both languages and arranging the ideas clearly. Inspired by the "Three-Facet Theory", which originated from the research of Chinese Grammar, we have also suggested that our contrastive study be conducted from three perspectives:syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. At the end of the chapter, we have reviewed some of the theories of functionalism in relation to our research.The next chapter is a contrastive study of the syntactic construction of Chinese and English negation. According to the traditional way of grammatical study, construction may be divided into morphology and syntax. Morphology may be further divided into affixation and word. That’s why a study of negative affixation and negative words is first made. Syntactic construction is further divided into ordinary and special negative sentences. By ordinary negative sentence, we mean a negated declarative sentence, following the word order of SVO, without the addition of or reversion of any part of the sentence. By special negative sentence, we mean those negative sentences including some items such as modal verbs, co-ordination and quantifiers. The comparison of both Chinese and English ordinary and special negative sentences shows that Chinese negative sentences are structured mainly on the basis of meaning rather than on grammatical forms, while English negative sentences are structured mainly on the basis of grammatical forms rather than on meaning, but this does not imply that Chinese negative sentences have no form to be based on while English negative sentences have no meaning constraint., that’s why they also have some commonalties in syntactic structure.The fifth chapter is a contrastive study of the semantic meanings between Chinese and English negative sentences. The main stresses are on the discussion of scope and focuses of negative sentences. We firstly review the theories about scope and focus given by others and then present our own opinions about scope and focus. In this part we have differentiated the focus of a sentence and a negative focus in a sentence and then analyze the semantic meanings of Chinese and English negative sentences and finally make a contrastive study between their meanings. Study shows that Chinese negative sentences are less ambiguous than their English counterparts because in Chinese sentences, negatives are usually placed before the items to be negated while in English sentences, negatives are mainly placed after an auxiliary. But there are also exceptions to the above rule because Chinese negative sentences may also be ambiguous sometimes, while English ones may be explicit in meaning at times.The sixth chapter is a contrastive study of negative sentences from a pragmatic perspective. We have divided the study into three parts:pragmatic meanings, conversational implicature and coherence. The study shows that context is important for the interpretation of negative sentences both in Chinese and English. But people having different cultural background may sometimes have different understanding about the same negative sentences. A study of the second part shows that negative sentences both in Chinese and English may be used as a tactic to express an implicature. Comparison of the coherence of negatives words show that Chinese and English negatives are similar in reference, ellipsis and substitution.The seventh chapter is a diachronic study of Chinese and English negation. A study shows that Chinese negative sentences have experienced few changes in its sentence structure and main changes have happened to negative words, but English, on the contrary, has experienced many changes in its syntactic structure because in its historical development, word order has become more fixed by virtue of its loss of many morphemes, and the use of "do" as an auxiliary became the turning point in the development of English negative sentences.The eighth chapter is a discussion of its implications for the teaching of negative sentences in TCSL. We have proposed that we may teach negative sentences more efficiently if we can teach negative sentences syntactically, semantically and pragmatically, and we may also benefit from the diachronic study of negative sentences etc.The last part is summary of the previous sub-conclusions and also a discussion of further studies which may be expected.

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