

Kuomintang’s Ruling of Arts during 1927~1937

【作者】 牟泽雄

【导师】 王铁仙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国民党(1927-1937年)的文艺统制,主要体现在它的文艺政策的制定、文学社团的组建、文艺媒介的建立、文艺审查的实施等几个方面。国民党在南京建立政权后的十年间,由于面临国内外诸多问题,其执政的理念和策略是民族主义。当民族主义作为一种意识形态与国家权力纠结在一起,这种民族主义便表现出强烈的统制特征,而民族主义与民众的民族情绪及知识精英的文化民族主义交织时,又呈现出极其暧昧的色彩。国民党的民族主义既与现实政治斗争密切相关,又与国家建设和抗击外侮紧密联系,呈现出极为复杂的面貌。这种复杂性必然渗透到一系列文化举措中,影响文学、艺术的整个生产机制。国民党在文艺领域的统制不过是其整个国家统制的一个基础和组成部分,它为南京政权提供政治合法性与意识形态支持。文艺成为国民党文化统制的最重要的领域,中共的文化斗争策略是最直接的触媒,同时也与国民党人的认识以及近代以来形成的思想传统有关。本论文试图从历史和思想理论的大背景下,透过细致的史料梳理与分析,呈现国民党文艺统制的复杂面貌并透视其根源。本论文共分为六个部分:第一部分是引言:介绍该选题研究的基本现状和研究动机,阐述研究意义及理论、方法。第二部分是论文第一章:国民党实施文艺统制的思想基础是民族主义,在取得政权后的十年间的文化目标就是将民族主义建构为一元的意识形态,试图以此促进其政权的合法性建设,同时对民众进行民族国家观念的灌输。国民党的民族主义意识形态建构是在三民主义的旗号下进行的,从三民主义到民族主义的演变,既是权威合法性的继承,也是其现实政治的需要。体现在文艺领域,就是文艺政策的制定、文艺社团的组建、文艺媒介的建立、文艺审查的施行等几个方面,各自独成系统又相互交织。第三部分是论文第二章:梳理国民党文艺政策的出现与国家文艺体制建设的关系,国民党文艺政策与“三民主义文学”、“民族主义文学运动”及“通俗文艺运动”的关系。分析国民党推动文艺运动的政治化思维方式及“大众化”改造意图和失败原因。第四部分是第三章:探讨文学社团与作家的组织化问题。立足第一手材料分析国民党中央宣传部直接创办的“中国文艺社”,各级党部创办和扶持的提倡“民族主义文学”的“前锋社”、“开展社”、“黄钟文艺社”等社团,以及国民党内各种政治势力创办的“线路社”、“流露社”、“新垒社”等社团的基本运作手段与作家的组织化策略。文艺社团通过对文学生产者的联络和组织,推动国民党的文艺运动和文化目标的实现。第五部分是第四章:梳理和分析右翼文艺期刊成为国民党意识形态传播媒介和再生产工具的原因和过程。文艺期刊作为一种大众媒介自身的特性,加上政治宣传动员和民族国家观念的培育,以及与中共在“文化领导权”上的争夺,成为国民党出版右翼文艺期刊的理论和现实动因。创办党报文艺副刊成为文艺统制的先声与尝试,而创办右翼文艺杂志并以此作为其意识形态话语最为重要的传播工具和再生产场所。第六部分是论文第五章:立足第一手材料梳理国民党书刊审查及电影审查制度的形成和衰落,联系国民党的政治统制和文化统制目标,分析其基本的运作方式与其得失。同时,对书刊审查制度催生的“杂志年”现象及“杂文”文体的出现做出合乎情理的解释。第七部分是结语:国民党民族主义作为一种意识形态的多变性和欺骗性,导致其倡导的民族主义文艺在理论和创作上都陷入到双重贫乏之中,同时使得文艺审查难以取得预期的效果。因此,国民党的文艺统制是失败的。

【Abstract】 In 1927-1937, the ruling system on arts of Kuomintang can be roughly divided into four fields:working out policy on arts, forming of literary organizations, building of literary media, censoring works of arts. Nationalism should be used to describe the idea and strategy of Kuomintang because of the domestic and international circumstances. As a kind of ideology, the nationalism is characterized strongly by enforcement when combined with state power. Meanwhile, it also appears obscure when combined with the patriotism of the masses and culture theory of the intellectuals. The nationalism of Kuomintang is involved in both the political struggle and fight against other countries, so it appears a complexity, which, no doubt, has a great influence on the variety of cultural patterns, the whole production of arts works. It can be concluded that the ruling of Kuomintang on arts is just only a part of its whole ruling, and supports its power with ideology. Accordingly, arts becomes an important field of cultural ruling of Kuomintang. The strategy which the Communist Party takes for cultural struggle, related to the thoughts of some members of Kuomintang, is the first direct catalyst. The dissertation, using a lot of historical materials and some related theories, tries to discover the truth of the ruling on arts of Kuomintang, including its causes.The dissertation is divided into six parts as follows:Part one:Preface. Introduction the study circumstances, motive, theory and pattern.Part two:Chapter 1.The ruling on arts of Kuomintang is based on Nationalism. During the following ten years when it came into power, it firstly aims to build an unparalleled ideology of Nationalism. Secondly it aims to indoctrinate the masses with an idea that China is a nation-state through the ideology of nationalism. Meanwhile, it can promote its regime’s legitimacy. It constructs its ideology with the flag of Three Principles of the people. The cause from Three Principles of the People to Principles of Nationalism means not only the inheritance of authority, but also the need for its politic situation, which resulted in the arts policy of Three Principles of the People, the organization of literary society, the control of media, the censoring action in the field of arts. Everyone is a independent system but connection mutually.Part three:Chapter 2This chapter focuses the causes of policy on arts, the relationship between the policy and the construction of national cultural system, the relationship between the policy and literature of Three Principles of the People, the movement of Nationalism literature, the movement of popular and folk literature. This chapter also analyzes the reason why Kuomintang promotes the literature movement characterized by strong politics and how its intention comes into failure.Part four:Chapter 3This Chapter focuses on the organization of literary society and writers. With the original material, the chapter analyzes how the Propaganda of Kuomintang establishes a variety of literary society and presses, how the Propaganda promotes the intimacy among writers, and how it helps to achieve the cultural target of the Kuomintang.Part five, chapter 4:The chapter aims to find out why and how the right-inclined literary journals becomes the tools and medias with which Kuomintang disseminates its ideology. Political propaganda, literary journals’ characteristic itself as media, the indoctrinating the idea of nation and state, the struggle for cultural power between Kuomintang and Communist party are choices for cultural ruling. The establishment of arts and literary supplement of Kuomintang’ newspaper is the first trial, and the right-inclined literary journals are the main media and reproduction of ideological discourses.Part six, Chapter 5:With the original material, the chapter aims to answer the following questions, i) what is the rise and fall of the censor system for works of books, journals and films, ii) how the system is related to the cultural target of the nationalist party, iii) why there appears the "journal year" and the type of literature of "zawen".Part seven, conclusion:Variability and deceptive of Kuomintang’s nationalism as an ideology not only bring about its nationalism literature into the poor in theory and literary creation, but also makes its arts censorship difficult to achieve the desired results, therefore, the Kuomintang’s arts ruling is failure.

  • 【分类号】I206.6;K263
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1137

