

Representation and Deconstruction

【作者】 金学品

【导师】 陆晓光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 迄今为止,对儒家思想的呈现与解构一直是华裔美国文学中的一个核心命题。本论文借鉴后现代理论中的差异政治观,结合斯图亚特·霍尔关于文化身份生成性的后殖民理论,探讨华裔美国文学中族裔文化身份的异质性、杂糅性和多样性的特点,同时分析儒家思想在这种身份变化中呈现和解构的多元图景。一方面,本文采用语境化的方法,将华裔美国文学置于特里·伊格尔顿所谓的“文学场”之中,结合历史和政治背景,勾勒出华裔美国文学中身份政治的种种权力运作关系及其对华人族裔传统文化儒家思想的影响;另一方面,本文采用互文性文本细读的方法,分析了从早期到当代华裔美国文学中的一些代表性小说文本,剖析了华裔美国人在文化身份的选择上面临的种种现实问题和情感纠葛。这些小说文本主要包括:黄玉雪的《华女阿五》;黎锦扬的《花鼓歌》;汤亭亭的《女勇士》、《中国佬》;谭恩美的《喜福会》和《接骨师之女》;李健孙的《荣誉与责任》;任碧莲的《典型的美国佬》;雷祖威的《爱的痛苦》;伍慧明的《骨》和《向我来》。通过对这些作品的分析和讨论,本文试图呈现儒家思想在华裔美国人文化身份重建过程中遭遇的文化冲突和协商,以期为中国传统文化在全球化时代面临的转型提供有益的参考和借鉴。儒家思想有一套完整的价值体系,但是本文只选择“孝”、“言”以及集中体现谦逊、容忍、勤劳等儒家品德的“模范少数族裔”形象作为论文的切入点,这是因为这些主题在华裔美国文学中表现出最为明显的张力。在对这些问题探讨中,论文共分五个部分进行:引言部分主要介绍了多元文化主义下的差异政治和身份生成理论,这是儒家思想在华裔美国文学中呈现和解构的理论依据和话语背景。第一章介绍了华裔美国文学国内外的研究现状及华裔美国文学研究中的相关论争热点。长期以来,在华裔美国文学研究中,如何定位儒家文化在华裔美国人文化身份中的地位成为作家及学术界讨论的热点问题。儒家思想在华裔美国文学中的呈现方式以及解构程度被赋予了种族主义、东方主义、文化霸权主义等族裔政治的色彩。第二章首先回顾了“孝”这一儒家核心思想在中国封建社会演绎出的父权等级观、家庭经济关系以及性政治方面的内涵。然后,本章进一步探讨“孝”的这些内涵在华裔美国文学中的呈现与解构。“孝”具体表现在“美国梦”、家庭观和婚姻和性取向自由这三个方面的冲突和协商。作品的分析表明,孝文化在这几个方面遭遇的文化冲突和解构是与其包含的封建等级观念和专制特征分不开的。第三章运用米歇尔·福柯的权力话语理论和儒家思想对“言”的规范和表述,分析华裔美国文学中表现出来的“言语”政治。本章重点分析了“沉默”、“秘密”和“谎言”这三个主题,指出华裔美国文学中的这些言语策略实际上是美国社会种族、性别政治的一面镜子。第四章追溯了“模范少数族裔”理论的起源和发展,指出了将儒家思想与“模范少数族裔”形象联系背后的政治意识形态和种族主义偏见。本章通过解读《华女阿五》和《典型》的美国人这两部作品,揭示了“模范少数族裔”理论“族裔化”背后的种种真相。结语对研究的儒家文化主题和解读方法作了一些补充说明,指出华裔美国文学中儒家文化的呈现与解构是族裔属性的反映,而语境化的解读则与华裔美国文学产生的社会历史环境和文化冲突密不可分。

【Abstract】 The representation and deconstruction of Confucianism is a key motif in Chinese American literature so far. In light of politics of difference in postmodern theories and Stuart Hall’s cultural identity theory, this dissertation supports the heterogeneity, hybridity and multiplicity characteristics of Chinese Americans in Chinese American literature. As the Chinese Americans’ traditional ethnic culture, Confucianism is both represented and deconstructed in the change of cultural identities of Chinese Americans. On one hand, I contextualize the Chinese American literature and treat it in Terry Eagleton’s field of literary production. The background of history and politics is used to reveal the manipulation of powers in the identity politics and the change of Confucianism in Chinese American literature; On the other hand, I analyze some Chinese Americans’ realistic problems and emotional confusion in choosing cultural identities in some classic works in Chinese American literature by employing scrutiny and intertexts. These works include Maxine Hong Kingston’s the Woman Warrior and China Men; Jade Snow Wong’s Fifth Chinese Daughter; C. Y. Lee’s the Flower Drum Song; Emmy Tan’s Joy Luck Club and the Bone Settler’s Daughter; Gus Lee’s Honor and Duty; Gish Jen’s Typical American; Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone and Steer Toward Rock; David Wong Louie’s Pangs of Love.Through these discussions and analyses, I try to present the conflicts and negotiations in the reconstruction of Chinese American cultural identity which is a useful reference and lesson for China to deal with the traditional culture in the era of globalization.Confucianism is a system of values, but I just chose the "filial piety", "discourse/speech" and the modesty, diligence, and tolerance which are related with the thesis of "model minority" because these topics cause the most powerful tension in Chinese American literature. In discussion of these topics, the dissertation is divided into five chapters.In the introduction, I state the cultural pluralism theory of politics of difference and Hall’s identity as a "production" theory. These theories explain the representation and deconstruction of Confucianism in Chinese American literature.Chapter one introduces the research background in China and abroad. In Chinese/Asian American literature studies, how to locate the Confucianism in Chinese American cultural identity is a controversial and hot topic. Generally speaking, the ways of representing and deconstructing Confucianism in Chinese American literature are associated with orientalism, hegemonism, and racism.In chapter two, I first review the filial piety which is one of the core values of Confucianism the connotations of patriarchal hierarchy, family economic relationship and sex autocracy. These characteristics of filial piety are embodied in the aspects of "American dream", family structure and marriage freedom including gay and lesbian in Chinese American literature. Obviously, the practice of filial piety in these aspects encounters fierce confrontations and deconstructions.In chapter three, I discuss the politics of discourse/speech in Chinese American literature by exercising Michael Foucault’s power discourse theory. I trace the difference and changes between Confucius’use of discourse and the use of discourse in Chinese American literature by focusing on three topics:silence, secrets, and lies. I think the deployment of discourse/speech is a mirror of politics of race, gender, and sex.In chapter four, I review the origin and development of the "model minority" thesis and point out the relationship between the "model minority" thesis and Confucianism is a fake proposition which is derived from racism and racial politics. By reading of the two books Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American, we can find out the truth about "model minority" myth.The conclusion gives some additional remarks on the subject of Confucianism in Chinese American literature and the methods of reading it. In this part, I point out the presentation and deconstruction of Confucianism is an ethnic characteristic of Chinese American literature and the reading of contexts is closely related to the sociohistoric contexts of Chinese American literature.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1255

