

A Study of Naxi Dongba Pictophonetic Characters and Its Significance in Written Linguistics

【作者】 胡文华

【导师】 王元鹿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以《纳西象形文字谱》、《纳西族象形标音文字字典》以及东巴经文献《古事记》和《崇般崇笮》为主要材料依据,对其中收集与出现的形声字进行穷尽性统计分析和调查。论文从历时和共时两个角度,结合文字与语言的对应关系,对纳西东巴文形声字进行系统分析和研究,描绘出纳西东巴文形声字形成与发展的轨迹。论文在诚恳吸收前人对纳西东巴文形声字研究以及古汉字形声字研究成果的基础上,从以下几个方面展开研究:一、界定纳西东巴文形声字研究涉及的概念。描述形声字、准会意兼声字、准形声字、原始形声字、不成熟的形声字、成熟的形声字等概念,这是研究纳西东巴文形声字常常涉及到的概念。二、统计纳西东巴文形声字的数量并归纳其种类和性质。对《纳西象形文字谱》和《纳西族象形标音文字字典》中的形声字分类穷尽性统计。分析表明,纳西东巴文形声字是一个系统,该系统是有时间上的层次的。这个系统中有萌芽状态的准会意兼声字、准形声字,也有原始形声字,以及由准会意兼声字、准形声字和假借字进一步发展而来的各类不成熟的形声字和相对成熟的形声字。三、调查分析纳西东巴文献《古事记》和《崇般崇笮》中的形声字使用情况。详尽调查东巴文献《古事记》和《崇般崇笮》中的形声字种类、数量以及产生途径。在文献调查中,可以发现形声字形符和声符的关系会随着经文书写布局的需要而调整,还可以发现纳西东巴文形声字在东巴经中存在几个字共用形符或者声符的情况。四、从静态角度对纳西东巴文形声字形符和声符特点以及二者之间的关系进行全面探析。纳西东巴文形声字的形符一般没有类化,但存在符号化痕迹。声符的来源较广泛,且声符的选择往往带有随意性。形符和声符的位置搭配关系十分丰富,在字的篇幅上,形符和声符所占比例大小是随形符的类化程度而变的。类化程度越低的字,形符所占篇幅越大,反之则声符所占篇幅越大。五、通过与古汉字形声字对比发现两种形声字系统存在的共性和差异。从形符和声符特点、形声字产生途径以及其他社会因素的角度比较纳西东巴文形声字与古汉字形声字系统的异同。从此角度能看出甲骨文形声字与纳西东巴文形声字一致的发展痕迹。纳西东巴文形声字为早期形声字,其产生途径有不同于古汉字形声字之处,这也是纳西东巴文形声字呈现目前现状的原因之一。六、描绘纳西东巴文形声字的发展轨迹,反观纳西东巴文字的发展。从历时和共时的角度归纳纳西东巴文形声字的发展情况,描绘出纳西东巴文形声字的发展轨迹图,并由此反观纳西东巴文字的发展。纳西东巴文字属于从表意文字向早期意音文字过渡的文字系统,其形声字的发展是不均衡的。纳西东巴文形声字的出现,并不意味着纳西东巴文字发展到了最高的阶段,这种文字的现状以及未来的走势受到不少因素的限制。七、纳西东巴文形声字研究对文字史研究的意义。从宏观的角度来说,纳西东巴文形声字研究在文字史、普通文字学以及汉字学研究方面有着极大的意义。

【Abstract】 This paper, based on a survey of Records of Naxi Pictographs, Naxi Ideographs and Transcriptions Characters Dictionary, and Dongba Scriptures, namely, Gu Shi Ji, Chong Ban Chong Zuo, is an attempt to explore the pictophonetic characters therein. Featured with synchronic and diachronic perspectives, this paper tries to trace the development of Dongba characters of Naxi by a systematic research of the pictophonetic characters of Dongba as well as a detailed analysis of the interrelationship between characters and languages.Based on the researches done before, this paper deciphers the pictophonetic characters in the following aspects:1.To define notions concerning with Dongba pictophonetic characters.This paper is to discuss pictophonetic characters, quasi-associative compounds and pictophonetic characters, quasi-pictophonetic characters, the original form of pictophonetic characters, fully-developed pictophonetic characters, etc.2.To classify statistics compiled from the Dongba pictophonetic characters.This paper collects all the pictophonetic characters in Records of Naxi Pictograph, Naxi Ideographs and Transcriptions Characters Dictionary and arrives a conclusion that pictophonetic characters as a system is historical. The system starts with the quasi-associative and pictophonetic characters, quasi-pictophonetic characters, the original form of pictophonetic characters, which gradually evolves into various pictophonetic characters.3.To analyse the usage of pictophonetic characters in Gu Shi Ji, Chong Ban Chong Zuo.The paper, through a detailed examination of the types, number and the development of pictophonetic characters in Gu Shi Ji, and Chong Ban Chong Zuo, tries to assert that in a pictophonetic character, the symbol of form and pronunciation may alter owing to the arrangement of the whole scripture. The analysis also indicates that several characters may share the same symbol of form or pronunciation.4. To investigate the features of the symbol of form and pronunciation in Dongba pictophonetic characters as well as their relation from a static point of view.Generally, little change occurs to the symbols of form, which however has already fixed. The phonetic symbols, on the other hand, is more flexible and at once arbitrary. From time to time, the position of forms varies according to the degree of resemblance. The more easier a symbol can be categorized, the larger space it would occupy and vice versa.5.To find out the similarities and the differences of the Dongba pictophonetic characters and the ancient pictophonetic characters of Chinese by comparison.This paper studies the features of symbols of form and pronunciation, the way it evolves and other societal factors so as to demonstrate the similarities and the differences of the Dongba pictophonetic characters and the ancient pictophonetic characters of Chinese. Thereby the development of ancient Chinese characters carved on tortoise shells or animal bones and Dongba pictophonetic characters of Naxi can be traced. Dongba pictophonetic characters, early in time, is different from ancient Chinese characters as far as the way of development is concerned, which also can account for the status-quo of Dongba pictophonetic characters.6.To trace the development of Dongba pictophonetic characters.The paper categorizes the development of Dongba pictophonetic characters from sychronic and diachronic perspectives and maps out the process as a means to reflect the evolution of Dongba characters. Dongba characters, as a transition from ideographic to ideograhic-phonetic characters, was not developed in a balanced manner. The appearance of Dongba pictophonetic characters does not necessarily signify that they have achieved the highest level, for Dongba characters encounter variegated limitations.7.The significance of Dongba pictophonetic characters and its contribution to the history of written linguistics.From a macroscopic view, the research of Dongba pictophonetic characters has great significance for the study of history of written linguistics, general written linguistics and research of Chinese characters.

  • 【分类号】H121
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】584

