

Researches in Learning Interventions on In-Service Teachers’ Distance Training

【作者】 张超

【导师】 祝智庭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 远程培训是日益兴起的为支持教师专业发展所采用的一种培训形式。然而由于远程学习环境的特点,使得培训者难以掌控参训教师的学习过程,传统培训模式和方法遭遇瓶颈,培训绩效难以达到要求。为此,本研究顺应教师远程培训的变革诉求,尝试从学习干预的角度阐释远程教育机构对参训教师学习进程的主动影响和介入,并建构了学习干预分类体系和实践模型,运用教育设计研究的方法探索适切的学习干预策略以提升培训绩效,为发展中的教师远程培训项目提供适宜的理论框架和实践指导。全文共分五个部分展开论述:第一部分对作为研究背景的教师专业发展相关理论进行了概述,探讨了信息技术对专业发展的支持效用,并对当前主流的教师远程培训理论进行了梳理。第二部分在剖析当前教师远程培训中所出现的问题的基础上,通过隐喻迁移,将学习干预的理念引入了远程培训与教学领域用以解决绩效问题,并对学习干预进行了详细的界定。第三部分首先区分了远程学习干预研究中两种不同的社会学取向,表明了本文的研究基调。继而提出了学习干预的一维分类方法和二维分类框架,并在宏观和微观两个层面分别建构了学习干预反应模型和学习干预决策模型,同时强调模型的整合应用。第四部分转向实践研究,遵循教育设计研究范式构建了整体研究框架,依次以学习动机、认识水平、学习共同体禀赋结构为目标设计学习干预,进行了三个轮次的迭代循环试验。通过设计、实施、评价的连续过程,检验了干预效果,修正并精制了理论与模型。第五部分是对全文的总结,提出了主要创新点、研究中的不足以及对后续研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Distance training has been accepting widely in teachers’professional development (TPD) programs. The learning process of the trainees, however, cannot be under control easily by the trainers as to the characteristics of distance learning environments. Thus, traditional training models and methods are suffered from the bottleneck and the learning performances of participants cannot satisfy the requirements.The study is seeking to explain impacts and involvements on the learning process of trainees applied by distance education institutions from the perspective of learning intervention, following the innovative demand in the domain of teachers’distance training, so the classifications of learning interventions are constructed and the practical models are established. The educational design research (EDR) methodology is used to explore appropriate learning intervention strategies to promote training performance and the study also serves for teachers’distance training programs by providing theoretical frameworks and practical guidance. The dissertation has five parts as following.Part One in which theories on teachers’professional development and supportive effects imposed by Information and Communications Technology on TPD are summarized, and the predominant theories on teachers’distance training are reviewed.Part Two analyses the problems emerging from teachers’distance training before introducing the concept of learning intervention to the field of distance training and instruction to solve the problems on performance by metaphor transferring, and defines learning intervention.Part Three in which two sociological orientations are distinguished on the distance learning interventions researches, one-dimensional and two-dimensional classifications are presented before constructing Response to Intervention Model on Distance Training (RTIMDT) from macro-perspective and Intervention Decision-making Model on Distance Training (IDMMDT) from micro-perspective, and the integrative application of them is emphasized.Part Four concerned with practical studies constructs holistic research framework by EDR methodology, and designs learning interventions and implements three rounds iterative experiments for promoting the learning motivation, cognitive level toward learning materials of the trainees in the program and endowment structure of distance learning community sequentially. The effects of the interventions are verified and the previous theories and models are revised and refined throughout the design, implementation and evaluation process on the learning interventions.The dissertation ends in Part Five with conclusions, contributions, insufficiencies and some comments on future researches.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1552

