

From "Root-seeking Literature" to "Post-root-seeking Literature"

【作者】 周引莉

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 第一章主要就80年代的寻根文学思潮进行概述:包括对文化寻根的大致过程进行梳理(“寻根热”产生的背景、寻根作家的理论倡导及评论界的态度、“寻根热”落潮的原因分析);对寻根小说的风格特点、分类及意义进行总结;对80年代寻根小说的文本意义进行回眸式解读。第二章主要对90年代以来的“后寻根文学”进行概论:包括对“后寻根文学”的界定、分类及特点概述;对“后寻根文学”与“寻根文学”进行关联性解读(主要以李锐、张承志、第三代西北小说家为例)。“后寻根”不是一种创作方法,也不是一种流派,而是一种分析评论作品的思路或姿态。所谓“后寻根文学”就是指20世纪80年代末90年代初以来的一些文化意味很浓、具有传统美学神韵又不乏现代意识的文学作品,或者说沿着文化寻根意识继续前行,尤其是以现代眼光关注传统文化、以民间立场还原民间的一大批作品。“后寻根文学”应包括小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧等文学样式,本论文主要涉及小说与散文。“后寻根文学”与“寻根文学”既有联系又有区别。第三章主要对“后寻根文学”与民间文化的关系进行文本细读(包括“后寻根文学”对民俗文化、神秘文化、民间诙谐文化、民间戏曲的借鉴)。第四章主要就贾平凹、莫言、韩少功三位作家进行寻根脉络下的个案研究。从贾平凹、莫言、韩少功等人的创作经历中,可以看到文化寻根脉络的不断延续。“后寻根文学”与“寻根文学”一样,包含了风格多样、个性迥异的作家与作品,并且在对传统文化的关注,对东方思维方式和古典美学神韵的追求上,它们有着一致的内在联系。“寻根”与“后寻根”都可以看作是一种“进步的回退”,而不是简单的“复古”。“寻根”与“后寻根”的文化意识构成了新时期以来文学的一条重要文脉。

【Abstract】 The literature trend of 80s on root-seeking is approximately discussed in chapter I:Including the general process of root-seeking literature (the background of "root-seeking hot", the theory of the root-seeking writers and the critical attitude, the reasons of low tide of "root-seeking hot"); the summary on the characteristics、classification and significance of the root-seeking novels; the reviewing analysis on the text significance of the root-seeking novels of 80s. Post-root-seeking literature since the 90s is approximately discussed in chapter II:Including the definition, classification and characteristics on post-root-seeking literature; the interpretation of the association between post-root-seeking literature and root-seeking literature (mainly taking Li rui, Zhang chengzhi, the third generation of the Northwest novelist as examples). "Post-root-seeking" is not a creative method or a genre, but a thread or attitude of commenting the works. "Post-root-seeking literature" refers to since the late of 80s and the early of 90s,some literary works including very strong cultural meaning, traditional aesthetic and modern consciousness, or moving on down the sense of cultural root-seeking, especially some works concerning the traditional culture by the modern perspective, restoring the civil by folk position. "Post-root-seeking literature" should include novels, essays, poetries, dramas. This thesis mainly discussed novels and essays of "post-root-seeking literature"."Post-root-seeking literature" and "root-seeking literature" is not only linked but different. The relationship between "post-root-seeking literature" and folk culture is discussed in the third chapter (including "post-root-seeking literature" referencing the folk culture, the mysterious culture, folk humor culture, folk drama). In chapter four, Jia pingwa, Mo yan and Han shaogong were studies about their root-seeking experience as three cases. From their writing experience, you can see the perpetuation of the cultural root-seeking clue. "Post-root-seeking literature" includes a variety of styles, personalities and works of different writers, and it and "root-seeking literature" is like, and about the concern of the traditional culture, the Oriental way of thinking and the pursuit of classical aesthetic charm, they have the same internal links. "Post-root-seeking" and "root-seeking" can be regarded as a "progressive rollback" rather than a simple "retro". The cultural awareness of "post-root-seeking" and "root-seeking" is an important literature clue since the new period.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2081

