

Zhuangzi and Dances of Wanderers--Concurrently Discuss the Body Mind and the Enlightenment of Dance

【作者】 Yoshiko Takeshige

【导师】 胡晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《庄子》以其独具特色的美学和艺术创作论,以及蕴含深意的“身体思维”,为后世从事舞蹈的艺术家开拓了思路。笔者即《流浪舞集》的创作、演出者,出生于日本北海道,多年来漂泊于日本、美国、中国大陆及台湾等国家和地区。在不同的文化环境里接受多元化的艺术教育。“流浪”即是“游”;《流浪舞集》是笔者汲取庄子的“游”之美学观、“道”之艺术创作论以及身体思维的精华,用以表现庄子思想世界的一部舞蹈作品。本文从中国上古舞蹈传统出发,以“人天合一”为基础,从“天地大美”、“畸人之美”两方面来解读庄子重天地、重神明、重遨游、重变化的美学思想。建立在这一美学思想基础上的庄子的艺术创作论,主张消泯创作主体的主观“成心”,以达到“以人合天”的创作效果。《流浪舞集》中的舞蹈从舞台布置、舞姿等各方面,都是与庄子艺术思想有心灵相通的对话,在其启发下对《庄子》舞美世界的阐释。《流浪舞集》结合了巫祭文化精神、日本“能”舞,综合出土文物、传世文献、历代注疏的基础上,结合自己的多年演出与创作的切身体悟和《流浪舞集》的生成经历,不仅力求挖掘出《庄子》与舞蹈艺术相关联的思想,更试图激活庄子的潜舞学生命语汇,以表达新的天人舞学观。

【Abstract】 Zhuangzi was characterized by its unique aesthetics, art creation theory, and profound meaning of body mind, which carved out a new way for the dancing artists of later generations.The author, born in Hokkaido of Janpan, is the composer and performer of Dances of Wanderers, who has been wandering in many countries like Japan, U.S., China mainland, and Taiwan for many years,and therefore, the author has drawn different art nutrition from different cultures.Wandering is equivalent to Zhuangzi’s concept Carefree Journey. And Dances of Wanderers is the author’s dancing works, which absorbed the essence of Zhuangzi’s concepts like Carefree Journey (aesthetic view), Tao (art creation theory) and body mind, which were used to represent Zhuangzi’s ideological world. Starting from the traditions of chinese ancient dancing, and on the basis of the integrity of man and nature, this paper unscrambled the aesthetic thoughts of Zhuangzi,such as pay respect to Nature and Gods, and put emphasis on soaring and variation from respectively two standpoints:the supreme beauty of the universe and the supreme beauty of the freak. Based on such aesthetic thoughts, Zhuangzi’s art creation thoery made the claim to let the intention of the creative subject vanish so that the effects of creation,that is, making man conform to Nature could be achieved. As to Dances of Wanderers, from its stage setting to the dance poses, each part is a heart dialogue with the art thoughts of Zhuangzi, and from the enlightenment of which, they jointly explain the realm of perfect dance of Zhuangzi. Combining the spirits of necromancy and sacrifice culture and Janpanese Noh Dance, Dances of Wanderers is an integration not only of the unearthed relics, ancient documents and all the annotations of previous dynasties, but also of the author’s personal dancing experience, creative understanding and the formation story of itself. Besides exploring the dancing-relevant thoughts of Zhuangzi, Dances of Wanderers has another aim, that is to activate the sub-dancing life glossary in Zhuangzi so that a new understanding of heaven-man dance thoery could be vividly portrayed.

  • 【分类号】J709.2;J705
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】375

