

"Integration" under "United Front" Policy

【作者】 袁洪权

【导师】 陈子善;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 “统一战线”政策,作为中国共产党文艺政策的主要理论立足点,自20世纪30年代以来,它曾发挥过积极作用。新中国建国后,“统一战线”政策仍然作为文艺政策的出发点,对文艺队伍、文艺思想的有效清理与整合,起过一定的作用,但这不能否认,建国初期新中国文艺思想的组成、文艺队伍的组合是复杂的。建国初期无疑是一个“过渡时期”的时间段,它不能无限期地延长下去,全国文艺界必然要进行“转型”,过渡到另一个历史时段。“统一战线”政策其实包含深刻的政治内容,“统一战线”政策本身,也有基本的理论和方法,但它有内在的、实质性的东西,那就是“团结——批评——团结”,这既是目的,同时也是手段。1949年7月全国文代会的召开,是“统一战线”政策文艺战线上的具体实施。之后建立的新中国文艺队伍、指导中国文艺的思想,都在这次会议上得以确立;9月,文教政策的立论依据,仍旧依照的是“统一战线”政策。1950年,中共党内开展的整风运动,为1951年党外整风运动奠定了“舆论基础”;同时,经历一年的经济及文化建设,新中国的社会局面得到了一定的转变,这为1951年文艺界展开文艺运动奠定了坚实的社会基础、经济基础、文化基础。本论文集中关注1951年中国文艺界,试图勾勒出1951年在新中国作为关键年份的文学史、思想史意义。1951年发生的每一件事情,跟新中国建立有着密切的联系,同时为1952年全国性学习《“文艺讲话”》和文艺界展开思想改造学习运动奠定了坚实的基础。本论文以专题为框架,以点和线的梳理为基础,达到对1951年作整体观照。梳理过程中,论文以中央文学研究所、私营电影业昆仑影业公司、新文学选集和文艺建设丛书的编辑与出版、《毛泽东选集》第1卷出版为横向考察点,试图通过这几个重大事件的历史还原,勾勒出1951年的重要意义。第1章围绕中央文学研究所创建及学员学习作考察。创建中央文学研究所这一文艺学校,已经表明中共对新中国文艺队伍的“不信任”。中共试图建立一支纯洁的文艺队伍,努力通过学校培养的方式,建立工农兵文艺工作者的合法地位。但工农兵文艺工作者自身素质的限制,导致中央文学研究所最终招收1期2班学员来充斥新的文艺队伍,形塑着新中国文艺队伍。这为新中国文艺队伍的“整合”提供了经验。第2章以昆仑影业公司摄制的电影《武训传》、《我们夫妇之间》及遭遇批判为考察中心。展开对电影《武训传》、《我们夫妇之间》的批判,针对的是私营电影业昆仑影业公司这一私营性质的经济形态。昆仑因其革命贡献,成为新中国电影事业的“统战对象”,但经济的过渡是新中国社会从新民主义经济向社会主义经济的过渡,中共选择昆仑为突破口,从而对私营电影业进行了改造,对在私营电影业工作的文艺工作者产生了“震慑作用”,赵丹、孙瑜、郑君里之后的电影遭遇已经证明它的意义。对私营电影业昆仑影业公司的批判,直接导致新中国电影局面的“转变”,私营电影业1952年寿终正寝。它为新中国文艺思想的“整合”奠定了基础。第3章以开明版“新文学选集”和三联·人文版“文艺建设丛书”的编辑与出版为考察视点。“新文学选集”和“文艺建设丛书”的编辑与出版,开始都有“统一战线”政策的考虑,但“文艺建设丛书”最终出版之时,这一文艺政策没有考虑,它成为“清一色”的延安文艺青年文艺创作实绩的表现。“新文学选集”虽然作为“统一战线”的产物,但与新中国文学观念的建构存在距离,最终于1952年12月出版普及版之后,融入到人民文学出版社出版,成为“国家文学”建构中的重要因素,“编选”原则及选目标准则发生改变。这为新中国文学思想的“整合”奠定了基础。第4章以《毛泽东选集》第一卷出版为考察契机。《毛泽东选集》第一卷出版前,《实践论》得以重新发表,其背后原来是强大的学习运动在酝酿。《毛泽东选集》第一卷出版后,全国政协会议确立思想改造为全国政治运动。显然,《毛泽东选集》的出版,为思想改造运动提供了“话语蓝本”,之后学习毛泽东思想的热潮遍及全国,文艺界思想改造运动酝酿成功,《“文艺讲话”》成为思想学习运动中引用率最高的文本,这为1952年《“文艺讲话”》十年纪念和全国思想改造运动,提供了坚实舆论。它们为新中国文艺队伍和文艺思想进一步的“整合”扫清了障碍,形成了统一认识,“统一战线”政策发生了某种程度的变化。无疑,1951年是新中国文学思想史的重要年份,虽然文艺界实行的是“统一战线”政策,但所谓的“统一战线”政策,是有强烈的政治价值作为基本准则的。

