

The Research on Fisher Woodcutter Motif in Chinese Poetics

【作者】 殷学国

【导师】 胡晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国诗学渔樵母题研究意在解蔽和构建——解除关于渔樵母题单一象征的成见,呈现其复杂而富于张力的意蕴结构,阐发贯注其中的关于和平、自由、安宁的人生理想和文化精神,构建中国诗学母题理论和研究范式。中西诗学母题观念的错位造成的理论与研究实践之间的悬隔,凸显出母题观念中西会通的必要性。以普遍的人生情境为共通内核,借鉴西方母题理论的结构模式,充实以中国传统诗学内涵,不失为二者会通的可能性路径。通过母题观念的中西会通,为中国诗学母题研究提供理论根据和结构模式。文学史的梳理描述了渔樵母题,从先秦至近代,在语典和主题意蕴方面的衍生轨迹和趋势,揭示出渔樵母题在不同阶段、不同文体中的表现特征。史的描述有助于清理出渔樵母题中有关思想命题、典型意象和经典接受等方面的材料线索。就思想命题而言,材与不材涉及人生价值取舍的问题,有情无情关系文化立场的抉择,青山青史属于历史评价标准的问题。三个命题皆关涉传统文化基本观念,渔樵母题文学作品对这些命题作出了富有启示意义的应答。典型意象属于渔樵母题的物象符号,代表了士人思想生命的三个维度。严陵钓台对应人格理想,桃源指向社会理想,津渡象征着精神追求。三者都属于士人心灵世界中典型情结的反映,而意象则属于这种情结的对象化产物。就后世影响而言,《江雪》和《西塞》算得上渔樵母题文学作品中的经典。对其影响研究表明,经典的影响和后世对经典的接受历史,同时也是其意蕴不断丰富和意义世界不断扩张的过程。经典文本的影响研究有助于发见文学传统通变的形式和古今相通的具体路径。以上分析侧重于思想内涵研究,而渔樵母题的旅行和迁移一章较多的关注其形态变化。从文学到绘画、音乐以及民间工艺的艺术旅行中,渔樵母题发挥了沟通大传统与小传统、雅文化与俗文化的作用,由此见出传统文化于分层中的统一性;在从关中到江湘到吴越的地理迁移过程中,渔樵母题与中国文化重心的东移南迁趋势适相吻合,从而见出母题对于传统文化保持相当稳定状态的重要性。中国诗学渔樵母题研究不惟抉发蕴涵其中的人文精神和和文化意味,而且见出其对于建立中国诗学母题理论和研究范式的启示意义——以语词和意象为诗学母题理论的下位概念,以语典和主题意蕴为具体母题形态的研究路径,以思想命题、典型意象、经典作品和母题“旅行”作为具体母题研究的结构板块。

【Abstract】 My research of the fisher woodcutter motif in Chinese poetics is revealing and constructive——it is to eliminate the prejudice of assuming this motif as a single symbol;to present the intensive and complicated implication structure; to explain the life ideals and cultural spirits it contains:peace, freedom and tranquility; and to construct the motif theory and research paradigm in the context of Chinese poetics.Because of the dislocation of Chinese and Western motif concepts has caused the isolation between theory and practice in research, the necessity of reconciling the two concepts in Chinese and western poetics is self-evident. And I think it could be realized through these methods as below:first, set the universal life scenario as the common context; second, use the structure model of western motif research for reference; third, enrich it with Chinese classical poetics. And through the reconciliation between the two parties, the theoretical foundation and structure model of motif research in Chinese poetics is warranted.In the part of literary history, through describing the developing track and trend of the fisher woodcutter motif in language quotation and motif implication, from pre-chin period to modern ages, I revealed the expressive characteristics of this motif in different phases and different literary styles. The historical tracing is helpful in clearing the clues of materials regarding ideological topics, typical images, and the reception of classical texts. As for the ideological topics, becoming a talent or not is related to the life value choice, being sensitive or not leads to the cultural position choice, and the Green Hills and Annals of history is a question of the principle of historical evaluation. These three topics are all regarding about the traditional basic cultural concepts, which have been well responded by the literary works with fisher woodcutter motif. As for the typical images, they represent the three dimensions of the ideological life of the gentry group. The Yanling fishing platform image corresponds the personality ideal, the Taoyuan (the Land of Peach Blossoms) image points to the social ideal, and the ferry image symbolizes the spiritual pursuit. And all these three reflect the typical complex in intellectual minds, while images are the outcome of this complex. As far as the subsequent influence is concerned, the River Snow and the Western Frontier Fortress could be counted as the classics of the literary works with fisher woodcutter motif. To the classics, there is isomorphism and simultaneity among its historical reception, its continuous meaning enrichment, and the expanding of its meaning world. The study on the influence of classic texts redounds to discover the forms of inheriting and creative view of literary tradition, and the concrete connection between ancient and modern ages. So, the aforesaid analysis emphasizes particularly on ideological connotation research, while the chapter of Travel and Migration pays more attention to the morphological changes of this motif. During the travel in literature, music and folk handicrafts, the fisher and woodcutter motif plays an important role in communicating between the major and minor traditions, the refined and vulgar culture, from which we can see the unity in the layered tradition culture; in the meantime, during the migration from Jiang-Xiang area to Wu-Yue area, the fisher woodcutter motif just tally with the trend of eastward and southward movement of Chinese cultural core, from which we can see the importance of motif in maintaining the stability of traditional culture.The meaning of the study on Chinese poetic fisher woodcutter motif is not merely revealing the implicative humanistic spirits and cultural meaning, but also the enlighten value of constructing Chinese poetic fisher woodcutter motif theory and its research paradigm. To sum up, there’re three dimension of it. First, phraseology and image, which are the sub-concepts of poetic motif theory. Second, language quotation and motif implication, which are the research routes of the concrete motif forms. Third, ideological topics, typical images, classic works and the travel motif, which are the plate structure of this research.

【关键词】 渔樵母题中国诗学
【Key words】 Fisher WoodcutterMotifChinese poetics
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1001

