

Researches on the Usability of Online Courses

【作者】 刘名卓

【导师】 祝智庭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 软件产品的可用性近几年已成为衡量软件质量的重要因素,网络课程作为一种信息密集型的教育软件产品,其可用性的水平高低会直接影响学习者的学习体验和学习满意度,网络课程日益突出的可用性问题以及解决这一问题的需求,是本论文写作的源由。本论文基于“以学习者为中心”的设计理念,对网络课程所涉及的可用性问题进行了梳理与综合分析,重点研究如何利用可用性工程的方法和策略优化网络课程设计与开发流程中的几个关键环节和关键问题,使得网络课程的建设过程即是一个设计的过程、开发的过程,也是一个使用的过程,以弥补传统网络课程建设流程存在的对可用性设计重视不足的问题,最终得以提升网络课程的可用性水平,使得开发出来的网络课程更加符合人的视觉特性和认知特点。本论文主要由六章内容、前言和结语组成。前言。介绍本论文的选题背景、拟解决的关键问题、研究现状、研究方法与相关术语界定等。第一章网络课程可用性诉求。本章是论文的研究基础,主要通过文献研究和思辨的方法,对网络课程可用性内涵进行透视,并厘清其与网络课程教学性和技术性的关系。除此之外,笔者利用Jakob Nielsen提出的十条通用的可用性启发式准则(见表前言-1),从我国2009年国家网络精品课程中随机抽取30门进行了可用性启发式评估,对评估结果进行分析研究发现,这些网络课程可用性总体水平相对低下,针对此进行了原因分析,并提出了改进建议,这一建议也成为了本论文研究的出发点。第二章可用性理论基础。本课题研究属于交叉学科的范畴,它涉及到教育学、心理学、人因学、信息技术等学科的相关理论,本章阐述的几个理论和一系列的可用性评估方法是本课题研究和实践的基础,它们为本课题的研究提供了丰富的养料、思维框架、研究方向和方法策略。第三章可用性质量实现模型。本章首先阐述了网络课程建设常规采用的软件工程流程,指出其不足之处,在此基础上,从可用性的视角,对其进行改造,尝试建构了网络课程可用性质量实现模型,从而为如何在网络课程的设计与开发流程中,嵌入可用性设计要素和方法策略提供了研究和实践框架。第四章可用性策划与分析。策划与分析是网络课程建设流程中关键环节之一,它直接影响后续环节设计与开发中网络课程的设计方向、预期目标及媒体表现等。通过此环节可为网络课程设计者、开发者提供学习者在线心理取向或使用习惯等方面的信息参考,使得开发出来的网络课程更加符合人的视觉特性和认知特点。本章首先对学习者特征进行理论探讨,然后重点阐述笔者在实践中进行的网络课程策划与分析阶段的实证研究,最后形成一般的学习者特征分析框架。第五章可用性设计与分析。设计与分析是网络课程建设流程中的另一关键环节,也是最重要的环节。本章首先对可用性设计与教学设计的关系、可用性设计原则和可用性设计内容进行了阐述,然后重点阐述笔者在实践中进行的网络课程设计与开发阶段的实证研究,形成了一般的可用性设计与开发的实践框架。第六章可用性衡量与评估。可用性衡量与评估贯穿在网络课程设计与开发的整个流程中,在各个关键环节通过此以了解学习者的体验及征询专家建议,作为调整课程设计与开发的依据,让学习者参与设计。本章首先在国内外比较常用的几个网络课程评价标准的基础上,对适合我国网络课程的可用性评价指标体系进行了探索研究,形成了一份网络课程可用性测试检查表,以便为我国的网络课程建设及国家网络精品课程的评审提供借鉴。结语。总结了本文对前言中所提出的关键问题的解决情况,并展望了后续研究的可能方向。研究的整体思路是:首先分析网络课程的可用性现状、对存在的可用性问题进行归因,然后对传统的网络课程建设流程进行分析,找出影响网络课程可用性水平的关键因素和环节,在此基础上,建立了网络课程可用性质量实现模型,并对这一模型中的关键问题及阶段进行了实践研究与分析,总结出一般的实践框架、原则和方法策略。

【Abstract】 The usability of software products in recent years has become an important factor in measuring software quality, the Online Course as an information-intensive product of educational software, the level of its usability will directly affect the learning experience of learners and learning satisfaction. The increasingly usability problems of Online Courses and how to solve those problems prompt the study of this paper. In this paper, based on the "learner-centered" design concept, those usability issues about Online Courses are addressed and analyzed. This paper especially probes into how to optimize the key stages in the design and development process of Online Courses using the strategies and methods of usability engineering, while making the process of designing and developing a course a design process, development process, but also a used process. It will make up for traditional developing process short of adequate attention on usability and ultimately to enhance the usability level of Online Courses, making the Online Courses more human and attractive.This dissertation is composed of six chapters, the foreword and conclusion parts.Foreword introduces the background of this research, the key issues to be solved, research status, methods and the explanation of key terms.Chapter One is the foundation of this study. Firstly, it tries to distinguish usability from pedagogical and technological properties of Online Courses through literature investigation and speculation. Secondly, a usability heuristic evaluation is done to the national web-based Quality Course in 2009 by using Jakob Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics guidelines. The evaluation results show that the overall usability level of these Online Courses is relatively low, the reasons for which were analyzed and suggestions are put forward for improvement, this proposal has also become the starting point of this dissertation.Chapter Two addresses an overview of the theoretical basis. The research is cross-curricular area, it relates to education, psychology, human factors, information technology and other subjects. The theories and usability evaluation methods expounded in this chapter are the basis of this research. It provides a wealth of nutrients, thinking framework, research direction, methods and strategies. Chapter Three presents the theoretical framework. In this chapter, the conventional software engineering process is described firstly, a series of shortcomings are pointed out, and eventually a theoretical framework is put forward from the usability perspective.Chapter Four touches upon the empirical study to the stage of planning and analysis. Online Courses planning and analysis is a key element of the construction process, it will directly affect the follow-up stage of the design and development of an Online Course. In this chapter, firstly, the perspective characteristics of the learners are discussed, then a series of practical demonstration are done and analyzed, in the end a general characteristics analysis framework for the learners is given.Chapter Five foucs on the empirical study to the stage of designing and development. Designing and development is another key stage and also the most important one in the course-building process. In this chapter, firstly, the relationship between usability design and instructional design, usability design principles are discussed, then a series of usability testing are carried out in the practice of concrete online courses designing, and eventually a practical framework of the general usability design and development of online courses is formed.Chapter Six goes deep into the core issues to the usability measurement and evaluation of online courses. Usability measurement and evaluation of Online Courses goes through the entire process of design and development, which could help designers and developers to know how the learners experienced in the course and ask for suggestions from the professionals, based on this, they will adjust their designing and development. In this chapter, firstly, a few distinguished evaluation standards about Online Courses are discussed, then formed a usability evaluation checklist.Conclusion is the last part of this dissertation. In this part, it summarizes the study findings to the key issues raised in the foreword of this dissertation, and provides the further orientations associated with this research.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】3938