【Abstract】 As the standpoint of the main theory of the CPC literary, "United front" policy had played an active role since 1930s. After the foundation of New China, "united front" remained as the starting point for cultural policy and played an important role in the effective cleaning-up and integration of art groups and literary thought. But we cannot deny the fact that the composition of literary thought and the organization of literary and artistic working groups were very complex in the early period of New China. The early period of New China is definitely a "transitional period" of time which could not be allowed to prolong indefinitely. The national literature and art were bound to be "restructuring", to transit to a new historical period. "United front" was embodied with deep political connotation and inherent with basic theories and methods. However, it also had substantial content, i.e., "unity-criticism-unity," which was both the purpose and the means. The National Culture Council meeting held in July 1949 was a practical application of "united front" in the literary front. This meeting also established the new Chinese Artistic Team and the Chinese Literary Thought Guiding. In September, the argument of cultural and educational policy was still based on the accordance with the "united front" policy. In 1950, the CPC had carried out the rectification campaign which had laid a "foundation of public opinion" outside the party for the rectification campaign of 1951. At the same time, after one year of economic and cultural construction, the social condition of China had experienced some new change.This prepared a solid social, economic and cultural foundation for the literature and art movement in the literary circle in 1951.Focused on the Chinese literary and art circles in 1951, this thesis tried to outline the significance of the year 1951 in the literary history and intellectual history of new China. Everything that took place in 1951 was closely related with the founding of New China, and had laid a solid foundation for the national study of Literary Speech and the thought reform in the art and literature circle in 1952.The framework of this thesis is based on the above topic, and certain points and lines of 1951 are sorted for the whole reflection of history of that year. In this process, the thesis studies horizontally the Central Literature Research Institute, the Private Film Industry of Kun Lun Film Corporation, Arts Building Series and New Literary Anthology’s editing and publishing and the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol.1 published, and tries to outline the significance of 1951 by the reproduction of several important events in the history of that year.Chapter 1 is focused on the investigation of the establishment of Central Literature Research Institute and the studying of its trainees. Creating the Central Literature Research Institute had demonstrated that CPC was lack of confidence of the new Chinese artists. The CPC tried to establish a pure art team through school education and to establish the legal status of writers and artists of peasants and soldiers. But the writers and artists of peasants and soldiers, limited with their own quality, ultimately forced the Central Literature Research Institute to enroll a second class to shaping artists and new Chinese art team. This "integration" of new China team provided the experience of writers and artists.Chapter 2 is focused on the criticism of films such as "Wu Xun" and "Between Husband and Wife" produced by Kun lun Film Company. The criticism expanded on "Wu Xun" and "between Husband and wife" was pointed to the private film industry and the private nature of the Kun lun Film Company’s economic system. Because of its contribution to the revolution, Kun lun had become the object of new Chinese film industry’s united front. But the economic transition was a transition of Chinese society from the New People’s economy to a socialist economy. The CPC chose Kun lun as a breakthrough to reform the private film industry, and produced a deterrent to the private film industry artists. The experience of Zhao Dan, Sun Yu and Zheng Junli has already proved its significance. The criticism of the Kun lun Film Company and private film industry directly lead to a new situation of Chinese film "transformation". Private film industry came to an end in 1952. It was prepared an "integrated" foundation of the literature and art of New China.Chapter 3 is focused on the editing and publication of the "New Literary Anthology" and the People’s Literature Publishing House’s version of "Arts Building Series". The editing and publication of "New Literary Anthology" and "Art Building Series" have considered the "revolutionary united front" policy at the beginning. But the "Art Building Series" was finally published without the consideration of the arts policy. It was a full performance of Yan’an young literary and artistic creation. As "revolutionary united front" of the production, "New Literary Anthology" had a distance with the new construction of literary values. It was eventually published in December 1952 after popular edition, accepted by the People’s Literature Publishing House, and became an important factor in the "national literature". The principle of compile and the selection of targets had undergone a great change. This provided a basis for the integration of new thoughts in Chinese Literature. Chapter 4 is focused on the study of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol 1. Before the publication of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume I, the republication of "Practice" was promoted by a powerful learning exercise in the brewing. After the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" has published its first volume, the CPPCC National Committee meeting established the National Political Thought Reform movement. The publication of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" served as the "discourse blueprint" for the thought-reform movements. Later after, the study of Mao Zedong Thought boomed throughout the country, and the reform movement of arts and thoughts got a great success. "Literary Speech" became the highest rate quoted text in the movement of ideas. This provided solid public foundation for the Thought Reform and the National Decade in 1952. They have cleared the way for workers of the new team of Chinese Literature and Literary Thought of "integration", formed a common understanding, and "United Front" had undergone some degree of change.Undoubtedly, for the new China,1951 is an important year in the history of Chinese literature. Although literature and arts is one of the factors of the "united front" policy, the so-called "united front" policy takes strong political value as its basic criterion.


