

The Study and Implementation of Naked-eye Three-dimensional Display and Data Acquisition System

【作者】 田丰

【导师】 刘锦高;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 裸眼立体显示及数据获取系统是近几百年来人们持续研究的问题。近年来,随着信息技术的飞速发展和应用需求的迅猛提升,裸眼立体显示系统取得了部分关键技术的突破。研究高性能、低成本的裸眼立体显示整机及其演播内容获取的机理方法具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。2010年,国家自然科学基金委员会已经把“裸视三维立体显示理论与关键技术”列入重点研究计划。本文围绕着结构光三维信息获取系统、真三维显示器、大屏幕自由立体显示器展开了系统的研究和探讨,取得了具有自主知识产权的部分成果,并为进一步的研究和应用奠定了基础。论文的主要内容如下:1.三维信息获取的研究。试制了多套手动结构光三维信息获取装置;完成了基于线激光的自动三维信息获取系统,实现了摄像机参数标定、激光中心提取、异常点处理、数据修补、点云处理、三维构型等功能和过程;完成了基于投影技术的自动三维信息获取系统,实现了彩色结构光编码、图像预处理和模型重建。最后生成了裸视立体数据源。2.真三维显示器的研究。真三维显示是基于体成像技术的裸眼立体显示方法,能在空间更真实地显示计算机制作或结构光获取的三维模型。本文分析了高速同步显示接口的优势和传统扫描显示方案的不足,采用处理器阵列实现了一台实用的真三维显示器,并充分利用系统提供的高速带宽实现了体像素的空间分布均匀化与亮度均匀化,获得水平360°与垂直180°的视角范围和高亮显示效果。3.自由立体拍摄方法和软件平台的研究。提出无导轨立体实景拍摄的构图、布光、用色等方法,在探讨立体艺术理论的过程中,研究了人们对立体影像的形态知觉和色彩心理,总结了立体制作的编导方法;给出适合LCD和DLP立体显示的采样合成算法,制作了立体游戏互动平台和大屏幕立体播放器;在测量水平视差极限的基础上,分析了立体包容范围与拍摄间距的关系,建立了立体场景包容范围模型,计算了满足较小场景畸变的多机拍摄间距,并给出最佳机位位移量,为立体实景拍摄和制作提供了理论依据。4.DLP大屏幕自由立体显示的研究。建立了DLP自由立体显示的几何模型,并对视区进行了光能分布仿真,理论上证明采用DLP投影方案能够在最佳观看距离上获得没有互扰的最优立体影像;计算了满足大屏幕自由立体显示的光栅参数,提出了光栅焦平面动态搜索法、焦距微调法、主动匹配纹装配法、被动匹配纹装配法、快速立体度测量法,实现了单屏的快速精密装配和测试;讨论了适合立体显示的背投屏幕材料,提出了大屏幕自由立体显示器的拼接方法;通过测量光能分布,证明了实际立体效果接近理论值。实现了具有立体感和临场感的大屏幕自由立体显示器。本文的裸眼立体显示系统有望在展会上实现应用服务。

【Abstract】 Naked-eye three-dimensional display and data acquisition system are being continuously studied in recent several hundred years. In recent years, with rapid development of information technology and upgrade of application demands, parts of key breakthroughs were made in the naked-eye three-dimensional display. In authors’ view, it is important and valuable to study the high-performance, low-cost naked-eye three-dimensional display and 3D film acquisition method. The National Natural Science Foundation of China has included "naked-eye three-dimensional display theories and technologies" in the key research projects in 2010.In this thesis,3D information acquisition system based on structured light, true 3D volumetric display and super large panel autostereoscopic display were discussed in detail. We have made some achievements with independent intellectual property rights and laid a good foundation for further research and application.The main contents of the thesis include,1. Study on 3D information acquisition. Several sets of manual 3D information acquisition equipments based on the structured light were developed. Automatic acquisition system based on line laser was designed and camera parameter calibration, laser center extracting, abnormal point handling, data repairing, point cloud processing,3D reconstruction were achieved. In addition, automatic acquisition system based on projection was designed. Color structured light encoding, image preprocessing and model reconstruction were implemented. Naked-eye three-dimensional data source was finally generated.2. Study on true 3D volumetric display. The true 3D volumetric display is a naked-eye three-dimensional display method based on volumetric display technology. It can truly display 3D model made by the computer or acquired by structured light. In this chapter, the advantage of high-speed synchronous display interface and the deficiency of traditional scan scheme were analyzed. With the multiprocessor array, a useful true 3D volumetric display was designed. By fully using its high-speed bandwidth, voxel volume homogenization and voxel luminance homogenization were implemented. The high brightness effect and viewing angle with horizontal 360°and vertical 180°were obtained.3. Study on autostereoscopic shooting and software platform. First, we introduced free-track 3D scene shooting approaches including composition, color, lighting, etc. Through the study on 3D Art theory, the perception of 3D image and color psychology were discussed and 3D production technique was summarized. Then, we put forward synthesis algorithm appropriate for LCD and DLP 3D display and succeeded in making 3D game software platform and large panel autostereoscopic player. Finally, on the basis of the measurement on horizontal parallax limitation, we analyzed and calculated the relationship between 3D tolerance range and the distance of cameras. The model for 3D tolerance range was built, the interval of multi cameras meeting the smaller distortion was calculated and the optimal distance of cameras was gained. The theory for shooting 3D scene was proposed.4. Study on large panel autostereoscopic display based on DLP and lenticular lens. A geometric model based on DLP autostereoscopic display was built and light energy distribution of viewing zones is simulated. It verified that by using DLP projection, optimal stereo images without crosstalk can be obtained at the optimal viewing distance. Then, the parameter of lenticular lens for large panel autostereoscopic display was calculated and the dynamic searching method of grating focal plane, fine tuning method of focal length, assembly method based on initiative pattern, assembly method based on passive pattern, quick measurement method of stereo degree were proposed. A rapid precise assembly and testing for single model display were implemented. Moreover, rear-projection screen materials suitable for three-dimensional display were discussed and splicing method for super large panel autostereoscopic display was presented in this thesis. By measuring the light energy distribution, the actual three-dimensional effect is proved close to the theoretical value. A large panel autostereoscopic display with good telepresence and three-dimensional effect was eventually achieved.Two display systems are expected to be applied in practice.


